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Colm May 2020
The most difficult part of being
Is to be
35 · Jun 2020
More Than Sleep
Colm Jun 2020
Crows cackle at the edges of my eyelids
They goad me into wanting sleep
But my mind, my mind
Cares not for that most lesser need
Cause the sight of you to prove your existence
Means more than rest to me

Means more than the rest to me
35 · Nov 2020
Consistently Away
Colm Nov 2020
I know you're running
Never still
Because I can see your feet
From this distance beneath
I know you're running
Even still
Colm Sep 2020
Aimless words
   Were known to me
       In many few
During days like moons

     But you, but you
           Were a sunshine moment
    In a fleeting sky
Behind both eyes

And now our words
Would be like bees
    In pollinated thought
           And buzzing minds alive

She A Buzzing Reader, Read Me Fast
35 · Sep 2020
Dark Hair Sea
Colm Sep 2020
Dark as wood grain ocean stain
With ripples I have not
In mind
My fingers
Swim happily crash within waves
Until I am forgot
35 · Sep 2020
Roads Which Be
Colm Sep 2020
Well traveled roads
Are not to be looked down upon
Are not always in being bad
Or even good

But they are well traveled
If you frequent them
And if your feet call for home
And out of your existence traced back there to where

Then in being and bound
There will be no shame
For it is as it would
As they should
Colm Feb 2020
I would wish fame
Upon a friend turned enemy
If only so that one day
They would walk back into town
And find
The one true me waiting to hear
All about it
I had a small taste of this one, and I hated it.
Colm Aug 2020
When the morning is an aging mist
Which catches deep inside my hollow chest
Like the sleep brought about once fast and past
Like smoke rings bellowing from a chimney stack
Ever emptying out

Until sky then holds no hands
And the earth will not coincide with any of mine
Once again, and so
I will not be found, let alone in peace reside  
So long as this morning mist persists in mind

Detachment has a name called me
I own it, and it is one of mine
Colm Jun 2020
The world spins ahead
Spins underneath
As my own head turns
Along with the earth
And tears itself apart in search
Of what quiet calm serenity can be
(And whatever personal tranquility)
Had been

Yet madly I go on
Beside my own self and being
In hope's of returning to me
Fully and free
My hope
With "the world spins madly on" in mind
35 · May 2020
Floridians (A Tanka)
Colm May 2020
Yet Towards Winter
We are drawn in surreal
Running South away
Our feet acknowledging that
Which we fear the most alone
Colm Feb 2020
When I rest I sleep like water
Into potting soil newly laid

Into my bed I find myself and fold
Like ironed sheets and cabernet

I dry and dry my desert eyes
On quiet silk
Unwind like coils and fade away

Like the distant colors of a prefixed sun
As its dullest emerald glow
Is slowly polished with grey

Until all that's left is the sleepless ore
Black as opal jewel with organic shine

I am tirelessly writing myself away
On smooth rocks from a vibrant stream

And all I want are mountainsby
A Setting Son (6) - This one simply evolved from a single line about wanting sleep. Goodnight to soon.
35 · May 2020
Colm May 2020
Does the wind fear the trees?
Or the leaves depart other than because they must?
They frolic together in the most
Perfect and natural
Peaceable ease
And so also you should
In this season of changing leaves

PARKSIDE Memories 6

And if you're out there, know that I never wanted to leave

35 · Aug 2020
True Genius
Colm Aug 2020
Truly exceptional people who do truly exceptional things, had the option to be ordinary every day. They just chose to pursue what they could never explain, but will always dream.
Mhm. Choices you make every day.
Colm Oct 2020
In revelation of
How sleeping waking is the same
Colm May 2020
Your face was far more pleasing than
The dream of seeing almost surreal
So I slept away and slept away
To see you again
But for the life of me now
In this warm awkward hour afterwards
I cannot remember where I saw your face
The first time and for real

