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Placid , silver waters duplicate
your lovely face , the pelicans at the shore
are as brown as your eyes , breakers in the warmth of May
Dawn reminds me of shooting stars ,
our bodies entwined , bathed in the
light of the moon , wildflower collections
in the month of June , your hair reminiscent
of a September songbird tune , your pretty face now
becomes the cool of Autumn , dandelions along the
river bottom , fields of cotton beside familiar roads ,
pink azaleas glowing along my journey home
Copyright March 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2017
Valsa George
Spring clothes the Earth in silk of green
And parades her in a rare sheen
Summer gifts the plants with bloom
And causes the bees to hum and zoom
Autumn makes the leaves yellow
And blesses the season with fruits mellow
Winter brings hail and snow
With icy winds that blow and blow
Now as one round of seasons is about to complete and another to begin afresh, this is a thought over the seasons in their bare simplicity! So short that you can read it in a split second without batting an eyelash!
 Mar 2017
Michael Winegar
Michael Winegar

Walking through the silver curtains,
The rain washing away some of a bad day,
I find myself going back in time,
Times when things were certain
and younger days felt like May.
Everything was fine.

I remember when small puddles were raging seas
And rivulets of water were wonderful waterfalls.
The gray sky spoke its approval in heavenly bass tones.
I would look at mountains covered with foggy mysteries
As they stood there green gray, and tall.
Each raindrop would fall, meeting its fate alone.

Seductive petrichor, easing my mind with the past
Your heady scent brings back gladder times.
And the rain cleans the now.
The smiles you bring me with the rain now past
Make everything once again fine.
Sweet petrichor, I feel good again, now
Copyright 2017, William M. Winegar
Madrigals of March
echo throughout the Port lake backcountry
with river dancer vibrations , lapping waters ,
sashaying marsh grass along her fertile shore
Uplands of live oak , elm , birch and sycamore
Shadows of raptors and herons alight brown pasture in
evening performances , evergreen seedlings helicopter
into the unknown , bass note bullfrogs , light breezes
chaperone a gaggle of redwing blackbirds bound for
sweet home* ...
Copyright March 3 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2017
Don Bouchard
Or earthquake shake, or civil war;
When tidal wave wash far in from the shore,
The gravedigger's wife takes comfort on earth:
There'll be food on the table,
There'll be fire in the hearth.
 Feb 2017
CA Guilfoyle
Outside my door a cawing crow
of blackened wings and indigo
delivered by night's shivering storm.
The wind and winter's howling call,
scattered nests and down the feather falls.
Crack of limbs, cold and bare branched
mesquite leaves and needles spiral to the ground.
In a swooping field he flies into the tallest pines
deep and slow, the trees creak
wild in cello tones.
Invisible current whispering , tapping me on the shoulder then screaming , Oya's dominating the dawn in her fiery gown
Windows thumping , porch chairs bumping ,
thunder rumbling , tall pines touching , cattle running
Water Oaks were shedding , horizontal wind chimes were flailing
Sheets of white lightning flashing , needles flying onto cars ,  junk from trash cans flying over well houses , pole barns and pickup trucks  
The stormfront is passing , Mother Natures heaving breath is taxing , I'm off to bed part two , cracking the window to hear the sprinkles , adding a blanket , snuggling with a pillow , bits of rain tapping hypnotically , back to sweet
Wednesday morning unconsciousness* ....
Copyright February 15 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The tawny autumn pastures of Whitehouse
Home of Ozias , the graves of my kin
Miller's Millstone and the Selfridge banks
of Cotton Indian , Roseberry field , Wilson
Chicks Farm , Camp creek and Berry Hill ...
Candy beside Rabbit Rock , bicycles along Decatur
Road , locks of honeysuckle , broomsage , parcels
of soybean and sorghum , sweetcorn and home gardens ..
Fiddlers *** along South rivers sandy banks and islands
Yellow Perch , smallmouth , rock bass and calico
Copyright February 14 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2017
russet, olive hues
yellow ochre
bird's egg blue
vastness held
within a bowl
turned over earth
to heal and hold
moisture from
the morning rain
thus the painter's
eye is trained

cadmium white
a fan-like brush
sketch mare's-tail clouds
an artist's touch
far horizon
grayish blue
a woman reclines
in the ****
her form reveals
the breasting hills
her hips the mountains
hushed and still
blurs of olive cacti
the saguaro
rise like hackles
Palo Verde lie in lumps
yellow flowers
bloom in clumps
point of brush
tweaks out the trees
turn of branches
stippled leaves
small are they
to catch the light
but the moisture
loss is slight
ochre foreground
brownish stones
blue-gray shadows
light source shown
grayish purple
prickly pears
here and there
spindly with splash of red
barrel cacti nod their heads
buff highlights
bring out the sand
thus paint creates

this desert land

(C) 2/13/2017
Spring morning after a rain.

In the desert the leaves of the trees are small so that only a slight amount of moisture is released.
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