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 Aug 2021
Paul Idiaghe
The furniture here: a space
aching to wear your texture

once again. By night
it is my grief—an ambush

of ghosts. What grace
shall I turn to? Behind

every sacred canvas
on this wall I have traced

out your face. The
webbing of these cracks

I keep neglecting
so I can gather a living

symbol of what spiraled
between my wants

& your wading away from me.
There is nowhere to move onto.

I have sealed the door
to the stairwell of my spine;

my body a basement
brimming with aloneness.

There is only this ribbed
window through which I stare

at a larger window stained  
with the moving trace of you.
#loneliness #heartbreak #love
 Aug 2021
Jennifer DeLong
Desire such a playful word
It invokes my creative sensual spirit
Paint , Poetry and Lust
Such a strange trio
How does Desire make
painting lustful
Desire draws the colors
and then the picture
is created
with Poetry the words
written invoke lust
and plays with your desire
to feel , touch , play
it's Desire that brings
forth the lust to live
love laugh and play
Desire is not merely
it's lust it's life. it's
a painting of poetry
that brings forth the desire
the lust to feel , touch , taste
see and live the creative
colorful desireable poetic
painted life that leaves
for others a desire to
experience that which
has been lived ..
Desire is Life
lived with lust for
the creative , colorful
fun experiences
that paint a life lived
fully and beautifully.
Desire is ....
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
 Aug 2021
Steve Page
Layer by layer
the wailing wall
still weeps
leaks life
still happy
to receive
prayers to gods
who no longer reside
no longer invest
in their attempt
to subdue
a fierce people.
                  And the river offers up her long laughter below.
Prompted by a rock wall at Colden Clough, Lumb Bank, nr Heptonstall, West Yorkshire,  UK, former residence of Ted Hughes.
 Aug 2021
Valsa George
With a stroke of the brush,
A dab of paint,
A portrait, I drew.
Blew into it the breath of life,
Lo! There it stays my Masterpiece!
 Aug 2021
Valsa George
A spectrum of colours
in the misty cerulean sky
God’s benevolent gift
graciously bestowed
after a light drizzle

A rainbow-
nature’s lovely poem
written on the widest canvas

An arch spanning
the Earth and the heavens

A painting
with colours overlapping

An art created
by the crystalline prisms

Life expands and pulsates
eyes are raised
to a vision grand
mind takes flight
to Heaven’s glory

a transient reminder
of the beauty promised for man
warm in glow,
radiant in splendour,
emanating light,
triggering joy,
staying amid drifting clouds,
waving at us in cheer

Oh eyes,
feast on this celestial sight
this scintillating spectral aura
and get drowned
in its magical spell!

Hey, why not ride upon the wind
to loot the *** of gold hidden at its tip!
 Jul 2021
Glenn Currier
The smell of new rain
permeates the air
the first heavy drops raise little puffs of dust
in the dirt.
Covered porches protect her
from the storm outside
and the dread inside
where benign neglect reigned
ennui and death strained
children’s hearts
threatened to pull apart
the joy sleeping in their wondrous souls
that lived beyond the confines
of the dark brooding grip of family
inside the ancestral home.
Inspired by my cousin’s memoir. With gratitude to her for this courageous masterpiece. I hope this will be the first of many poems sprung from this work which has shed revelatory light on my personality and familial past. I will refer to these poems as “Teche Series”
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