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 Jan 2011
Victor Thorn

I used to be a crocodile.
I knew no risks, no tears, no joy
no excitement to lure me above water,
no work, for it was cut out for me
in the shallows with the small fish,
no heavens to make up for,
no hells to hope for,
no soul to shatter on mid-spring days
when all life is but a nightmare
and clouds are all but
******* on my head,
who granted to desired effect
that siren hoped for,
who sits upon the sandy shore
and whispers sweet songs to me, myself
and repeats me back
the songs I taught her,
"Over and over again,"
she mocks.
How Neptune did churn his waters
to beach a loveless Odysseus here
shall ever be unbeknownst to me.
beeswax I have fixed in my ears,
now I cannot hear my other friends
in the trees.
once I make my flight from this island,
away from the crocodiles,
and starvation,
and sirens,
I will take it out, and
I will hear!
by God! I will hear
and be heard!


No sound.

The siren's lips move;
the water recedes.
the sky grays.
the crocodiles come.
I am drawn near
by her lotus lips that bid me down this tree
I must not dismount.
a second siren in the trees
has been picking out my beeswax.
Two songs.
The reptiles draw ever nearer to
the siren, her song is the loudest.
The second siren sings a song
of warning                              and captivation.

I dismount the tree
to fight back the green menace, and save
the first siren.
I knew these fellows once.
They were my friends,
and now do I slay them.
I see only jaws and red blood now,
and now am I defeated.
The crocodile has taken her as prey,
so familiarly,
for I was a crocodile
Copyright January 2011 by Victor Thorn
Wherever the ocean whispers, you will see him one last time
Faintly smiling at the barest touch and asking why
Wishing that he could move on
And perhaps believe
There is no use in giving love
One more try

You will see him hide his sorrow, in the passion of a storm
Waiting for the softest hand that holds a sword
He would do anything for a chance
To kiss the very feet
That keeps his spirit in such unrest
And defeat

You can watch him row across the neverending ocean
With eyes which cannot see the likes of you
Your tender heart in your hand
Wishing he could move on and perhaps believe
There is reason to give love
One more chance

Wherever the ocean whispers, you will see him one last time
Faintly humming a melody he cannot forget
Wishing that he could move on
And perhaps believe
There is another who is singing
This same song
Copyright *Neva Flores @2011
 Jan 2011
Bellis Tart
you make me sick
to my stomach,
so much so
that I joke to my friends
that the very thought of you
makes me throw up a little
in my mouth

you make my world
go round
because it's constantly a chase
but that's okay because the love
I feel, keep my feet floating
off the ground

your smug, self absorbed
stench of a personality
turns me off
a repulsion
that even I have a hard time
putting it in to words

you have a million dollar
smile, baby
and eyes that penetrate my soul
my brain turns to mush around you
but I'm too stupefied to care

you're the 7 deadly sins
and you preach
such strong sermons
while you back stroke your way
past the buoys of your principles
so fake

you walk into the room and
my heart beats
an extra little ditty
just to know I can breath you in
while it tries to race itself
to an early grave

I see your face
and right through you
I look  into your eyes
to a soul I can no longer find
my body does a 180
but my heart stays,
silly, silly heart

I dont want to see you
you're not worthy of my time

I don't want to not see you
you're the only reason
I even want time to exist

I don't want to hate you
you're the one I loved the most
but alas
things aren't always as they seem

good luck, you will need it
but I need no more
with awe inspiring disappearing acts
and tricks that cut me in half
but don't put me back together

you were once my dear friend
a confidant, my lover
a video game partner
or a tricky cribbage opponent
you were my favorite
and now you're just the bad taste
in my mouth
(c) 22/01/11
title is totally a rip off of the best song ever,
thence this shall become the best poem ever! :P
I would not yet look at you and stare
if ever the sun was hidden
Though so many times I answered back
Like a silver broken vow
of your tenderness
Standing alone at my feet

Does unfamiliar silence chase a heart
from every side?
Then in a strange unrest,
ask, "who are you?"
While whispering tender tear drops  
Among the crimson sheets
Of bitter truth

Within innocence or guilt,
my world will still be standing
In the place now my own feet
believe to be
Where my sun is shining