No dream was ever happenstance
Fun fact. Our minds cannot create new faces. Everyone we see, we've seen. Etc.
34 · Jan 2020
Winter Man, Alone
Colm Jan 2020
Every time the fondness knocks
I hear an echo
Open up the door to snow
And find no summer joy
For guess is me
I swear, I'm far to kind for my own good. FML.
34 · Oct 2020
Nomadic Thinker, Wishing
Colm Oct 2020
I don't fear you
So much as I do
My me as a being
Preoccupied with evicted thoughts
A homeless mind
Is mine
I see

Would you grant me some of your spare thoughts, please?
34 · Mar 2020
Waiting Beside Self
Colm Mar 2020
Here one day
Wait, perhaps the next

Waiting is a most conscious thing
Though it's not me anymore

I don't want to wait another second
Without starting this conversation
Sometimes the wave just hits you. And you smile at the power of the ocean. At the smallness of your existence. AWESOME!
Colm Oct 2020
When I read you
I’m most selfish and selfishly
Within my own inhabitants be
Close your eyes now you may see
That when I read your words aloud
(in this often times more than not)
I’m not reading you so much as
I am looking and listening
There for me
Tis true, sadly. We're all such selfish beings. Me first and foremost.
Colm Feb 2020
Whispering into an envelope
It is sealed and slipped under your door
A small gift of song
An imperfect thing
Quiet and unassuming between ears
A sound which I’ve had and heard a thousand times before
And more and more
As it becomes
And in becoming yours
34 · Feb 2020
A Memory Of Adams
Colm Feb 2020
With tears
To preface rain
She said
"I don't know why I feel what I feel but I feel it"
33 · Feb 2020
All Perfect Days End
Colm Feb 2020
a sign
it all goes right
The stars don't align
but I feel them nonetheless
And for a moment life's duress is but a memory
To me, as I live and burn in this present candlelight
Though sometimes the evening is even darker than the night
And I crash into the atmosphere of a more realistic Me
Like a lonely poet who never shares his paint
Like a bygone song no instrument will play
And in burning I retreat
to the halls of sleep
I am far

(Even though it seemed to be the perfect day)
And sometimes I sleep just to escape myself. Yes me, who seems to have it all together. (;

Simply put - All Perfect Days End (sometimes in sadness)
33 · Dec 2020
Ping Me
Colm Dec 2020
Your emotion isn't poetry
But your poetry should be an emote
Uninspired, I know
33 · May 2020
Dating Time
Colm May 2020
I send not love, nor hate
But acceptance
Because I cannot help but live with you
And escape your resting presence
With what?
The occasional rest
And sleeping in
As is the provision of heaven itself in self
I sleep, and thus
Break from our mortal relationship
Colm Jun 2020
Like a mist your guise
Each summer arrives
And suddenly rolls back home, in time
Through my brick laden, star studded
Slightly falling, downward town
Closing in on forward, your mystery chuff
Peeks and whispers back mere smiles
Miss Downs
And with a rolling, and a winding
Like a circus wheel turn sideling
Paddling ever through a waving sky of findings
I am here quiet and there sometime searching
Still in the direction of minding
With constant winding down this familiar lane
Of which your own haunting guise is ever hiding
Forever in your whispers, you are

"I never know if I should miss you or regret missing you"
Colm Aug 2020
Like an ocean out of easels
I am drawn

Just as stars so many wander in
Like a child recently grown anew

And in walking so is hope revealed
To my remain both true and beating alive

Being all at the same place where my old words move
And I am left standing there alongside
Freedom is choice
33 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
Nothing has [a] name
A place
A feeling known as me
[In quarintine]
Colm May 2020
Scarce were no more words than weeds
In the garden of our perpetual being

Be they plucked or pulled
From tree born stars
Or shooting leaves across auburn eaves

How they fall so smoothly
And with such succinct being
That they couldn't be misconstrued as less
Or more so present in our mutual meaning

We are a garden of bygone dreams
By the wayside of being
33 · Oct 2020
Wishes Break
Colm Oct 2020
I can see the way you'd remeber me
So clearly in my mind awake

I can see the truth before me fall
And into self and to its pieces break
Yup. Just happened. Guilty.
Colm Feb 2020
In this river I pour out
A glass of lasts
Of water within me
To return as a well
And rejuvenate self
I must rise again in this earth
In order to be
I must go
I must sleep
A Setting Son (10) - I couldn't possibly begin to detail the feelings prior to these. It all just felt so big, like the sky looking down at the earth. Like the earth slowly moving beneath my feet.

