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Colm Jul 2021
After gravity fades
And the crowds die away
And all that's left is me
And I'm finally free
Not to sleep, or be scared, or be anything
But me
When I write like this right
For just a moment
I am free
And for an instant I feel
That there's no wrong in me

I am free
When I complete a set of poetry, no matter how large or small. I get such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment now. It's like a calming breath which seeps out from my chest. It's not easy to describe, but I just feel... almost more centered somehow. Like there's less voice in my mind.

And simply put... it's nice.
Colm Feb 2020
When I write
When you sing
We embody the voice spoken long before
No words ever were or
Colm Mar 2021
The willow strands fall gently down
And sway in unseen breezes felt
Such humming souls among the bees
In awe like stars, awash like waves
And beneath like clouded warmth about
They breathe their breath both in and out
The cooling trusting reflective earth
Which grows and grows beneath the feet
Around such mortal feelings felt
An embrace as such is heavens grace
I wish I want when we're without
One being
61 · May 2020
A Simple Cup
Colm May 2020
Having to have made myself
And by myself all too often alone
I'll know its love
When she makes me coffee
And I dont even see her coming
But with a smile
Passenger coffee
60 · Jun 2020
Questions Of The Eyes
Colm Jun 2020
Is a horizon ever uneven, I ask?
Is a perfect wood floor free to fall?
Is a hope, a dream, a wish
The same old night sky different
Just viewed differently by all?

I ask the stars, I asked the moon
I'd ask the sun but it just beams
And smiles knowingly in stubbornness
Having viewed all such horizontal scenes
As completed unique

No sunset was ever meant to be, it just was
And Horizons
60 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
Free is not always true of you
Just as you were not always in being true
With your heavy water, steel, and stone
A building soul is never built
Or in mind first being with others freed
One day you'll learn all of you is me

These four are for noone. But hopefully enjoyed by someone. (:

Be well!
60 · Oct 2022
An Ocean View to Hear
Colm Oct 2022
Rain falls
Hopes rise
Mountains crumble over lifetimes small

Night skies blink
Struck by waking tides
And waves crash down till no more tall

The humans run and walk their lives
Into beneath, beside, and in
The massive wonders of God alive

And yet so few ever stop to see
To breathe in these
Before their very eyes

60 · Feb 2020
Eryn's Tanka
Colm Feb 2020
Second chances come
Only open to those who
Arriving slowly
Choose the feeling calling rays
Of sunlit memories felt
It's not that I am anti second chances. Or that I'm overly fond of myself being alone. No, that's not me. But I refuse to look back, because believe me, my mind has already traveled back there at least a thousand times.

My eyes need not see what I already know. Sorry.
60 · Oct 2020
Your Body, A Vacation
Colm Oct 2020
Your hair is sunlight fading slow
Kisses crashing on rocky outcrops
Skin a warming beach beneath
Where I dig and dig in sands of joy
And dream of sunsets underneath

In looking find and in knowing, know
You turn my fire to ember coals
My dreams to shallow shoals
In waiting seemingly never known
Your hair is sunlight ever fading slow
Your Body, A Vacation
60 · Jun 2021
After The Self Control
Colm Jun 2021
Learning how to say no
Doesn't make it any less easy
Or anymore fun to be without
That whatever-it-is
Which you think you need
And in your moment of doubt
Never did
59 · Mar 2020
Easy Is Already Finished
Colm Mar 2020
In any fight there is a breath
In every battle a sky soaring innocently overhead
Watching us make mindless decisions
Every day upon days unend
We sleepily forget as if anew has begun
When really if it were easy to do
It would already have been done
The difficult thing is that which alludes you
59 · Feb 2020
Colm Feb 2020
I try and eat the world sometimes
With a mouth unhinged
And it doesn't work out
It won't fit in
59 · Apr 2020
After The Fade
Colm Apr 2020
Saying you will
Is not doing at all

Just as doing without
Is not reason in the least

Man and woman need meaning
More than the other
More than anything
Colm Mar 2020
Cold clay cannot be coaxed
Without warmth of fingers
Pressed and felt

No mold ever existed without mind behind
Or sculptor without a wheel to turn

Just as fingertip valleys were always meant
Thumb to thumb. Known.
59 · Aug 2020
A Colored Coin
Colm Aug 2020
Who am I to say what I need
What color my feelings are painted today
On this time and dime turned
Like a coin thrown down
Who am I to say what I’m becoming now
59 · Jul 2021
Colm Jul 2021
One with the earth
Some days so much
That I cannot help but smile
At our collective being

