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53 · Dec 2020
Prior Sight
Colm Dec 2020
Even when you look at me
Do you see me
Or do you see only
The years and years of your own idealism
Projected upon my being now.
53 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
You're a gleaming coin in a wishing fountain
A reflection of God to me
Colm Oct 2020
I peer into the night
The dark of thought
Of wonderment
Reaching into the vastness
Of what ought to be the sky
Pull the dawn into the existence
Of a more familiar set of eyes
Reaching, always reaching
53 · Jul 2020
A Modern Day Silvain Elf
Colm Jul 2020
Lead me not to a circus
Through rings and browning trails unkept
Unaddressed by rain and rain soaked oaks

To a place where the spiderwebs could never grow
And the sunlight never weave with such seepings ease

For as long I've stood and ever known
That my feet want more of this compelling cushion beneath
And my mind it softens sight at the corners of my eyes
Just to try and better see  

No woods compare to there which has been
And thus you cannot be standing beside
Unless you have such seen

In the stillness of this Penn resides the bittersweet
And the mossy trail to be left behind
Not the least of which considers me
One of it's kind

I am
Colm Mar 2020
When the fog finally breaks
    And the dayfever clears on bedded shoals

My heart of sunlight beats again
    Like a vibrant wire,
    Far stretched between out standing poles

There I am no longer on the sands of weighted cold
    I rest in heat, my heart it beats
    Like it did when the dawning days around
    Me were not quite so old

You cannot coax me back into a fever
    Let alone a dream of for you
    When all of these clear skies are calling me
    To see a new light find
    And within it hold
The Beat Of A Heating Heart To Behold
52 · Dec 2020
Glistening Comets
Colm Dec 2020
Would you be my stars?
Glistening comets in full admiration of
Me, looking upwards having found
The only essence of luminescent
I ever could wish to see
And in being (together) feel
52 · Oct 2021
October Clouds
Colm Oct 2021
Dark clouds call my name

With an honest voice
And a unified pattern of pattering sounds
Which hum like rain
And crash upon my shoulders
In this slumping chair of arching down

I do not respond
Oct Headache 1
Colm Jul 2020
The only thing
To regret of this dream
Is in the waking up
The moving of
And the wanting to remember
What I never can
52 · May 2020
A Song A Sound Tanka
Colm May 2020
Your sound here in ears
Is peaks and valleys out west
In this eastern world
Hear the Allegheny sky
I'm myself, a wishing song
A song called Tough. Echoing still.
52 · Jun 2021
Honey, A Tanka
Colm Jun 2021
Somedays my own
Headphones more than blue eyes
Want to sit you down
Turn on the song which turns me
And spin our eternity

(I want you, honey)
52 · Jun 2019
A Thought
Colm Jun 2019
A Thought

Is not a word

Is not a will

Is not a sky

But a man

A man is a man

A woman is a woman

A you is you

An I is I
From the clutches.... Yup
52 · Feb 2020
Falling Dreams
Colm Feb 2020
And suddenly
It is

Like the twisting snow or shifting rain
Out of nowhere falling
And on you in a new way
As if you are waking for the first time in another bed of life
From a dream which your former self must've intended to stay

Awake and suddenly
You are
When falling dreams are falling. All around you. Look up. Look up.
52 · Sep 2020
A Home Already Known
Colm Sep 2020
Neither fear nor memory
This face unfound
I am
Never was
Having since been freed
To find each other in this continual roam
I am all patched up and ever headed, awaiting, home

Based on bullet holes and hopeful thoughts.
51 · May 2021
the true one, alone
Colm May 2021
Can anyone find me
A single mind of true solidarity
Which sounds as good
As the nothingness of speech
Which I predict upon myself

Both seamless and unendingly

Until I am reminded that
I am alone again
And all too intimately
Standing close and contentedly
With no-one in particular

Maybe my one is meant to remain?
Deter Me Not Set (5)
Colm Sep 2020
Floating within turmoil
Hovering above
Crashing no more amongst the shores of love
I see the wave and fly
Higher unto high
51 · Aug 2021
The Lights
Colm Aug 2021
Dark skies are not black
Just devoid of light like oceans deep

And stars are not light
Just bright fires in the distant
Almost phosphorus sight
Of the galaxial eye

And the fact that we blink
Autonomic compulsive reactive
Shows that darkness exits
But only after for an instant flees

I call this, how things are
Visions and lights (4)
51 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
Within the crackle of a fire

