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 May 2011
F White
there's a cat on my arm
she purrs, filling my limbs
with her side by side
little nose tickling
my wrist

they see me cry,
you know.
the four footed beings
who watch me fall apart.

it's sometimes good, I think
that they don't speak.
I don't want the pity
of things
with whiskers.
copyright FHW, 2011
 Apr 2011
Lilly Bug
Ever lost your heart
In a boundless world
Free from havoc
Free to fly
Unshackled by awe
Lost to the endless
Perpetual mysticism
Free from glaring gazes
And ruffled brows
Contained yet unaware
In what is deemed love
 Mar 2011
Bellis Tart
that voice of yours
at the bottom of the stairs below
takes my breath to places
i do not know
but my muscles don't flinch
nor do i outwardly show
though my heart beats so fast
out my chest it will go
like a ghost through the wall
i feel your voice flow
and it calls not my name
for you i no longer know
 Mar 2011
Lilly Bug
I can’t see.
My eyes are drying out.
My heart is torn, without a doubt,
From the pain you’ve caused me.

Ripped to shreds
Like my book of dreams
Burnt in flames of dread
My heart is fraying at the seems

In my sea of raging tears
I scream into my goose down pillow
Now it’s time for a few more beers
Four more pints and I won’t weep like a willow
 Mar 2011
Jessica Hughes
I stood in the freezing cold.
And the rain felt like snowballs.
On a side bench under neon lights, I sat.
With a blue circle surrounding my eye,
when somebody almost knocked my
lights out. Just staring at those who
gawked at me. As I smoked under a
store roof top. This is when I saw you.
You walked on by. To my surprise,
You were as handsome as ever.
"Life must be treating him well."
There was a provoking sound out of
the gaping sky to jump in front of a
bus. You would pay attention.
Maybe stop to see me lying there.
I'm not okay as my quivery voice
claimed. But, you didn't detect the
disturbing echos in the background.
So I hung up the phone.
I, the old worn out dish rag.
I, the door mat to most people.
Still, I thought you would have an
instant flashback. A relapse of our
long history together. Instead,
here I stand in the freezing rain.
And you can't even remember my name.
It's Ada... I uttered. The lighter burning
my fingertips. The expression on your
face. It told our story. I kept walking
through the foggy night.
By Jessica Hughes ©2011
All Rights Reserved by Author
 Mar 2011
Victor Thorn
last time we spoke in person,
you were mumbling to yourself
because you didn't want to be real.

the day looked warm, but wasn't.
we looked warm, but weren't.
we both put on bright colors and "good intentions"
and staged a disguised tragedy
for your best friend,
your new convert,
and my bruised, pathetic, parasitic alter ego;
the one who lives in a halcyon utopia of ignorance and bliss,
the one i was trying to **** with exercise.
my legs were as sore as hell.
i had run too far,
too long
last night.
it was starting to wear on me,
and yet later i would go running again
to **** that man who was born a year ago this month.
why won't i ever give up?

and there was that abhorrent autobus!
the one that doughnutted me all the way to
Revelationville and left me there,
with no means to get home.

i took a seat.
parasite thought that maybe his work would be
rewarded, this newer body exalted,
but parasite lives in ignorance and bliss.
and there i stagnated for seventy-two minutes,
until most of us were ordered off the bus,
but you and your best friend stayed,
which would be more like a reverse irony.

all day, i doughnutted my way around
that college campus,
that strange new world i had to adjust to.
i knew i might not attend there when i became of age,
but i memorized its hallways and corridors anyway.
every aspect of it is still preserved in my mind.
why do i do things like that?

they were testing us on things i was never taught,
and didn't understand,
like why Norman Peevey, with his visible muscle, had two girls at his sides,
and why i could hardly manage one
being handsome, as Hope and others had called it,
and nice,
and having a decent body,
and twice the personality.

they also tested us in english and creative writing.
i made the high score.

i was jettisoned out of that unfamiliar world.