And then other days away
I would rather be
As I'm not one of you
I see
This is me. 100%
59 · Oct 2020
This Yearning Be
Colm Oct 2020
I love you more than anything me.
Wait for you like ocean tides knowing.
And speak with fire bright stars,
   where our hearts reside, burning.
In ever we will be togehter in
   this yearning.
59 · Feb 2020
Waves, Fire, A Tanka
Colm Feb 2020
Noone says goodbye
At the beach and yet expects
The waves to stay back
For more than a crashing day
As they burn by waterside
Life is short. Just as we all are. Crashing eventually like waves on the shore.
58 · Jun 2020
See Me?
Colm Jun 2020
Secretly - I sit
And by windows - wait
Knowing - being
Breathing - seeing
That the world - will not
But hoping that you - just might
"I just want you to know who I am."
58 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
The human heart is trying
Though it is inevitably
Corruptibly imperfect in nature

Though never the less trying
58 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
Fear is not more costly than loss
And in finding that we cannot fly
Half so well as we like to think about
Let alone try
It is the grounded meaning and by which
That we learn of the proportioned sky above

Just one of many
58 · Jun 2022
Another artists eyes
Colm Jun 2022
I asked for you
For your hand to show
It's contoured mark it my life
For eternity
And now
Years later
Into the future we've found
Out the open truth in the air
Above smiling eyes and wide with joy
I laugh out loud
When you walk in again
And that maybe someday
Is suddenly now

Do you remember still?
I never forget.
1Sight . First time I saw SMG.
58 · Jun 2020
Homes Are Never Alone
Colm Jun 2020
Even houses have their own natural homes
The quite corners adjacent to trees
Where their plots were mean to be
They are home
58 · Nov 2021
Burning Thoughts
Colm Nov 2021
To put your thoughts to paper
And the flame to thought until it flies
Into ashes enbrace
Until it becomes the sky
Colm Oct 2020
The same old tables know my name

And memories felt

In feelings like young hands first touch

Return in eyes one and the same

In creation, I create

And in hopeful optimism grow

Looking continually cut

Like the flowers by the highway lives

In wishing and where is why I tend to find

That you are the foremost thought of late

The only sonnet ever on my mind

In a humming truth like a vibrant bird

You are here most every time alive
If you could just see what I've become. I swear or will happily promise by high heavens, you'll like what you will find.
Colm Aug 2020
I write like I am your underwater
There in awe of not being
No longer of earth
Once fully submerged
I see but cannot breathe a word
About anyone but myself in secret
And then suddenly my words run dry
Bursting forth into sandy existence
And I'm out
All at once, it just ends. And I'm never sure how it even began or when I started to swim in the first place. Odd.
Colm Oct 2020
The breeze between my fingers holds me
Exactly where I need to be
And for a moment found
Connected there
Almost lovingly with
The soundless trees
Which have whispered fair
Next to nothing's for all eternity
Colm Feb 2020
Hush is not a shush, lover
Change is not of force but nature
Grown from stem, and root, and sound
Like fingerlings in the mountain streams
Like the tingling of your neck rundown
Can you hear the ripple deep the vein?
Can you feel the starlight warm composed?
Will you look in my eyes and see
Yours of the possibilities found
The kind of wish we both know?
With this symphonic symbol yours
And the seconds fleeting faster than stars
Falling I give you more than another song
Which I do not own
With this I, I give you my own
I Can't Explain, Just Put On My Headphones
56 · Aug 2020
What I Am Is Not
Colm Aug 2020
I am not a poet   - so much
As my poetry.             Is me
                 And these words
                   Are just   letters.    Living                
              Are just a construct
Of mine  - in mind -   being
Little abstraction
56 · Dec 2020
Would You?
Colm Dec 2020
Would I say it then
If given the chance?
And risk the inevitable nothing
Would you

Give up all the unknowing and happenstance
To be with me alive
And for more than for this one instance
In mind

If yesterday was just a blink of an eye
And a new future we could hold creates itself
Would you?
Would you be mine
Colm Jun 2020
Some days my heart sinks
And stretches out a hand to hold
Knowing that when it finally gets
What it so often most desires
It will need more patience than it has ever known
And to grow more quickly than it has ever grown
When it was on its lonesome path alone
And yet somehow it still it wants to know
Colm Oct 2020
My heart calls out
Across miles of the inhabited found
By those who cannot hear
Living peacefully in something-towns

For its by our sounds
That I wait for you
Like dust on the rails
Like anxious feet on walking trails untouched

I am waiting for you
Like Christmas snow
On the morning birth celebrated anew
Come home

