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 Mar 2018
Joel M Frye
The boxes
which keep my blood clean
are stacked as tall as I,
a monument
in the spare room
to past battles.
Too many words,
too many thoughts
******* in the
hand-to-hand combat
with mortality.

No more.

What life I have
will not be defined
by an indeterminate end.

I live to write poems;
I will no longer die in them.
Camus knows.
 Nov 2017
Mark Wanless
How to find self-esteem
Change the hair of a turtle
From black
To red
 Oct 2017
Daniel Magner
Poetry is a drug,
production of rhyme the high,
the vast divide between the pen,
the paper, and the scribe's mind
causes the low.
When it goes, it goes.
I hate when I don't have it,
when I do, it's beyond pleasant,
it's heaven.
Too bad it seems I'm only a part-time angel,
flying for moments,
spending an eternity in hell.
Daniel Magner 2017
 Sep 2017
Rylie Lucas
No matter the situation you’re in,
No matter how tough,
You can get through it,
And life will go on.
You could be stressed for a test
Or thinking of the past
But no matter what it is
You can make your life last
People come and go
There is no reason to fret
Over the ones that cause trouble
Their so easy to forget
Think of the present
Not the past
Not even the future
Can get passed
The only thing
That makes you you
Is how you handle now
And if you see your life through
So don’t give up now
Cause there is so much to see
So much to do
And so much life to live
Because no matter how hard
Life might seem right now
You can get through it
And life will go on
 Sep 2017
Don't blame others for your mood
However you react, you choose.
There are billions of people on this planet
And your going to let one person change your habits?
If you only give out love and light
That's all you will have in sight.
Don't be a slave to the machine
Go about your life and keep it clean
One random act of kindness a day
Can keep all that negativity away.
Keep your mind focused and pure
Shut all that hate behind the door
Remember you get what you give
And in this life, your meant to live.
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