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 May 2016
david mungoshi
your coming in with the rising sun
in soft morning light and glistening dew
made me think life could be  a huge smile
and that nothing about you could be a trifle

conversation with you was like lyrical poetry
full of measured tones and profound emotion
words are wholesome food when one is enamoured
you sip their oozing nectar at every sugary pause

your voice was like a heavenly harp magically played
by expert fingers dancing to an inspired melody
that only i and they could hear, and cherish like a dream
thus see me now with my face still ravaged by possibilities

but alas, you decided to take your leave with the dying day
and i knew my bewilderment would last the stretch of eternity
you walked away into the twilight and never once looked back
those who go away with the setting sun do not always rise with it
 May 2016
Who is this Ja
Sean Hunt did ask
So I will tell you
This is my task

He’s a silly little man
Without any hair
His teeth are all gone
But he doesn’t care

He wears tiny glasses
Because he can’t see
They make him look cute
If you ask me

He writes some BOEMS
And thinks he is funny
But that hasn’t made
Him, any money

He writes WIZDUMBs too
And feels he is wise
But he has not yet
Won any prize

He makes up songs
And composes the tune
But won’t be on radio
Any time soon

Ja is that poor
Odd foolish man
Who just runs around
Does what he can

He’s the Polish version
Of that old grandpa
Just in his case
He is the Ja

He is in name
An old Polish, Jadek
I’m spelling it wrong
But what the heck

So there you have it
He’s no one of note
He’s not even famous
He’s just, an old goat
 May 2016
Dark is the night, by the light of day

Harsh are the words, which some people say

Grievous the malaise, which we often feel

Deep are the wounds, of a hurt that won’t heal

Lasting the wrong, to whom it is done

Fleeting the moment, when praises are won

Tragic the loss, of someone we love

Empty the feeling, when they are thought of
 May 2016

I used to think men
should be more like books
Both you cannot
judge by looks...

If I didn't want to finish reading
I put it down... no heart was bleeding

A book will never fuss or fight
It will stay with you
through the night...

It doesn't smoke. It doesn't drink.
It won't leave toothpaste
in the sink!

It doesn't binge... it don't eat...
It won't leave up the toilet seat!

It don't forget. It doesn't mope.
It won't hog the TV remote!

It doesn't have to have
The last say...
It doesn't have legs

to walk away.

But it's not soft. It isn't warm.
It doesn't keep you
safe from harm.

Even though it makes no fuss
It can't think. It can't discuss.

Even though it has its charms
it can't hold you in its arms.

It doesn't pine. It doesn't miss.
It can't hug and it can't kiss.

So now I think on it again...
... I think BOOKS should be
             more like MEN!!!

 May 2016

*Choking on the laughter
that has run away to hide
Putting on a braver face
than what I feel inside

Blaming every tear drop
on the allergies I keep
Drowning in a puddle
only seven inches deep

Staring at the distance,
never seeing past the gate
Coming up with reasons
though I know it is too late

Pretending I am happy
like there’s nothing that I need
Writing her a poem
that I doubt she’ll ever read

Smiling with the sadness
so they don’t know it is there
Walking in a dance step
as if I am Fred Astaire

Waking every morning
with a sunset point of view
Acting like I’m still in love,
when I can’t be, without you
 May 2016
Rustyn Hardin
The first month was pure bliss,
Sneaking out for a midnight kiss.
Going sightseeing and quite walks
All of the late-night talks.

The second month was a mess,
Felt you loving me less and less.
Falling asleep not to you,
But wishing it was you.

The third month was better,
Like opening an old letter.
The smell of the past coming back,
The smell of a sweet, sweet, lilac.

The fourth month was great,
It all felt like fate.
Spending the nights with you,
Wishing it was no one but you.

The fifth month was yet to come,
The feeling struck me dumb,
Nothing more was to come,
You left me alone in the rain, cold and numb.
 May 2016

Some words heal
Some words sway
Some words leave
Some words stay

Some words calm
Some words soothe
Some words swear
Some words prove

Some words smile
Some words sneer
Some words hurt
Some words cheer

Some words stop
Some words flow
Some words tell
Some words show

Some words whine
Some words scream
Some words pout
Some words dream

Some words heal
Some words ache
Some words give
Some words take

Some words praise
Some words shame
Some words rave
Some words blame

Some words love
Some words hate
Some words help
Some words rate

Some words sing
Some words cry
Some words lift
Some words sigh

Some words rhyme
As you can see
But all words work
In poetry
 May 2016
The only heart
That can be shown
Is the one
That is your own

The only life
That you can give
Is the one
That you live

Yet, the only gift
Of any worth
That you can give
While on this earth

Is not possessions
Or your wealth
But what you gift  
Of yourself
 May 2016
VS aka Jason Cole
Love is a concept
known to be red in hue;
an idea which fully maturated
when I bled for you.
 Jul 2015
like the moon,
wax and wane
thy heartful tune.
like the sea,
ebb and flow
thy poetry.
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
Follow your North Star
'Til you drop in your tracks;
Your story's ahead,
Don't turn and look back.

Your dreams, when awake,
Are dreams that you follow;
The ones in your sleep
Are misleading and hollow.

Aspire for greatness,
You'll make some mistakes;
But the distance you travel
Will make your ground quake.

If you reach for the stars,
And pull back too soon,
You won't have regrets
When you land on your moon.
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