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 Mar 2014
Christopher Barnes
Cold IHOP,
Wednesday morning,
Smoking section,
Kind of boring,

Can't work well,
While I have you,
Drawing me,
Across the booth,

It isn't really me,
But it's how I feel,
Mentally trapped,
The straight-jacket's real,

My mind is racing,
The Coffee has kicked in,
My heart is pounding,
My emotion's tricked again,

You're holding my heart,
In every one of your drawings,
I'm trying to show you my thoughts,
With each one of my writings,

My words get confusing,
I've known this for awhile now,
But that doesn't make it any less true,
I want no one except you.
 Mar 2014
Louise Leger
In the crazy world in which we live

Achievement’s all in what we give

It’s all a matter of how much stress

You will endure to get success

The bar is rising more and more

For no one wants to take the floor

The hardest worker takes the top

But for one to rise, two more must drop

We will get out what we put in

The lengths some go, it’s quite a sin

And as we take our leaps and bounds

We might forget about the ground

We must recall for what we strive

We make the cash to live our lives

We all should take some time to breathe

Sit back, relax, and sip some tea

Bring out your saucers, cups, and crop

The ones for which you work non-stop

We slave, day in and out, for perks

We do not slave to do more work

For some, it won’t come in a cup,

The things in life that lift us up

Whatever may be your luxury,

Take time to sip your cup of tea
My Blog:
 Mar 2014
Digging deep in my despair

Empty eyes are watching me

Rabid vultures stop to stare

I’m digging deep to flee

Digging deep toward the fire

Sinking deeper into the pit

Skin flaming with manic desire

I’m digging deeper than I admit

Digging deep into fertile soil

Fading slowly as time warps

Clarity with distortion

The perfect foil

Finally I’m in deep enough

To bury your ****** corpse
 Mar 2014
"Forget regret or life is yours to miss, no other road, no other way, no day but today."

Live for the moment
Shoot for the stars
Dream it and do it
Let's take what's ours
Don't worry about tomorrow
For it's yet to come
Forget all your sorrow
Make life fun
You only have today
Don't waste it on strife
Forget what people say
And live your life
 Mar 2014
She will lose herself in a book
and find herself in poetry

She thinks that religion is a sacrilege
and that long showers are sacred

She makes love when she's tired
and never tires of making love

She is irreverent in her humor
and pious in her gravity

She is diligent in completing her work
and ambitious of her quest for leisure

She is the personification of romanticism
and the embodiment of compassion

She exists harmoniously in my mind
 Mar 2014
My throat must a venue
                                       for The Lonely Hearts Club Band

I swallow my pulse
                                 and hold my tongue in my hand.


Vivid lucid reality,  
                               popping all my stitches at the seams

on the other line, your consciousness fades
                                                           ­           as I envy your quest for dreams.

You're always in my heart though,
                                                      ros­ary beads in hand with your protection

for it is in nights like this, I simply wish
                                                         for a moment of undying affection.

Arms around me through the night,
                                                          ­ the morning sun in his hazel eyes;

filled with smiles for all eternities
                                                      ­& a stomach full of butterflies.

                                                            ­                                                   xo
 Mar 2014
R.S. Thomas
We met
           under a shower
of bird-notes.
           Fifty years passed,
love's moment
           in a world in
servitude to time.
           She was young;
I kissed with my eyes
           closed and opened
them on her wrinkles.
           'Come,' said death,
choosing her as his
            partner for
the last dance, And she,
            who in life
had done everything
            with a bird's grace,
opened her bill now
            for the shedding
of one sigh no
            heavier than a feather.
 Mar 2014
i think i started five poems just now
trying to find the right words
some days they flow with ease
some days they sound
the backspace button shows
the most wear on my keyboard;
i wish there was a
for life...
i stared at the screen too long
and it went black
tired of waiting for me to
think of some clever combination of words;
i never set a screensaver
there's something weird about those.
i read a poem the other day
by a poet telling us
what it takes to be
a poet
but i think anyone can be
whatever they want;
who are we to judge
when we are always writing
about those who
judge us?
our species is endangered
in this age of mindlessness
we are the catalyst
for creativity
the embers of the fire
started by the great minds
of ancient times...
will we let it die completely
or will we succeed
at rekindling its
i'm not sure where i started or where i went with this but i kind of like it
 Mar 2014
Upon the stones the lichen grows
For those asleep in earth below
And those awake who tears do weep
To green the grass with sorrow’s seep
To honor love their hearts bestow

The lichen sleeps beneath the snow
Through cold and ice of winter woe
Awaits the warmth and summer’s creep
Upon the stones the lichen grows

In shadow rain or summer glow
It hears the words of belle or beau
It fears not time or grounds man’s sweep
The lichen guards eternal sleep
For here in each and every row
Upon the stones the lichen grows

r ~ 7Mar14
First attempt at a Rondeau.
 Mar 2014
The devil once told me

Not to play with fire.
 Mar 2014
Here I am, looking up causes for headaches
at 1 am
when I know it will always come back to you.
My hands found the bottom of the ocean
as I cleaned old movie tickets out of my car today.
I can see your honesty from here.
It took my composure on its way out the door.
I’m not bitter anymore.
I’m just tired.
And I’m tired of being so tired.
I’m sorry you didn’t stay.
I’m sorry that I apologize
for all the times you didn’t.
I keep forgetting these things
are not one-sided,
and so,
I’m sorry I gave you everything
for nothing in return.
You tasted like love,
and I was parched.
Still am.
It's terrible, but it needed to make its way out
 Mar 2014
I'm with you but sometimes I wonder
If you're with me
Cuz when I say I love you sometimes
You just laugh and turn the other way.
There are days when I look at you and feel
An overwhelming coldness grip me
Like that first day of winter when I know
Fall has come to an end
And soon all of the beauty of Autumn
Will fall to the ground to be covered
And forgotten in the snow.
Once in a while when you smile at me
I know you love me for just that second
Like a film cell taken out of a
Movie that never ends...
Some days are fun and we go on trips to
Places we never even heard of
In states we never even saw
Just on a whim like a couple of bums
We picked up and packed up
And had *** in random beds along the way.
How can I love you so much
And give you so much
When I barely even see the real you
And when I do
He scares me...
I find myself wanting more and I feel bad
Because I know with you
I'll never get it
But I can't help but hope that one day
You'll see what you have
And you'll want to be better for me...
I wonder if that makes me
Selfish or if it just proves that
I'm only human.
 Mar 2014
Stuck between the moment
Of reality and make believe
If I could grab a hold
I wonder which side would set me free

A gravitational pull
Keeping me locked between
A choice within myself
To others it remains unseen
Real quick collab with Mike Hauser :)
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