I'm glad I did this.

And still do.

"Well, I'll see ya."
"I'll see ya."
33 · Apr 2020
Memories A Drink
Colm Apr 2020
Cold where it meets the tongue
Warm in the mindful eyes relived
Turn up the heat in this solemn room
As it is all that I can do to relive this again

No home, no food, no time left to return
Let alone option to be a companion
As I of the few who remain
Sum of less who survived let alone to thrive

And in breathing I, no, all of this is against me
Every ounce and pound of reality found
In the noise upstairs and the quite beneath
Down below the surface once paid for dearly

But I can touch my lips to a glass of memories
And taste every Saturday of childhood overflowing
As I am there again
But not there at all
Wow. Standing in this room, even the thought of it brings back the memories strong.
32 · Mar 2020
As All True Friends Do
Colm Mar 2020
Real friends know who you are. And they don't take offense at you being you. They just account for it. See title.
She said she was being neglectful. And I said not in the least. Don't feel bad about being you.
Colm May 2020
What started as an echo wave
Reverberating across my moonlit lake
In hues of white and shining starlight gray
Has grown and flown, rippling like nether wings
As you've yet to be shown, yet shone another day

For you were eyes wide at the slightest path
Feet found friendly in the walking matter
And in the wake of Halley’s hue, unchanged
As if nothing out of reach were something real
Just as ripples of your sound, were, surreal and the same

As my own, but with a quake across my darkened veil
Darts a newfound thought in me
Of water, you see didn't see, did you?
That beneath the surface of this calm, I churn
Because of you and your distinct social sounds anew

I'm just saying
Your love song destroyed my universe
With it's crashing, falling, call, and crescendo growing tall
Into waters awake beneath the colors of sky
You are all that which matters to me this Fall

To this ripple, a memory
You ever have one of those writes where it's no longer about them, and you know it? Where it's been so long that the memory is all you have to keep? Yup. Be it alive or dead, it doesn't really matter. Because memories are just that. The past.

Also if this song was a girl.... Jeesh! Not to mention Gasp!
32 · Apr 2020
Makes Me Laugh
Colm Apr 2020
My own mother called me an adult today
How dare she
Without even seeing what I've become
Makes Me Laugh
31 · Jul 2020
All Is In Her Eyes
Colm Jul 2020
Starlight doesn’t fall
It eases into atmospheres
And shines in mirrored eyes alive
Like all the sand-glass in the shoaly seas
And the crystallizing clouds in the winter skies

Just as all of this is in
Her eyes
All Is In Her Eyes
Colm Sep 2020
There is nothing there
In the place once where
My heartbeat did beat
And my kick-drum rolled
Like a stone turned southwards
To avoid the winters writhing cold

Breathed out like snow, the snow
Which falls first as a rain soaked hope
And freezes slowly along the way
No longer pretending to know
What the feeling of light falling
Is like being beneath

Yet in the stillness, it is always me
Who knows no different than this when
Will my skies return to the lightest gas
And my head stop fasting
On this memory of you
But a massing cloud just waiting to pass

And in the wishes of spring
Therefor hope once grows
And in the kind of snow which smiles evoke
Which will never come to settle on the wings of crows
But glows in the sun like a radiant pyre
And flows like the flame of a dancing wildfire

