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 Oct 2016
Pauline Morris
I sit and wail
As memories of you swell
Threating to bring down the wall
As I remember your final fall

You fell right through my out stretched arms
I could not save you from your demons harm
I could not bring you back to me
Now your memories is all I have to see

I was so angry you left me here all alone
This cut is deep, right to the bone
A wound that will never heal, never become just a scar
As you now dwell amongst the stars

Now I find, I turn my eyes to the midnight sky
The tears rolling quickly and quietly as I cry
I'm searching for something left by you
A shooting star, a comet, a clue
Just to let me know your okay, that you made it through

That would make it worth our final good bye
Maybe then my tears would subside
Maybe then they would turn to silent sighs
But the pain will always be with me that is true
For my dearest friend, I will forever miss you

Till we meet again on the other side
There's one thing that will never die
It is constant, it will always be the same
My love for you will always remain
 Sep 2016
Star Gazer
I'm happy that she's happy
if I tell myself that long enough
maybe I'll be able to convince myself
till I am finally fit to say farewell.
I've lied to myself in millions of ways
just to keep the demons behind
as though blinded by lies kept me alive
I wanted all of what I tell myself to be true.

I'm happy that she's happy
because it is the only way I tell myself
that I'm allowed to finally move on
but history always proves me wrong
because I don't know how to let go of what's gone.

You left me
I told myself
I was fine with that.


As long as you are happy.
 Sep 2016
Pauline Morris
Tidal waves of memories hit my minds shore
You where my heart,  you where my core
Now I'm lost, I'm adrift on this emotional sea
Because you are no longer here beside me
I can't seem to navigate it any more
Wishing with my might, it could be as it was before
Before you was called to a different plain
Nothing, no nothing remains the same
Your departure was way to sudden
The ground around me is now flooding
My tears won't stop, even when they don't show
Belive me inside they still flow

The sun no longer shines so bright
The moon hides it's face in the night
The stars refuse to twinkle
Wishing in time I could find that wrinkle
That I could ride back to you
Back before your spirit flew
Back before I knew this pain
Back before this ice cold rain
Back before the wave of your death ****** me under
Before my life was ripped apart and plundered

Tidal waves of memories hit my minds shore
Thing's will never be as they where before
Your presence will be no more
Your existence is but a vapor
A puff of smoke, that is gone to fast
Now only shadows of your memories are cast
Only seen by your loved ones eyes
As the tears start to rise

I will never forget that cold day in August
But this before was promised

Forever you will remain in my heart
Forever you will remain in my thoughts
Forever I will love you my soul united friend
Forever beyond this end

For we will meet again
When time bends
 Sep 2016
Star Gazer
I have set my heart to rest in the palms
Of so many others, each a spiralling hate
grown from the echoes of differences
but I guess I've come to regret my mistakes.
I have loved as much as I have lost
Watched the tides take love from me like a kite
caught between the drifts of stormy winds
Just hoping that one day things will be alright.
Maybe I trusted myself with too many others,
screamed 'here take a piece of my heart...
do what you want with it because I trust you
Not to ever break it into pieces and parts'.
I never did learn, what it was like to not trust
And I guess doing so, I drew the short end
of a twisted stick, just some sick game to those
Who saw it fun to break hearts over and over.
I look around, I see people filled with life
Filled with joy, I look at a mirror and I see
a desperate cry for help that goes unheard
because of all the things unsaid like simply
'I love you and I hope you do too'.
I guess me...and others...we weren't meant to be
We weren't meant to ever be lovers.
So I write this dedicated to those who I've loved...
And those who I have lost.

'A part of me will always remember what we had
And you might not think you had an impact
But I guess you gave me a piece of myself I never
knew that I ever had.

You have a piece of my heart-
And you can keep it;
I won't need it where I'm going...'

From: Someone you once knew, and someone who needs to forget.
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