and when we made it to the restaurant
i sat alone,
and you sat with friends,
but eventually invited yourself over.
your best friend did most of the talking,
so i just listened to her,
fiddling with the notepad on my ipod
until i asked, "is 'autobus' one word, or two?"
you held up one finger. "one. why?"
"i'm playing scrabble on my ipod," i lied.

why did you have to see me on a bad day?
why is every day i come within five feet of you
a "bad day"?

speeding back to that ****-infested hometown,
you were mumbling a song i knew,
about blocking out the world with headphones.
you didn't want to be real.
being real would mean talking to me.
being real would mean facing my music.

i mumbled a song to block yours out:

"you abandoned me.
love don't live here anymore."

why won't you let it die,
so you can let it be reborn,
like i have died,
only to be reborn?
Copyright March 3rd, 2011 by Victor Thorn.
-A sequel to (don't you) let it die.
 Mar 2011
Bellis Tart
I was so mad
boy you could never know
how much it boiled my blood

Mad because that is what
they all said I should be
like anger was the cement foundation of recovery

Resentful of the things
that you knowingly put me through
but I was the fool, for trying to catch water in a net

Indifference is what I'm aiming for
though I will always swing one way
because I adore you, all your faults and perfections

Sad, is all I feel
though I fill my head so there is no room
for boxes marked 'memories'  beside your name

Till accustom I become
to hiding it all away
in places even I will no longer find them
 Feb 2011
Lilly Bug
Dear Andy, Thank you and Goodbye.


A deep tiresome passion has been building up inside me,
And it’s been two months and six days since I last saw you.
At the beach is where I’ll find you and is where I soon will be.
We’ll see each other and I’ll recover because you’ll be next to me.

Soft and smooth are your curly brown locks,
And sweet and luscious are your round small lips.
The scent of you with all your letters in my little green box,
Now I see your green eyes and feel your warm finger tips.

Slow and seductive are the long whispers I keep,
And it’s your voice I hear daily with little hope.
In my dreams is where I’ll find you as I fall into sleep,
And in the sunset we do paddle in the swan love boat.


The sand is in between the keyboard keys and caked onto my knees,
With a glass of wine at ten thirty in the morning I sit only broken hearted
A night together on the beach I had planned for two months, but you lied to me
All a lie, you scammed me how could I have been out smarted.

Lying together all day, and drinking late into night,
Only to crawl to the twin bed in the early hours of the morning.
You’d caress me as I sleep and hold me until awoken by sunlight.
Soon you must leave to go home, but I will visit soon and bring you loving.

Two months have passed and most days we’ve spoken,
But it seems now another girl found her way into the picture.
Without a word you have lured me here only to leave me broken.
You praise her and I watch just like a permanent wall fixture.

Thanks for the lies, and all the wasted time.
This is the end of the all the extra feelings.
My life is taking a rapid U-turn without you in line.
Please enjoy her company while I stand here dying.  


Sofi Lilly
 Feb 2011
Jessica Hughes
Nowhere remove thou love.
Nowhere as distant miles afar.
Stay close like the blood in my veins.
A constant recycle of why I live. What I'm living for....

For I may go paranoid and declare me mental.
Spineless I am when your strong scent I sniffle.
As it flourishes and bounce; close to you is my house.

There, making you my man with gentle caress of hands.
That cause the ground to blush; nature smiles upon our crush.
As we enthrall in one another's self: producing the selfless love.

And my dream is there_ inside of you and you inside of me.
The way life was intended to grow inward and bloom outward.
As spring flowers: as poetry that ignites then consume.

Nowhere fulfill another lust.
Nowhere find yourself losing us.
My heart may burst from the pain.
If that be, love cannot sustain.
Even to return in remained regret.
Therefore,  nowhere remove thou self.
Happy V-Day My Fellow Poets!

Protected By MyFreeCopyrights
 Feb 2011
F White
I wanted to be different
to be able to
hold back somehow

to look like a different
world- a new

But I was still the
same. Inside, outside

You were like an owl
covered in wise
feathers, drenched
in sadness
licked with a coat
of happy

All my heart
went into your
arms and I
fell down the
mountain again.