Ignited, I fly
And maybe then try
And shake the snow from my wings of this healing age
I find, and will hopefully allow my heart
To finally come home
Who am I but alone?
Colm Feb 2020
Frightful in the Catskills
   There is fearless my heart beating
Long and slow
   In leather strips and sacred meadows
With berries past and present, stew
   And heavy dew mornings on the eyes
   These sunlit mists which often persist
Making heads turn with every thought to sway  
   Dear mountain dream
   From which I always awake
   Cold and alone in a neighboring state
Please don't take your love away

New York Has The Best Mountains

"Please don't take your love away"

Also, dearest Montana. Please note that "best" is subjective in this case. (;
Colm Mar 2020
We all shine
Be it from powered stars or reflective moon
Out of conscious or uncommon try
Or peculiarity of mind
Well all are
At least capable of such kind emergence
31 · Feb 2020
Cold Building
Colm Feb 2020
The fondness of this soul building feels like hot chocolate to me. Warming this old unwilling heart to create and be. For another day. Another day.
Colm Aug 2020
The world is ruined
By this turning of unsee
No event twisted
Un let me be and beneath
Near this gravity to me
What Pulls Me Away, A Tanka
31 · Feb 2020
You, A Jazz Infused Drink
Colm Feb 2020
Pour my heart a Trenta drink
With lemon twist
And jazzenough to fill
My eyes with wonderment
At your waist
A taste
This drink of you
31 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
When God
Reaches down
And wraps your voice
Your arm, your mind
In a gifted shroud
Nobody cares about your small, petty, human politics stupid
Just go out and wow the crowd
Colm Feb 2020
The trick is not .... to drown
In the saturation of memory ...
        Highly colored
        Feelings felt
        Or letters burned in effigy
The key is .... the feeling of the fiery warmth
And not the dousing of opportunity ...
To make memories anew
I've never been a fan of "this is my place" and so-on so-forth. Life is too short to not explore every nook and cranny of this earth. Have confidence. Because you can do it! Rewrite those old memories with something new. Something better.

Don't Douse Your Inner Flame
31 · Feb 2020
An Artist Unplanned
Colm Feb 2020
From the day I first sat
     in that shallow class
Picking up a pen full of emotion
     to disperse
I never once thought
Or planned to leave
     (this earth)
So many millions of words
So many thousands of verse
As an opposite of me. That's one if the reasons why I love this venture. I didn't plan any of it. Not a single word.
31 · Aug 2020
What He Does
Colm Aug 2020
There is a self amongst confusion
A sewing madman obsessed with lines
Who quietly, secretly
Wishes for nothing more than quiet
And the resulting therein
Which goes along with
The breaking of time
After Hours
30 · Feb 2020
Taco Dreams
Colm Feb 2020
Really good ideas
Are like dreams asleep

Take melatonin
Eat a pickle
Try as you may
To recreate
And force them into wakeful being

But you cannot
Not matter what you do or do not eat
As they will only visit
When your conscious mind is at ease

Unaware of hunger or self indulged feast

Or you could try tacos
Tacos always give me dreams
30 · Oct 2020
Spinning Rains and Storms
Colm Oct 2020
And then one day
   When the sky’d had enough of it winded and vitriolic shame
With eyes wide as well mouths
   Looking down from the most inhuman skies abound
On that one day
   When the world wouldn’t stop for even a second anymore

It rained
Spinning Rains and Storms - RAIN
Colm Jun 2020
The most wonderful, terrible
Nightmare which could possibly be

Is but a walk on the beach
Mere inches away from the eternal mind

Embodied in these footprints following along
Truthfully behind

You know, a muse is the most amusing dream
From which you'll ever wake by the sea
To the sound of crashing waves, a truth
30 · Mar 2020
Colm Mar 2020
With all so near, so real and afraid
Of what could be nothing more than fear

With your lovers' witness, do as you must
And then again not to hate yourself into desiring nonexistence

With humanity comes choice
The trick is not to let your doings or undoings define you. No one gets out alive.
30 · Jun 2020
Feathers In My Hair
Colm Jun 2020
I move so fast
That the birds have stopped nesting in my hair
This year
Feathers In My Hair
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