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Your obsession with me
is finally over
well hopefully...

loving you
was like
trying to breathe
plastic wrap
Up here atop
This mountain peak
Peace and serenity
Is what I seek

Trying to escape
Lifes daily grind
Some kind of meaning
I'm hoping to find

Breathing in
This cool fresh air
So far away
I haven't a care

The environment here
Can be cold and unforgiving
Kind of like
The life I'm living

Taking in
This magnificent sight
Praying to God
He'll make everything right
Putting cherry gloss
On those lips
The way your jeans
Hug your hips

Seven inch heels
Is what you wear
You like it when
All the boys stare

Pulled up on my Harley
Wanna go for a spin
You've got the face of an angel
And a body for sin

You got on the back
Wrapped your arms around my waist
Your scent so delicious
I wanted a taste

On this moonlit night
We drove to the lake
Sweet love to you
Is what I wanted to make

In each others arms
We lie on the shore
When we were done
I begged you for more

This has been
An incredible night
Swept up in emotions
Unable to fight

I'm falling in love
It's impossible to hide
I hope someday
You'll be my bride
I fall to the ground
In a family of seeds.
Lying in the soil
Nature meeting my needs

Coming to life
Through the ground I will breach
Growing so fast
To the sun I must reach

On top of my stem
A bud it did form
Soon it will open
The weathers so warm

The time has come
For me to put on a show
I'm going to bloom
And let everyone know

My color is yellow
Like a lemon so sour
Never have I been
Such a beautiful flower

I smell so sweet
A magnet to bees
Just to get a smell
Humans fall to their knees

Soon my flower fades
The show coming to an end
Please don't be sad
It's just nature my friend

Then jack frost sneaks in
Not making a sound
Freezing my body
All the way to the ground

The snow it does fall
Quietly covering everything
Such a wonderful blanket
I think I'll nap till spring
My tears have long dried
my emotions were fried
I just wanted to hide
you shouldn't have lied
it's been months since I cried
three  years since you died
I was never your **bride
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