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 Aug 2017
cannot find true rest,
all the tumult in this world,
writ both large and small,
saps my upraised arms
flexing angry fists eager to strike hard
my revived new **** enemies,
and gods inexcusable and conspicuous absence in
Barcelona, Finland and my own
to quiet comfort commiserating, and storing
all the pain of individual souls I've acquired willingly

and the sunset comes quiet,
trying to sooth by adding
a gentling cream of cooling breeze,
the squirrels eye me suspiciously,
sensing the amiss within,
and all perfect sailboats voyaging past,
yet none stopping at the dock
to offer condolences or solaces

my watch ticks louder

each tick,
a worrisome cursed reminder
this real life seems to be endless struggle
interrupted by small comforts of little voices and
promises that escape is inevitable

each tock,
a fresh notification
the week's approach will contain
another visit from
Hamlet's ghost,
warning of warring factions
battlefield clashing
in a chesterfield plain
between two of mine shoulder blades

constantly reminded how lucky I am,
makes me grow quiet and put pen to one side,
and try to balance accounts, using this time,
pencil and erasure

I need a break and some glue
I need reparations and a battle plan
or happily learn to surrender
and accept being a
dumb terminal,
a slave,
that doesn't ask for
peace of mind
and knock off this poet of the
no way
 Aug 2017
these words are a paraphrasing of the famous words from
Martin Niemöller,
an anti-******, German Christian pastor:

"First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I wasn’t a trade unionist, so I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for the Jews.
I wasn’t a Jew so I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one to speak for me.”



A Love Poem?

Oh yes, surely, is not written, love thy neighbor as you love thyself

17[a] You must not hate your brother in your heart.
/ [17b] You must surely reprove your fellow citizen
/ [17c] so that you do not incur sin on account of him.
18[a] You must not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people,
/ [18b] but you must love your neighbor as yourself.
/ [18c] I am the LORD.

— Leviticus 19:17-18
 Aug 2017
the isle meets us gruffly,
ferry over rough seas, meaner winds,
bay size puddling lakes
a/k/a local  flooding,
roads littered with tree debris,
all saying an uncoded message:

"see humans, you come to stay only with my forbearance"

But I know that familiar voice, disguised as nature,
a first derivative of the alpha of that god who comes,
torturing me with requests for forgiveness

I am nature too, I am human nature,
and I too,
am not in a forgiving mood, and one-word reply:


the ugly skies ease off and
next morn,
an August beauty provided

but I am neither assuaged, bought off, forgetting,
address the hiding-in-disguise master of the universe:

"you trifle with us as if we could not count, keep tabs,
and weary be at the newest sabbath carnage never ending

give me storms, keep your glories,
fell trees, drown us, if it pleases,
we are neither perfect nor innocent
but take impotent responsibility

set us not one against the other,
there, here, Charlottesville,
keep your false free choice that
always comes with a wink and nod,
a little nudge, and exclaims of humans doing your work

I light a candle
not to you,
but for you
and be terrified
when I no longer do

Aug. 19, 2017
12:14 pm
 Aug 2017
I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because the last time I opened up to someone artistically they told me it was pretty dark and I should keep it to myself.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because I was raised in a culture that was anti love and pro meaningless ***. I saw endless commercials about movies that glamorize a lifestyle in which your body is fulfilled but your heart is ignored and at that impressionable age I learned my heart came second but my allure came first and the less I cared that happier I would be and I carried that belief around with me the way I used to carry around a Bible as a child.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because of the time that I opened my father’s phone to reveal a family secret I would hold to this day against my own moral instincts unraveling miles of insecurities wondering if I’m not a good enough daughter or if he stopped loving my mother or if true love was never real and although I had been taught marriage was my purpose, it was what I believed would make me happy, maybe rings aren’t enough to stay in love and maybe people’s feelings change and maybe no one actually has a “one true love” and that this purpose I had been taught was really an endless wild goose chase that only lead to broken families and lost souls.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because sometimes I still wonder why I fell into an abyss of toxicity at such a young age. And when I say wonder I don’t mean a trivial ponder, I mean I contemplate every possible reason why the person who I once believed held the universe in her eyes would lie to my face, why she never kissed me in public and our love was always a secret, why she valued girls with blue hair but my blonde hair was not good enough, why I had to hide bruises from my family when I was still in high school or more importantly, why at the time, I thought I deserved them. These thoughts, this lingering paranoia that I am undeserving of healthy love, they muddy my interpretations of real life and distort reality and effect my relationships. My doctor would call these intrusive thoughts, my best friend would tell me they’re symptoms of PTSD, but I have come to realize that I’ve been burned and I am damaged and I hope to god I can recover.

But you,
Oh god, you
You can write this poem. You can be my safety net while I’m free falling in love. You can be the one to listen to my mental tilt-a-whirls, you can be the one that introduces my body and my heart, you can be the one that calms the storms in my mind when I’m questioning the love I’m deserving of. You are the one who makes sure I fall asleep in my bed after drunk nights, you are the one that still sees my value after acknowledging my flaws.
You can write this poem.
My father: all he wanted was a little,
Just a little, peace & quiet.
The War, that so-called "Good War,"
Had given him neither. And afterwards,
The peace & quiet he sought
Was mainly for his own turbulent, disquiet mind.
He spent his post-war years in the building trades,
Employed by The Brothers Levitt—
Shrewd, Semitic Kings of Suburbia--
Leading the single-family housing boom.
He earned our daily bread
Hammering nails & sawing two-by-fours,
No longer blowing up bridges, or killing Nazis,
The Construction Site: far from quiet dawn to dusk,
Creating daily new acoustic trauma,
Canceling out all hope of either peace or quiet.
Given the cutthroat competition for jobs,
He learned a new kind of stress, as more &
More vets--soldiers & survivors like him--
Coming home, anxious to get on with the
Business of life, scrambled for paychecks.
He also learned sarcasm, his cynicism
Masking a failure to cope with Cold War hysteria.
And then out of nowhere came labor saving,
Electric tools, like the Skill saw, LORD OF CACOPHONY.
Decibels: whining, screeching & shrill.
No Quiet. No Peace.
 Jun 2017
Will you say something?
Just before I go...

Will you fill the void
that had silently metastasised?

Will you convey it
like you really mean it?

Will you allay my fears
that's been cleverly disguised?

 Jun 2017
I want to tell you that the world is good.
There are good people, no matter how long it takes to find them,
And you can find beauty in the smallest things -
The cherry blossoms that always come near March,
The way a small child hides behind their mother,
The way people smile, when they think no one's watching.

I want to tell you that the world is bad.
Everybody dies, no matter how brilliant, or important, or insignificant,
And everything is doomed to fail at some point,
Rather it explodes,
or crashes and burns,
or simply sizzles out.

I want to tell you to have hope.
After everything, it's still there, waiting, in Pandora's Box,
And if you can pick out something from
Maybe you're still okay.

I want to tell you to experience despair.
You can't change anything and everything for the better,
And you must helplessly envelop yourself in it,
In order to appreciate even the
simplest of things.

But none of this will make anything better.

So I will tell you this:
That, the sky is blue,
the leaves fall in Autumn,
That, the rain is wet,
and the world is round.

*Make of it what you will.
 Jun 2017
/\    ○   °  ○
    ○°    ()   °○
()       °○

no fruit to bear
no seed to spring
no animal
no living thing
no blade of grass
no hand to toil
no rain can last

on barren soil

(C) 6/11/2017
Thanks to rivers for inspiration!
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