Even, if unfamiliar silence
Were chasing me
© 2011 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 Jan 2011
Bellis Tart
self inflicted hell
is not where I wanted to be
pushing you to the back of my mind
forgetting there was ever a you and me
rage fills inside of me
but I know I have no right
to justify the pain I feel
for having said yes that night
pain beats me down
like a constant punch in the gut
I know there's nothing to hang on to
nothing to pull me out of this rut
hollow is how I feel
like if I moved to fast or shook
there'd be no rattle from my heart jostling
it's not there anymore
it and everything else you took.
(c) 22/01/11
 Jan 2011
F White
waking up
and there's no
warm barrier for
the wind.
the shell
of duvet, pillow
and sheet is
and no
longer a haven
for my hours
you to
me while
I rest.
Copyright FHW, 2o1o
 Jan 2011
F White
I'm standing here and banging on this locked door that won't open.
I'm staring through the keyhole and it's black.
No light, I can't see a ******* thing, anything.
And if there's anyone on the other side,
they're not talking.
It's only a matter of time til my mind goes away.
Parts of it are going to start flaking of. Bit by bit.
Why do I keep having dreams that you're dead?
I can't see anywhere in my future. It's just like looking through  distorted peach coloured glass. There's nothing behind it, nothing visible.
Your shoes by the door, your books on the table.
Pieces of you that can't talk to me, can't hold me, can't fix anything or answer my questions.
I can't have a conversation with a blanket.
I can't get comfort from a pillow.
I don't remember your face because it's pixelated.
It doesn't feel fair that we have to choose who we choose.
I know there are a lot of things I can't control. But I'm losing control over the things that I can.
At least when I was completely alone, I had the option of changing that.
Now I'm alone even when I'm with a million people.
The comfort that they can offer, isn't comfort that I can take.
I know you're not fighting in a real war.
I know you're fighting your own personal battle, with soldiers I can't sway.
Ones I haven't even met, and maybe won't ever meet.
I can't plan our future because I don't even know if we had one.
I even knew that before we started, and I jumped anyway,
because who thinks when what's spread out before them is so beautiful.
You just close your eyes and go, because it seems right.
I don't want to feel guilty for feeling the way I do. When I enjoy things, when I don't enjoy things.
I don't want to feel stupid for missing you when you haven't been away for years. When I actually have someone who may some day come back.
What if you don't come back.
What if you do.
I don't know what my choices are anymore.
Because the screen doesn't answer me.
And you can't kiss a wall.
Copyright FHW 2009

A.N: This poem bears some explaining- I wrote it a year ago, while waiting for my boyfriend to return from Dubai. It was a rough time, and this is more of a stream of consciousness, than anything else. That's why the form is a bit erratic, and the style kind of...angsty. It may also not appear consistent with my general writing style.
 Jan 2011
I have come to see you.
But you remain silence.
I reach out to you.
And you walk away from me.

For you i have been through wounds and blood.
I ripped my heart out for you.
And crushed it into little pieces.
I wanted to show you how it hurt me to love you that much.

You turn to me.
For the very first time since you went away, you look into my eyes.
''I do not know you'' you say.

I nod my head.
I smile though it hurts to.

As i get home i walk down the hall to my room.

I can still smell your scent in here.
I can still feel your vague presence.
I can still see us making love so passionately in this bed.

Then i turn to the mirror.
I take a deep look into my soul.

My skin is getting paler.
My dark hair is getting lighter.

I raise my hands up in the air and my fingers have vanished.
I can not feel my heartbeat anymore.
I can not feel my blood running through my veins anymore.

I raise my head.
My eyes have gone.
Leaving two dark gaping holes.

My face is fading away.
I can see my own skull grinning at me.
As my skin crumbles.

Very slowly...
Very slowly i am turning into air...
You will never hear anything from me anymore.

The room is now completely empty.
 Jan 2011
This morning i made you a cup of coffee before you woke up.
I wanted you to feel that i still love you as much as i did.
You ignored my coffee that was waiting for you for some sips before you left for work.

You missed the bus again.
I walked right behind you, listening to you cursing the day and your high heels.
I touched your red hair and i could not feel its softness against my skin.
You turned around and looked through me.
I knew you could feel me.
I knew you knew i was around.
But you kept walking and i heard you telling yourself to move on.

As night grows darker i feel your pain.
You cry in the dark of our room, whispering my name.
How much you miss me everyday.
Everytime you hear the sound of rain.
Everytime you see morning dew on the window...
You think of me...

I am trapped forever between the lines of universe.
I do not possess my awareness of time and space anymore.
But i still have you in my weak indistinct mind.
A ghost is all i am to you.

My love...
My vague presence is torturing me.
I can not feel the warmness of your skin anymore.
If i could travel a billion light years away to embody my presence just to touch you for the last time...
I would...

Here in the dark you linger...
Reaching out into the night...
Tracking the last drops of my last days with you...

If only you saw...
If only you heard...
If only you felt...

If only you knew...

