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Are we a couple?
Do we act like one?
Does it hurt?
That depends on which one of us you ask.
 Jun 2014 cs wondering
 Jun 2014 cs wondering
I should probably get some sleep
3am is not a time for pouring out sorrows onto paper
The morning is too young and the stars too bright

I should be dreaming of
blue eyes and summer nights
Instead I am writing of old heartbreaks
and drowning in my fifth cup of coffee

My mother reckons I should get some sleep
When she finds me in the morning
Lights on, slumbering into the warm keyboard
And grocery bags under my eyes
Big enough that I stumble trying to lift them

I should probably get some sleep
When my thoughts start to get obscene
And I am dialing numbers that I shouldn’t be
But sometimes I find it difficult
To lie down in a peaceful rest
When I don’t know if there’s anything worth waking up to
I could write about every constellation-
Every shooting star
With every possible word-
Deep and meaningful
But I don't think anything could compare to you
So I'll do my best

And care for your heart unlike anyone you could ever know

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
#love #compassion #faith
I am stronger than those nights
Stronger than that five year old girl-
That fifteen year old girl  
Stronger than a year ago
Than a month or even a week ago
Stronger than yesterday
This, I know, is factual
But that doesn't mean there will not be moments where memories run wild-
Rampant through my bones
Memories which cause my skeletal system to tremble
Memories where the images of which become almost unbearable

But I know,
They say some of the strongest people are the ones who suffer the most
Whatever that suffering may be
Blood still runs through their veins-
Still breathe in the same air as you and I
And they too will overcome

I will overcome
Time after time
Because I am a force on my own-
I am strong enough

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Not my best but I didn't intend it to be. It was definitely necessary in order for me to let go of some weighted doubt I've been carrying around on my shoulders. Maybe it will give someone else the perspective do the same.
Dream of a poem
Dream of skin softer than a baby lamb's innocence,
half asleep beneath Christ's robes
Dream of a mid summer night's brick alleyway kiss
awakening sleeping giants,
Strong arms holding you like a polar bear blanket
keeping out the lonely cold
Dream of lips ethereal luxury so delicate, if spoken,
it may evaporate like a morning mist in the late rising sun
Dream of a warm hand's caress
filled with the knowledge of universal brotherhood,
rhythmically dripping midnight murmurs over our bodies
until the world is slathered in brilliant color

Dream of slow ripening fruit,
patiently peeled as a long coming miracle,
revealed, the rich fragrance swirls into the air
pungent as cranberry glades covered in untamed honeysuckle,
the nape of your neck sweet as newfound freedom
sung in a silver bell
rung at cupid's birth
A heart gentle as moss flower,
eyes steady as my will
Inhale juniper, desire, go deeper,
into the primeval essence of our being until we reach its flaming core,
a black stallion running wild kicking up dirt in the desert,
easy as dominoes falling we come together like night and starlight,
to shine love and lust into this symphonic world
Drink me down and you shall taste the music of my soul

Now, The morning light may never come to pass
Dawn's chorus may never pierce the horizonless sky
But for this night,
I'll wait with the infinite
dreaming of a poem
 May 2014 cs wondering
Kayla Lynn
The truth was
I knew everyone I ever met
Was going to leave
Or ruin me
One way or another..

I just wanted to find
One person
That was actually
Worth it.

But sometimes
Hearts are black
And promises are empty.

I just needed someone
That would pull me away
When I tried to jump
Off the cliffs in my head.

I just needed someone
That made the bruises sting
A little less
Than before
And someone who
Wouldn't dare give up
On me so easily.

Someone who
Knew why my blood ran thick
And my tears ran cold

Someone who
Didn't cut up my lungs
When I breathed in their name.

Someone new.
Because we both know.
It was never you.
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