Would you tell me my one whisper true?
The trees here miss you. And tell me all the time.
Colm May 2020
I find
That some of the hardest things to do in life
Is to do for you
And not for me
To live for life
And as a being be
To let go of that
Which was never free
And to let yourself fade
With a gentling ease
For as sure as I am of many things
Theae are truly the most difficult for me
And after all of that. All I can keep is now. (:
56 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
Cotton words
Well up in me
With wads of nothingness and felt
They glimmer and taste
Of a particular silence
And like the businesses just down the street
Their hope it flees
They've run out
56 · Jun 2020
Afloat Somehow
Colm Jun 2020
In an ocean of adulthood
My head doesn't swim
It bobs and crashes in a flooded dream
Where I am not myself
Nor what I wish I could be

At sea
Adulting this hard hurts my head
Colm Jan 2021
Fields ache to be remembered
Just as moons howl and kernels crack
And waters bubble into rivers

Wide the view of the passing deer
Of the night so strong
That cold thoughts can endure forever
55 · Mar 2020
Am I Just Another One?
Colm Mar 2020
The grounds of my courtyard
The woods of my heart
Have not been trespassed upon for an age
Or trampled unendingly by the masses of protest
The uncivilized, no
But to those who were once invited
To roam
Not a footprint is left
And I more than ever
Wind roundwards in clockwork
Walk the evening machines, friendly
And at pace ever turning

No choice will ever release me from this free
"Did your eyes gleam at my light
Or am I just another one"
Colm May 2020
Where the mountians meet the sky
There is more sense and visibility
Behind all of these tree branches reached
Than in me

In this moment of there and then
When I'm caught wondering about life
And where my next meal will begin
Respect is built

And all that's left is the untimely hill
Which is yet to climb
Over my yesterdays self
To again is to try
55 · Nov 2020
A Personal Thing
Colm Nov 2020
All of the hopeful desires to be
Cannot be
When I see you there
And in the future unseen
close to one's chest
Colm Jun 2020
One day I looked up
And there was a storm  
With all of its ominous brooding and I      
Having thirsted and been dry        
(for far too long)            
Rejoiced at your reign              

At your returning alive
55 · Jan 2020
Focus Mind
Colm Jan 2020
My focus is my blessing
Is my curse
My constant companion

Aware of this regressing
And forms of art perception

This is true
This is you

That what I recall is but focal point
Of when reality is you
Focus Mind
55 · Aug 2020
Never In The Present, Me
Colm Aug 2020
Unaware of my own walking
Feet are numb though midday may be
Forever wandering and talking
About the sunshine nothingness of time
And I am witness to this madness
My farsight focused, nearsight blind
54 · Dec 2021
Father Tundra
Colm Dec 2021
If God is a tundra, with seasons turning fast
like flowers, growing from the ground, or
flowing like snow from the falling sky
Like a building, God, is built powerful and
strong, and I not to last
Though a tundra knows no sympathy but
time, and yet, with Spring the Winter's grasp
will always pass
Colm Jun 2020
Expect no answers
To come from your mind
As it knows no more
Than tempered clouds
And expects too much, of you always

Expect no truth
To flow from your heart
When it's heavy with rain
And pouring out
Of this saturation found, and moreso

Expect instead
To be and fade
Like the ends of the endless
So comes the new
The next in line, is now

Just as the day most true is in ending
Colm Mar 2021
My heartache aches
In a streaking falling façade of a homeless soul about-face

Like ink dropped strains across a dripping chest
Revealing no tissue but the clouds and clouded paints

Like a comet dying in the atmospheric life of nothing
Tempting no one to look, but everyone under the sun to see

My hair above me and in moonlight come alive
At the electric touch of your skylight fingers

find me
Colm Aug 2020
Every wooden sanded edge
Every rippling river smooth with skipping stones
And metal ridges sharper than swords well-hewn
The kind which pierces even the heavens reign
And pours down thunder like an autumnal coat
I know, I know, of even such a place
Where the summers howl and the winters winds
Gently blow out candlelight stars below
And there also you will find such out
In the pouring of the heart and soul
I am the one
No doubt

(prr prr) all angles
54 · Nov 2020
Colm Nov 2020
At each unending end
When the night is darkest fair in the eyes of men
And the sight of it becomes meme
Whisper nothing but dreams
Breathing it's something of value
Into the ears of the dying day behind you
Good night and joy

6-12-8 / 6-8-12
54 · Aug 2020
Colm Aug 2020
I welcome your storms
Embrace your rain
Having fallen long before
In a flood
And in being
There my own being
So I welcome your storm
All around
Try me
53 · Dec 2020
Colm Dec 2020
You're a gleaming coin in a wishing fountain
A reflection of God to me
53 · Jul 2020
The Visible Man
Colm Jul 2020
I am not lost
Just kicking dust

I am not of starlight
But I burn

And though I'm totally
Something worthy nothing

And growing most daily
Beneath the eyes of seeing

It's in the looking
And finding next to breathing

That of me
You will ultimately learn
I Am That Once Was Born - Me
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