*I am here...
 Jan 2011
Jessica Hughes
Don't overwhelm me
a smash of your leaving.
Not now... I won't pull
through this crush.
In my face a blank
slate. ... not again
We've been through
this...  haven't we?
Than why???
Don't tell me you
got to go. This thing
here , whatever you
want to call me.
It's loving you.
You're a liar
You're a cheat
You'll be the one
that I'll be minced meat for
I overlook me, all I see
is you and I,
attached, fasten together.
Where ever you go;
I want to be there.
I don't care anymore.
I'm willing to do whatever
it takes.
Don't squeeze my soul.
Don't scatter me everywhere.
And time!
And time will only annihilate
my broken fragments.
I'm not taking no for an
answer. I just can't do it!
Not today...  
Please wait until tomorrow.
I'll be good. I'll be so good
you'll forget this day ever

By Jessica Hughes
 Jan 2011
I see you
Alone in a crowded room
Speaking about nothing
Going through life lost inside yourself
Thinking that you're invisible
But I see you

I see you
Cigarette in hand for something to do
Working away your time for nothing
Throwing yourself into anything to keep busy
Hiding from the pain you're afraid will lead you to hell
I see you

I see you
Silently crying yourself to sleep
Wondering why it has to be so hard
Wanting nothing more than to be free
Locked behind who you want to be
I  see you

I see you
So good inside, masked by a hardening shell
Heartfelt smile that shines in your eyes
So beautiful a heart that the world seems ugly
Too much disappointment, afraid to let go
I see you

I see you
Pain, excruciating, nothing to fill the gaping wounds
Liquid poured right through your soul
Ashamed of the past, afraid there's no future
One day at a time, a means to an end
I see you

I see you
Fighting everyday to be closer to good
Yet, believing all you touch turns black
Those who seek you out don't rate
Assuming they must be crazy to hang around
I see you

I see you
Happy for a minute and ashamed that you were
Thinking you poison all that  you love
Caring so much that it consumes you
Believing your doing right by cutting loose
I see you

I see you
Feeling like damaged goods
Sitting on the cusp of acceptance
Trying to re-assimilate
But more afraid of success than failure
I see you

I see you
Ignoring what's right in front of you
Pretending it's not deserved
Fighting your demons alone
Afraid to smile and bask in the joy
I see you

Can you see
That you don't have to fight alone
That you are loved just as you are
That you are an imperfect person
But you are still a good man
Can you see that I see the real you
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/01/2011
 Dec 2010
Bellis Tart
I felt the tears freeze,
as they rolled down my cheeks
I felt my knees buckle,
as I crumbled to the street.
You twisted my words into,
the noose around my neck
and all your half-hearted love's
the weight that holds me on my back
so I've pushed you away
put my feelings at bay
so maybe one day
my tears won't freeze,
cause they won't run down my cheeks
into the puddles of me
on the street.
(c) 13/12/10
 Dec 2010
Bellis Tart
i always wanted to be
that girl
too brilliant to resist
too pretty to dis
that girl that stops traffic
walking down the street
that's the pretty girl, i wanted to be
and today i'm sure, that girl is me
but turns out
it ain't all it's cracked up to be
cause i've learned about her life
all her pain
all the abuse
how she'll never be a wife
how you smile to her face
while you stab her in the back
twisting as you push in the knife
i've watched her drag herself
across the coals for your love
beg for peace, like soaring doves
cry for relief as she crawls down the street
after your threw her out
like an out of date piece of meat
collectively flooding her world
all those tears that she's cried
all the disappointment that she's felt, for even having tried
i've watched her fade away
like that soul of hers that died
the day you showed her you'd never love her
for anything more, like her heart and mind
so she jumped from man to man
searching for the plug
to stop up that hole you dug
with rusty shovels and all your poisonous words
words so sharp they cut instantly deep
infecting her with your thoughts and beliefs
just so those physical benefits you'd reap
so you twist her thoughts of love and her worth
and deceive her and make her feel less than dirt
like the ground you walk on
cause you walked all over her
and your name's all over those scars she incurred
you wanna hold her close and tight
but only when it suits you right?
then pretend that you don't know her
this girl, she's been broken
by the thing she thought she wanted
she just wanted to be a pretty face
that anyone would notice
but a pretty face doesn't get you respect
it just got her used
he drew her in, and she loved him
so she let herself be abused
like a cloud covering the sky
she'd fake it just to get by
and she might just never try
again, to look her best
cause those days weren't her fondest
when you could treat her such a way
like the disposable pretty face of a women
that won't stand for it another day
so now when people to her say
"'re such a pretty face.."
she can tell them all this story
and how unpretty it really is in this place
(c) 07/12/10
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