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45 · Dec 2020
Foreplay Words
Colm Dec 2020
More direct than ***
In personal space to be found
F.  I.  N.  D.
Is mind to mind
Eye to eye
And soul for having found in each others parts the whole
A series about closeness . Not ****, just truth.
Colm Oct 2020
In realization that
Even memories die alone
45 · Oct 2020
the prominent role
Colm Oct 2020
How far does the waning songbird ring
How unheard of long the song which calls you home

you know?
45 · Mar 2020
Colm Mar 2020
Sometime you need to come close
And say no
To what you would be happy with
In order to find
What you will be ecstatic with
There was nothing wrong with her. But she wasn't right for me. (:
Colm May 2021
I pulled out a tiny little cathexis stick
and toasted the sky with your words of gray
until they bubbled in brown
and could breathe sweet again
having been sent home
to heaven where they belong

Yours were never mine to keep
45 · Oct 2020
The Next Eight Hours
Colm Oct 2020
He walks around all day and stays
With coffee veins and shining heart
And jazz whisking his head away
As show through 8-8-8
45 · Oct 2020
Denial of Both
Colm Oct 2020
You catch in my throat
Like a prayer which hurts the most
And a song remembered from the very first note

All of nothing and of something and of wishes and of woes

You see right though
And yet without want for his perfect timing
I find
That we both in unison say no
But perhaps for yourself, just a little moreso (;
Colm May 2020
Weary isn't the half of it
Behind this driving mind of which I've been

On a selfish quest and road trip bent
To distant spires by the sea
Where my timeful eyes can review and see

So many things

For she knows me well my feverish being
And remembers me still, that is until
The relentless Saturday morning thrush
Which knocks and wakes me inbetween

Ever pulling me from my feverish dream
Which I love as well with which to be

And so my dear, unless you are here
And within my thusly joining reach
With a quiet door and a will to speak

IF, but if not then all I ask is this

Don't wake me from this compulsive scene
Just let me live until you're live
For a little bit longer within dreams
Gotta love excessive sleep. It's what we humans do. Our last resort and escape from being. (:
45 · May 2020
Stupid Questions
Colm May 2020
There's no such thing?
There is, you see
As you walk into the room
Sit down with your little book of nothing
And stare at me demandingly

As if I know where the universe came from
As if your words are those which deserves to see
Through me intently

With your nose to the ground like a well-kept hound
You sniff up my leg most intentionally
When really
You are the furthest from the trail of truth
And you cannot even comprehend this loop
Which leads you around a thinly mirrored tree

So yes, every time I enter this houndtown
I will laugh you upside right from down
Until you bark with a tone more befitting your moan

There's no such thing to see
You see?
Stupid Questions
Colm Apr 2020
Let my hands know, not stray
My mind not walk into the sunlight bright

With a will of being, I persist
And by all means, mean
When approaching this

Still reserved, stirred and steady
Waiting patiently as the moon
Full as tides, light as snow
Closer than a ticking soon

My time it will be, ours  
Just as the train will come, I will be ready
Holding Hands With No One At A Train Station
44 · Dec 2020
Holes In The Clouds
Colm Dec 2020
Pointed hopes
Peirce skies above
And in colorful fallings
Reach the pinnacle of scope

We are seen most only when we glow
Holes In The Clouds
44 · Oct 2021
October Thought
Colm Oct 2021
I have lost the thought
Which once was mine
And in remembering it
Even begin to describe
How frustrating it is
To live and not find

At least what I thought once was mine
Oct Headache 4
Colm Aug 2020
Though storms relief
Be in no sky near where you may be
Remeber and in seeing me
Like the stars will always be enfused with fire
A breath like we will always ignite
You ever just need a rainout day? A cancelation in order to catch your breath and really feel the air? And if you're looking for the best song of today? I've got you covered, friend. Enjoy.
44 · Oct 2020
Umm Yup
Colm Oct 2020
In nether regions
Downward last
In valleys carved
And chartreuse hopes
I wish to be
There in you
44 · Feb 2020
In Relation To Morning
Colm Feb 2020
Life was once to me
A slate to chisel
Frame to feign
With stars the occasional to see, unfelt
When really
As an owl
I never knew a sunrise word until I stopped seeing the morning
Night guy. Tried that. (;
44 · May 2021
How she wears clothes
Colm May 2021
Were I to be
Even an inconstant breeze
In the sails of your chest
I would never be lacking
In joy or breath
Or in breathing or sense
I would never be without
Or separated from want of
This breathy desire

The way you wear clothes is killing me slow
Of mine
44 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
No time is biteless
Memories worthless to those
Too hungry to see
Too thirsty to listen - Memories are not currency
44 · Sep 2020
True Symmetry Of Mind
Colm Sep 2020
We are not fragile
You and I
Nor are we blunt and filled with either dramatic or traumatic cries
No talk of sea or stars or moon or sky
Can compare to the mirror and its vacant airs
To the coin and its other side alike
Of the same material made within different minds
No other two halves can compare
Or be undone as one
With so much as a stare it is know to be
Our love is a spiral
Be it up or down
Ever perfectly in earth or air
True Symmetry Of Mind
Colm May 2020
Guttural rumble
As tree rings move
So shifting Huorns call

