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 Jul 2013
There is a creature rarer than
you dare to dream.

If once it flourished
within your lungs,
savor the eternity,
it left on your tongue.

I have been evaded by
that space between the stars.
It's existence has eluded me,
it's true.

But it thrives in side your mouth
in your cuticles, it blooms
traced 'cross your eyelid
wandering from me to you.

Now I grasp the phantom creature,
I feel it's warmth between my thumbs,
taste the word within me,

because this is us and this is love.
Reposting after some edits.
 Jun 2013
The persecutor feels
because the persecuted
speak out
This one took longer than it looks. I went back and forth. It was going to be the opening of a longer poem but I realized that this said it all and that adding more would be just wind. Then I started obsessing on the last line. and whether it needed something before "speak out". I decided it didn't.
 Jun 2013
safe respite from a scary movie
i woke with bags under my eyes
heartbeats under dryer sheets

you could carry me quite far
i loved for you to grasp my hands
they smelled of sweat and cinnamon

first cigarette sixth kiss
you wrote me notes, i burnt them all
of you i do not speak

you whispered as i wore
your granite jacket; i have yet to tell you that
it's been my favorite color since

you were damp new leaves
weathering fall's best storm
and i destroyed you just as completely

wet rain long fingers
i rest and watch you speak
i believe
you may be
the final sequence
A poem for the humans I've fallen in love with.
 May 2013
On my darkest nights
I awaken in the ocean

your constellations branded
against the back of my tongue.

A bloom of tattooed moonlight
the senselessness of slumber--

though this ocean swallows me,
I will stay afloat.

Promise you will come.

When the light embraces dark
when the planets fade like scars,


So that we
might be the moment
of everything.
 May 2013
K Balachandran
Wor(l)ds cross pollinate, it seems,
our most modern thoughts
reflect ancient minds, if so
words lose or gain meaning?
 May 2013
Gary L Misch
March silent by me
For I finally sleep.
In life,
They made me march to music,
And those who never wore my colors
Called me hero.
I'm thankful that
I needn't hear their voices,
For I live within a land
Of eternal sleep,
Where only truth lives,
So we call each other
Only by
Our rightful names.
 May 2013
ribs expand
beating hearts
forcing amber sparks
through burning veins
you've turned my will
to fire
with your touch

i see triumph
in your eyes
as beleaguered souls take flight
their flame-lapped talons bear
our husks of memories
away from this destruction.

feather kisses on fevered wrists
courage on coal-smudged cheeks
I turn to you and learn to fly—
escape these smoldering ruins
like fledglings born again

trust in newfound wings,
our scars and burns forgotten
smoke and flames still in your hands
so let me hold them, let me soar

live in the sky again
 May 2013
Your eye
is the single thing.

I will fill it
with summer weeds
little stalks
no wrinkles
weighed with rain, like lungs of June.

I will fill it
with the hush of grass
with sun
your quiet lips like prayers, on my tongue.

You must never meet
puckered soil
wasted stems
no sickness
in this summer age.

Your eye will never fill
with these
wringing hands--
this ceiling without a star.

I will care for you.
 May 2013
Pandora dO
Our small droplet friend
is ****** in by a root
and helps a plant grow
another inch to the sky.
Copyright ©  2013
It's been raining for days with no end in sight... But, hey, it does bring us new life!
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