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 Aug 2014
Kelly Reagan
Being a victim is in the past
The damage done will always last
I must forgive but cant forget
I will live while you barely exist
Point your finger and start to blame
Play the victim to hide your shame.
A stare so cold, hollow blue eyes
No one believe any of your lies

You are hate, not an ounce of good
Wrong or right - wrong you would
Why do you envy and hate so strong
Heartless and evil for so **** long
Cheating, lying - the easy way
Judgement comes - time to pay

When looking back, what will they say
She's a liar, she had to have her way
There is no more bridges left to burn
No one left to twist and turn

Everyone sees what you are
A monster, a snake, we all run far
I am smarter & wiser than before
You evil is deep and to your core
This is the path that you have taken
I now am free and awakened

All the fake words, lies and tears
I see thru you, despite your years
Nice is not a word you use
People are yours to hurt and abuse
As long as you are alive and here
I will stand up and have no fear

You cannot  hurt me anymore
I don't care like I did before
No one responds, reacts or cares
You are unloved, forgotten, despaired
You lost the most important battle of all
Your soul, your life, your existence. You fall

— The End —