Like bark rippling
In denim jeans

And yet odd
The feeling is
Of springtime through the windows felt

At last
Let me step into it with being
Firm as rocks refined by subtle streams

For you are birchwood and in beige
A beauty of Earth
An eternal sky

And moving less much
Like a tree
Will be the ever end of you and I

And so I move
In premeditated you
To find us

The mere sight
Of you
Makes such standard spirits fly
Yearnings Of The Earth And Sky
43 · Feb 2020
Would You With A Song?
Colm Feb 2020
You're very air
Is a voice my ears drink deeply of
Entranced by waters
And by the tales of a home yet known
If I sought out the trees
To sing you back into my own song
Would you hear me from this distance far
And come running
Knowing henceforth and forever
Where you belong

I sing when I'm super focused. Relaxed or both. Also this rendition is amazing. Cheers.
43 · Oct 2020
Morning Feelings
Colm Oct 2020
Cold extremities
Loud thoughts in quiet eyes  
With screeching questions underneath    
And squealing breaks      
On days like this; the sky should just go back to bed        
The sidewalks roll themselves up and hide
Morning Feelings
43 · Oct 2020
Colm Oct 2020
I pretend - And with infatuations paint at life
         with colors sound
         until this be known
To all those wishfully waiving trees
          who choose to grow
          in such close proximity to me  
That the secret is - I’ll never know what I want to be
Colm Jun 2020
To pull your sleeves down
In the midst of summer
Is not to fear the heat
But to aspire to be
The greatest form of indoor mind
Which you could possibly be
So once they're at length
And at your wrists alive
Don't worry
Just be
And don't freeze
43 · Oct 2020
When Poetry Overtakes You
Colm Oct 2020
As my archive
Kept archiving me
With a strong hold
And a seal so great
That in quiet places
I couldn't begin to think
Let alone even meditate
On what should be done
About these growing words
About flattened seams obese
And so I'll never again perhaps see
The rushing waters within the streams
Of a most flowing forth into my unseen
And to this I think, that it's alright with me
Having long since looked upon the accepted sea

And accepted such a fate
This one is about my feeble attempts to stay organized. To not be reliant upon any site to archive my work. When in reality, I long since lost track of where I first began. And do not care an ounce for the work of copying all of my old verses down.

No, just no.
Colm Apr 2020
Caught mid a breath as
I escaping metaphor
Ic fly my needs
An I to open windows
Cold to feel what is in between
Colm Sep 2020
There is a day which always comes
Like a sudden storm at summer ends
Like the echo of a drum
No words exchanged or even needed still
No letters signed were ever sent
Since my youth
The cold always begins without a word of truth
And with a lie the warmth end
Colm Mar 2020
When you stop assuming competence
That people are not people
But still children
Life makes more sense
We're all just kids at heart. Aware or unawares.
43 · Mar 2020
A Scottish Stranger
Colm Mar 2020
If you ever loaned your eyes
To where such words have been leading these thoughts of mine
Ever sacrificed a second for this side of my discovery
I just want to say THANK YOU
Dearest unco stranger of you
For witnessing this revision of me
Yes, please
43 · May 2021
Before you fall asleep
Colm May 2021
Just a look is all it takes to keep
My mind from drifting off again
Into what promises tell me
And yet my heart knows not will be
An eternal sleep

Just a second alone
With those eyes of yours will find
Within me burning like a freshly struck match
A fire so humble and a wisp so keen
To been seen for an instant more longer than sleep

Just to tarry with you here, my love,
Is beyond that of the summer afternoon dreams
Deter Me Not Set (2) .
43 · Nov 2020
Insatiable Me
Colm Nov 2020
Put a river before me, dry
   I drink
   An insatiable sea I'll be

Set a star between myself and my sky
   And watch
   And wait
   And see (what I will be)
42 · Jun 2020
Helping Others
Colm Jun 2020
After months submerged
In the same old stale air still with unlife
I breath
And in the helpful waters of being and choice
Choose you my lover being

It is better to do and try in life
Helping Others
Colm Jun 2020
You speak
And I hear my beliefs
Is a powerful thing to be
Be it only in hope and sight
When You Find Another Mind Which Sees
Colm Jul 2020
It's sanded pine
Near endless time
And summers spent on nothing at all
An investment in the gracious fade
Of seasons without age
And a blend of being
Over the trees which seek to cover all

No land knows not of over reach
Of these human ways which mingle in
And char the dirt like blackened earth
And yet the mother forgives us
Again and again for the feeling of grace
And the ambitiousness of man
Which know no end

And so
We begin again
More musing about this third rock
Colm Jun 2020
Like after an avalanche
My earth
Settles not knowing what or who beneath
Got buried in the shuffled frenzy
In the quiet wonder of not knowing
During such painful morning ongoings

I am alive
But not so much at ease
With my own me this day
42 · Mar 2020
Burning Arc Seconds
Colm Mar 2020
To be a star is to burn
Until the end of all trajectories
To be alone but never alone
Adjacent amongst the galaxies invert
Knowing you'll fall
Less because of being human
But moreso because nothing can inevitably burn
For forever in arc seconds time
To be a star is to burn
Burning Arc Seconds
42 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
The day it's easy
To convey such depth
Is the invested day
Vested far beyond this
And is fiercely won
Words and meanings
42 · Mar 2020
All Along
Colm Mar 2020
When you know
You just know
By no human means, no
But when you know
Truly know
You just know
Since you've known
41 · Oct 2020
One The Same In Song
Colm Oct 2020
It’s been too long
since in findings found.
I lost myself in words like leaves
In waving metaphor and euphoric breeze

It’s been too long now for even me
to say that I can still smell the trees,
and live like aspen beings tall and young.
It's been so very long now since our song's been sung.

