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 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Dark sound raven makes,
Chortles top fir tree, haunting—
Druids incantation.
 Apr 2014
Roses always wither
Before I've even had
A chance to enjoy them
Which usually makes
The Weasel feel like cryin'

{ Weasel }
This poem is true!
I have always noticed that roses wither too quickly.
Thanks for reading.
Poem 13
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
The red-headed woodpecker drums,

Drilling hollow life into old pine tree,

Insects scurry in dance of spiral daze,

Robins waiting for the grubby entrails.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Wild flowers I picked,
Were soon lost, when she arrived—
Wind took them away.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
He tapped me on the shoulder
Before he had to go
Said I'll be your Guardian Angel
I just wanted you to know

He said he knows no one who went
That came back and then complained
So he guessed the place was pretty nice
And was sure he'd want to stay

He knew he'd see my grandma
Who had went three years before
She'd been waiting for him patiently
To walk him through God's door

Then he asked us not to worry
Said he knows what is in store
He was pleased with the life he lived
And knew God would show him more

Spent his last three weeks with family
Where he said his sweet goodbyes
My final memory of this man
Was the brave ending to his life

He would give to me this passion
But to the world he gave much more
The life he lived was one of love
He was the gift I most adored

In Memory
Sgt. Harold Addison Yates
My Grandfather

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A true story written with tears.  I miss this man who fought in two wars, was a prisoner in World War 2 then came home and served as a Sergeant with the Columbus Police Dept.  My Grandfather gave to me my Love for poetry. He passed several years ago but is missed every day.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Park smoked as we walked,
Lost trees of autumn smoldered,
  .  .  .  Cold sun in her eyes.
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Roses represent what we call love
They are great gifts from God above
Petals that blossom throughout the day
They touch our hearts in many ways

A scent so special it is their own
For love and friendship they are grown
Awake each morning as a new day comes
Show their beauty and reach for the sun

Many colors of Roses that we can see
Each one special, each one unique
Grow new each year to give away
To place a smile on someone's face

Roses represent what we call love
They are great gifts from God above
Petals that blossom throughout the day
They touch our hearts in many ways

I give to you a rose today

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A friend asked that I write a poem about roses and this is what I came up with. Always hard writing for someone else because instead of using your feelings on a subject you are trying to figure out how you think they feel.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Facebook conspires,
Digital narcissism  .  .  .
  .  .  .  Mobile devices.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Alone I walk, skirting moon dark valleys,

A forest appears, then again disappears,

Call of the owl dims as new sun is rising,

Beyond vast plains, river always gliding.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
No rout, they did not let out a cry,
With veins of flame in swelling eye,
No word, could semble nor shutter,
The bumpy flesh tore into the light,

In nimbles of silence, nimby smoke
Smouldered by sidle of spent fires,
The house of future days was open,
Their ***** it hearts eternally closed.
 Mar 2014
Two is a number
Until you meet someone then
It's your destiny
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Grafted birds in uproar—
And grey moorlands a fog,
The cacophony of orders,
Even turned earth a slog.

Highest heavens, all one,
Seeing with truthful eyes,
Black and white eagle—
Dispenses the blue skies.
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