We've got
to stop writing
These Letters.
Copyright FHW, 2011
 Feb 2011
Victor Thorn
last time we spoke in person
you kissed a fogged up bus window
because you were sad.

the day was cold and gray and wet.
we were cold and gray and wet.
the bus had a blowout, there was smoke everywhere,
we pulled over.
everyone freaked out,
but we just sat there.
you were in front of me,
i was behind you,
texting each other, because we couldn't talk in person,
i had decided i was mad at you.
why was i mad, and not sad?
you had decided to make my mistake
of wanting something you just can't have.
why were you sad, and not mad?

the bus pressed onward on three wheels and a doughnut-
a wheel you want to think is there, but isn't.
and when we made it to the restaurant,
i sat alone,
and you sat alone
with friends you kept from inviting me over,
and you left
and they left
and i left.

the bus doughnutted it's way to some ****** play,
i sat on the far left,
you sat on the far right,
and they left,
and you left,
and i left.

we were waiting on something,
so you typed "hey"
and i typed "what"
and you asked me what i thought
and i said there was only one way it could have been worse.
and you asked what
but i didn't answer.

the bus doughtnutted it's way down the twisting, turning, hateful road that leads to my hometown where i can hardly pass a crack in the pavement without a painful memory, like a ****, sprouting up.

it was cold and gray and wet that day;
the bus window was foggy.
you drew a heart and scribbled initials inside.


you kissed a fogged up bus window
because you were sad.

i drew a heart and scribbled initials inside,
of course you couldn't see me
(i was behind you)


i kissed a fogged up bus window
because i was sad
and wished you would turn around.
Copyright February 2011 by Victor Thorn
 Feb 2011
Jessica Hughes
Where is her joy? The flirtation of moonlit fire flies.
Yet, she sees strained blurs as love pulls away.
As Cupid shoots his arrow missing her mark.
Now left to be of the scarlet letter A.
The mark of the vexed woman so innocent.
Until she screams for release of chained pains.
But do you know her_ Joy,  the beautiful inclination
of ballerinas that dance in silhouettes.
Or maybe she misplaced her purse?
For fear Joy could have been stolen by Robin Hood!
And she begs for the doors to open, her  head
towards the holy alter.
And she kisses the feet of saints asking for
the forgiveness of sins unknown.
As her fingers sprinkle the piano keys.
Then maybe it will hear her music.
The resonating sound of woe.
Will it brave the sanctuary?
It is a good place. They say
It shall swiftly awake her nightmares.
Tell her the beautiful side of the story and
then walk off as if only a dream.
Her joy is but a tempted imagination, she has
yet to master.
Did it not target practice her heart.
Because this is what life is made of. Joy!
And no one said, you shall not have it.
So maybe she is not living?
This is a piece from my book in process.
 Jan 2011
Bellis Tart
I've spent the last 3 months in rehab
rebuilding myself after you tore me down
and admittedly there's still pieces of me I haven't found
little pieces at the bottom of your sea, drowned
It's a struggle everyday to get by
yet as time passes, nanoseconds at a time
I remember less how great you felt,
how without you I though I'd die
And like every ****** and great addiction
I relapse, back into my rose coloured world of fiction
as much as I long to be clean, I guess I subconsciously
like it better when you're mean, ruthless
and equate me to dirt, as though I like it better
when it hurts
or else why, what keeps me falling back
with every unintentional relapse
and though I may not physically let you in
your venom that I crave seeps into my skin
that every time I acknowledge your existence
you win
Now, I know this isn't a game, win or lose
it's that dark, shadowed, familiar path I choose
because pain is always better shared between two
And, thus I'm back to rehab today
so that I might find a better way
to hold myself up and to myself say
It was never love,
just a drug induced hallucination
my chemical flooded brain caused adoration
and the constant feeling of fascination
that you're immune to it all
and it's my favorite addiction
but I can't last as a ******
cause this is real life, fact not fiction.
(c) 29/01/11
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