Like an echo it
reverberates across water mists.

Like a chorus I
am no longer left ununified or in wanderings lost.

No the sky,
we were meant to sing songs such as these
You and I.
41 · Apr 2020
Memories I Can't Remember
Colm Apr 2020
White flowers on a sleeping river
Clear glass waters of a Mnemonic ripple
How I beg and plead to be remembered, this feeling
Of my own feet standing in this euphoric dream
Dearest of mind
Don't end again and make me wake
Don't leave this river to unwind
Memories I Can't Remember
Colm Jun 2020
No ghosts ever ran
And I'm not afraid

Bring on the dark-wind furious beasts
And the sounds of unseen terrors to-night

For I and I will answer with ease
That the heartbeat of a thousand drums
And the focused ice of perfect clarified unity
Waits for you day beyond this dawn

Know this

I am the embodiment of this deity be
Which wills itself from the earth to leap into the sky and fly
And never falls unless it's willingly done so

And thus it goes
That the deepest storm isn't always shown above the waters
This I cannot say but know

That no ghosts ever ran but from me
It will be so
Ghosts Don't Have Feet, But They Will Run From Me
41 · May 2020
New Mexico Reservoir
Colm May 2020
Spin me around in the desert and see
If I'm upset by these
Dry surrounding beings

And the answer is this
As you trail kick the dust
And move away from me

So I shout out loud
In a fading barrage

"How can I be?!?!"
When there's just so much water and word
Following currents within me

I will not die when I'm like this
Let alone perspire
Some days just feel really good. As a human. Creative.
Colm May 2020
Belief is underrated I find
And believing in is strong
Like the sunlight glistening off the wings of setting birds, believe
And so it will be
Shimmering and reflected in our most human kind of song
That the way to be happy, is to be
And not to harp on that which has been
Or those who didn't belong

Be free
Live long
41 · Nov 2020
I Want A Warmth To Share
Colm Nov 2020
Fitfully, I'm am the frosted earth
Cold as winter lace falling songlessly
Looking up at the sun in surface, longingly

How I wish to be a bright furnace now, fiery  
Holding fast to the solemn heat abound
Hopefully, within our bed to be found

Yet I am cold
I haven't been beside someone like that in YEARS. Miss it.
41 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
Beauty is not a belief
But a streaming reflection
Growing and widening into a river
And ultimately the sea
Or at least so your flowing has been

"You widen my sight
And when I look at you, see"
41 · Jul 2020
A Wooded Childhood
Colm Jul 2020
It's sanded pine
Near endless time
And summers spent on nothing at all
An investment there in the gracious fade
Of seasons without age
And a blending of being
In with the trees which seek to cover all

And so it remains in my memory min
And in the ambitiousness of man
Which knowins no end
And so its been it's been
Until the circle if we begins again
I like the woods. Always have.
Colm Oct 2020
It’s been a long time since
the sound of you came back to me
In an echo so fierce like the roaring trees
and embedded deep itself within wooded mind

Albeit growing towns and in doubt maybe
You are still eternal in stillness and air
Like moth wings ever felt unseen
and mulled ciders reckoning

Like a street vendor fair
How you always unroll the sidewalks clean
and walked out of us as far as eyes could be seen
Until carnival sounds were at backs and finally at ease

How the sound of you came back to me
without so much as a whisper spent
On this, these prattling autumn trees
No songs remind or need I see
We Used To Walk Each Autumn Fair - I Don't Need A Remind
41 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
Dark days have crept slowly into the month of my mind, and with spring so far away I just don't know, how my summer hope will survive.
41 · Sep 2020
Many Years A Line
Colm Sep 2020
Is there no one left who has walked this line of mine?
It might as well be a tightrope at this point
So rigid and refined
(by comparison)

Guess that's what makes it mine, lol
41 · Dec 2020
Repetitious Me
Colm Dec 2020
Some paths are too well tread for me
And through other thrown
In the woods of obsession known
Are remembered by me all too well
Repetitious Me
Colm Jul 2020
If the tides of hatred ever crashed, over my heart with such ferocity, that I cannot swim or dry off their lasting affects therein. Then I will quit this concrete race to the death, and die on my own terms further within. Though my only friend be this inland wind. Somewhere there where the spray of a freshwater fray, is more friendly to me than a million duplicitous greetings beside. And so away from the edge of the earth I fly.
I would. If such were me.
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