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 Jul 2021
wes parham
Conditional, conventional, this heart,
And the tough thin cloak I wear.
I give it to the few friends I make,
With room and love, always, to spare.

I met you in the valley, but the evidence was there,
Your eyes hid the fear and weariness,
Deep within the fire of a stare.
Or retreated, free from scrutiny,
To hide behind the fall of your hair.

The secrets, however, weren't easy to guess,
And for your good, I would do my part.
So I know that your void is filled with less,
Than fits your past or your darkest art.
I've seen your anger, wrath, and need:
It was protecting a kind and generous heart.

Your friendship was a gift, you trusted in me,
I trusted in you, which was better, I felt,
Than calling out the humanity  I see,
Within the rotten hand you were dealt.

I hope that I brought to you something of use,
Listening was the only thing that I knew how to give.
If I brought you harm, or cause for alarm,
Then the shame would stay with me
                                    for as long as I live.

They say that friendship is a place we go,
When two, or more, are there, it is real.
I'm confused but trying to understand,
And I'm more than confident,
                     that you know how that feels.
Some time or another, you’re either the biggest ******* in the world or severely misunderstood.  Either way, you lose the friendship of a good person and it is still painful.  You hate yourself for whatever the transgression was, though all is eventually resigned to shadow and history.

Read here by the author in a musical collaboration:
 Oct 2020
S Smoothie
They blinked

A film of Mystery

Drawn up

glassy shields

Deflecting truth

A dazzlement of lights

Leaving faded whispers

Trails of left stars

Burned up in some atmosphere

Signalling the phoenix dive

A refusal to meet fact

A skipped beat over reality

Dreams split into prophesy

Lips hung in the air

Pregnant with pauses

Lost in denial

They blink

As if they'd never known

Their love before

The truth was hovering

But neither one

Reached out to touch it

And none could figure out why?
 Oct 2020
unholy ghost
i'm watching the sunset
from the parking lot after work
and all the tendrils of all
the thoughts and feelings
in my head are lost to me,
close enough to see the silhouette,
too far to grasp.
i think of all of our sunsets
and i wish i'd held onto them,
those moments, a little longer.
lived them a little deeper.
we're strangers now, all of that
come and gone so quickly,
too quickly. and that's okay.
or it will be, someday.
the winds have changed,
and i have changed,
but my regret hangs in the
air like the purple in the clouds.
the sunset of you will
set one day and the sunset
will always remind me of you
but you'll become one of those
tendrils, the shape of something
that used to mean something
but unreachable,
like you were always
going to be.
 Dec 2019
S Smoothie
His kiss was vacant

His stare drew ice from her veins

That no warmth pleaded could melt away

And she knew now how he felt

When she ****** him and walked away

Because love hurt more than she could say

Because his touch was where she wanted to stay

And when he asked her why she left

the tender words would not come  

She flit about like a bird with a broken wing

Too angry pecking eyes out to sing

To his tune, Because his love left her cold aeons ago

And she could not unremember it.

And while the fractures of his frozen heart  fell,

Hers had melted into a boiling *** of pain and despair

She found love

But the words would not come

Unanswered he left before she was done

He tried to say, but his words would not come

And the tragedy is, that if they were really listening...

Neither one needed to say anything at all.
Say it when you mean it!
 Mar 2019
S Smoothie
Another minute wasted, but savored
lets never leave from this place
it seems an eternity we Labored
To be here in this same space
together after chasing stars and comet tails
running rings around Saturns moons
under and through where the dark holes hail
over and under shifting desert dunes
Looking for me, looking for you
another minute wasted but savored
Now we dance along ultra violet tunes
but us, dastardly luck never favored
to the beat of our hearts croon
Once again We labored
looking for me, looking for you
the fabric of the universe once again tears
Nothing left but to rue
it seems it never cares
for me or for you
but hold tight love make this minute last
there’s nothing we can do
time seeps by so fast
loving me, loving you
Agape, we’ll find eachother again  
it’s what we were designed to do
I ache another minute through
kiss met love hold on
I promise I’ll find you
promise you’ll find me
lets take this one last breath
together in the same air
and as you’re torn away from me
know eventually I’ll be there
and now as you fade into another oblivion
I’m grateful for those minutes
wasted yet deeply savored
to sustain us
till we meet again.
 Oct 2018
S Smoothie
The wick was primed, lit and trimmed regular like
the steadfast held on to the faint light of hope
if not for thier all
but all others
they shielded it from the wind
and the rain
and fed it with love and devotion
so it burned steady,
bright but not glaring
and they had to look hard
but all who searched
found it
Then lit their own wicks
primed and trimmed regular like
and just like that
it grew
and love happened
And they became free
because they could finally
Hope is a collective
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