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 Oct 2016
Nathan Pival
So many little tests
Presented with we contend
Understanding the risks
Of the chances we take
To take that chance
Should we prevail or fail
Some failures beat us
Into the depths
And we may never be the same again
Some successes also
Make us never the same again
Because we've gotten so high off of it
We cannot see straight
I've made a lot of money before
And it has made me arrogant, ungrateful, and wasteful
I've also been broke and poor
It made me more appreciative, understanding, and productive
The middle ground that works for all of us
Is an individual thing
Prevail or Fail
Is nothing more than a perspective
Life is a game we play with no clear winners
But if you keep love in your heart
It doesn't matter how broke or rich you are
You have prevailed
 Oct 2016
RH 78
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               is a          and                        gift.

Give         And        What
         One          See           Happens!

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              .                 .
               .               .

— The End —