In the voices of the wind

Just beyond the nights first desire

With the rivers running

THIS is THE PLACE where we begin
51 · Jul 2020
The Things Nobody Sees
Colm Jul 2020
There is no wear and tear
   Quite like the rebuilding of a man
      In the dark and quiet isolation of try
      Beneath it all
   These are the things nobody sees
His skies
50 · Jan 2020
Failure, A Haiku
Colm Jan 2020
Whoever fails not
But embraces self-doubting
Fails growth first at birth
Simply put - You must first try in order to fail or succeed.
50 · Sep 2020
Five Lines Of Fire
Colm Sep 2020
Lifted up from an ocean death
You breathed into my chest a breath
And gave me fire from the sun to glow
Thunder in the ears of me
And lightning bolts to throw
50 · Jun 2020
Satirical Stones
Colm Jun 2020
Your stormy words
   Cut through the clouds
      Dry as rain
And falling like stones

Hailing from another earth
   I feel the weight
      The desperation
Long before they reach the ground

Such weight embraces
   This trepidation
49 · Aug 2020
Presence By The Shore
Colm Aug 2020
Oceans, and

I am the place by hollow shores
Where salt and osprey meet in airs
Like hurricanes turned on their heads
Like feathers in the fair duress
I fold the melting sands amess
Into being as one they sung
By rocky shoals and jutting reefs
My currents forever run

I am the presence by the shore, the waters beneath the sun
Presence By The Shore
Colm Apr 2020
This time is not wasted
Though poorly spent

On the repetitious tasks know mostly to me
And to all those wishes and crashing dreams
Which fall down from star height
And burn into a nine to five atmosphere

Tell myself it's not wasted
Loaned and lent

Tell myself it was meant
To be spent
49 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
A verse, averse
I demand that it works
(an announcement of sorts this could not be, dear self)
Although this dude did just reach
30,000 HePo words

That's felt
49 · Sep 2020
Colm Sep 2020
If my heart sings
   And I give you songs
   You'll know of such sounds
(in a quiet whisper)
   And in sounding out
   Before so long
You'll know
Your love is a song
49 · May 2020
The Twilight Mr. Jones
Colm May 2020
Ashen daggers stick
Digging at secrets
Prompter of every questioning man
Who already knows where death's shoes stand

Just behind the curtain
In the plain sight of night revealed
And the sun
The sun expects him not the be a blight
On the daylight strolling hills

So instead of hitching with the strange
And innocent alley cats and saints
Like a stray dog bound with one bright eye
Darkness rides like dust on the rails
Of Mr. Jones and his coattails

Thus the law which ought to be instilled
Forevermore held in place is this
No time for him should ever waste
As attacks imagined, grant to him
Such a silent advantage which he'll always take

Do you
Still bring all living things
To still?
Mr. Jones?
Colm Dec 2020
The most beautiful words my former self said
Echo in memory
And in painted mind shine
An unapologetic sun glows bright in the sky
And I'm blessed with the sight
Of "I don't"

"Don't waste your time on me, you're already nothing, not even a voice inside my head. Thank God."

(: (: (: (:
49 · Nov 2020
A Tired Heartbeat
Colm Nov 2020
I am both here and nowhere
Inside these words and out
Lost in a questioning, wondering, how
To be free of something that will be
To be like snow and water and cloud
To be a bit more of a pragmatist free
To be something un
Somethint that isn't all about me
Preferably now
Sleep please. More sleep.
49 · Feb 2020
I Dream Of You, And Then?
Colm Feb 2020
A dream of you is like a story
I cannot, will not, wait again
To catchup and
Turn a sheet, a page

Dive and then, upon awakening
Will myself
Be whisked away again
Just to see you
And if, what then?

No future is found in an ounce of sleep
Really wanted to go back to sleep again. Just to converse more.
Colm Oct 2020
Every day I sit and wait
  to be paid so that I can sit and wait
   in public for thoughts to free themselves
    and hopefully migrate towards the future you
     who knows me not but wishes for these same things true
Colm Jul 2020
Clear is not a dream to me
But a real aspiration
No more desire to hide
But to be true though and through
And yet as complex as the turning summer sky embued
I wake
And am not without crashing storms embrace
Become free
Colm Jun 2020
The midnight clouds
You will never see
Because they do not, cannot, exist until
Your small chest breathes
And beauty speaks itself into the unseen sky
While you sleep
Breathless Day
Colm Aug 2020
Your heart a grey sky scenic quaint
My brushes too cold unable to touch
Your fragrant sky now dark as storms
With stars like broken glass finely crushed

And I, and I, a dusty grain
In of a field of sandy wishes warm
Found nothing but a sharp memory pain
In the heel of my mind there sticks your thorn

Like tress unborn of acorn hopes
And buried wishes beneath dead stones
There rise and fall in the mind of see
Having since seen my dawning home

Peaking above the wavering trees
There our path beneath ever separates
And in turning hearts now etched in grey
Sketched out an open talk

Just to say that this is one of the many places
Though we once traversed, we will not walk
Two lovers unknown to each other, except really in the realm of self.
48 · Feb 2020
Why I Uninstall
Colm Feb 2020
I want to love you
Polished girl
Who's grown from glamourus day of babe
But you
But you
Hold no substance of earth
No brains of your own
No truth to convey
You take what I give
You take
You take
Giving nothing of yourself
As empty beings, be
And by the way
You are not social in the least
Social is laughable sometimes.
48 · May 2020
Becoming Life A Shimmer
Colm May 2020
I am sunset rivershine. Holding onto the final fragments of the young moon fallen, and the starlight smile given quietly, free. In the passing lane of time, accelerating towards truth. Forward as I may be, at this present time. It's nice to know, that I'm not yet, or at least fully, through.
Sometimes I know I am. Other times. Not so much lolol.
48 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
How can I hear
Past the noise of all beings
If my own being cannot be
In quiet breathing
I can't
Colm Jun 2020
"You know me
I'm just like you"
Said the street to the moon
One reflective night
We are the same kind of vanishing day
And with a weary stroll
Against our own better judgement
We fight
For Jonny from the Sting
47 · Jul 2020
A Punch
Colm Jul 2020
The feeling of looking forward
Is the strongest drug
Which doesn’t require moving
Anywhere at all
Dear self - MOVE!
Colm Aug 2020
Like New York streets
Colarado peaks
And Canada winters blowing slowl

Until ash ignites
And in three days burns
Like a weekend turning
Until humanity is warmed to the bone

And so in seeing these how we often speak
Of pondering that which we do not know
But wish to of known for our future parts
And of a whole we hope to learn
A little more of sights once let go

No memory ever endures
Sights, truth, and memories human.
47 · Jan 2020
In Sight
Colm Jan 2020
Everywhere I go, unseen
The prevailing narrative being
"I could not speak to he"

Tall and menacing
Quiet and stern
So well and in his pace, to flee

Looking quietly past the height of me
And quickly away by chance
But you

In passing with a scrolling spree
I adore when you can read as this
I adore when you see me
In sight, see
47 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
Don't judge
Lest you be judged
Especially because of feelings felt
If anything you must
Judge due to the inability to feel
To empathize with the burden of others
To feel such crushing weight
Until you can see the shadow of beneath
Try painting pictures not of them
But of yourself
Matthew knows!
Colm May 2020
Sunlight comes and goes
Most homely on daily edge
Where moonlight it doesn't
Kind of a falsehood, since moonlight is just the sunlight reflected of the face. But I think you get my point. (;
46 · Dec 2020
At The End Of All Things
Colm Dec 2020
One day you'll look at yourself
And see a stranger staring back
In wonderment and awe no more
You there, reborn, will see yourself upon arrival
Having finally reached at last, the last
Colm Dec 2020
Snow knows no depth
Nor showers embrace
Like the sea at peace
Or the rivers mid run

For the coldest thing
Ever moreso than
These distant relatives embrace
Is this coffee in hand

It is happily so

[chilled to perfection]
Cold Coffee is gold.

Also - Here's the best Christmas song of the decade:
46 · Oct 2020
Pouring In And Out
Colm Oct 2020
Eventually you'll find
That after every doubt and waining fear
Has been stripped away
That time is all and good for your soul
And that jazz is just good coffee for your ears
Colm Jun 2020
Your dusty radio voice
Crackles in the closest way
And settles like the aero waves
Of old refined
So few to hear
Like perfect breaks in imminent line
Come other days
Around and round
To search for more of your scotch refined sounds
Colm Mar 2020
It seems that I am destined
To love the sound of such leaves
Rustling in the Autumnal memory
Even when another once wished to climb
The very height of my own trees

I am haunted and haunting
Though unconsciously done
Tearing, ever torn between. You do not own the sound of leaves on a voiceful day. But the one thing I can own is my own inability. With pride I take it. Because you know who? I finally do. Though I still hear rustlings in my dreams. RIP me. LOL.
Colm Feb 2020
When feelings are a night sky
And the darkness is all around you found
Keeping out with little window lights
Your prerogative is even clearer now
Than to those around
As I am the night sky reincarnate
46 · Nov 2020
Flower Beth
Colm Nov 2020
Of all the flowers a bee could breathe
And visit in secret
Without nest or nectar knowing
You all the opposite of calm and to be expected
Smell sweetly dulcet and intoxicating
Being ever drawn back like a buzz
As only you could ever be
Colm Nov 2020
Regardless of those outcomes
These comings and goings of great joy and unpleasantry  
Sing as my heartstrum stings
Bow and my base drum rows
For regardless of today aloud
Would you just be with me
My world for-unever in being

Together we'll forget the how
Having a great day? I rejoice with you. Having a horrible day? I suffer with you. Regardless of these and all of THIS. Can we just sit together for a moment and be still? Be chill?
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