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 Mar 2014
Before you arrived
Love was a four letter word
You gave definition
 Mar 2014
What you do best-
Feel love with the deepest intensity
What I do best-
*Keep jolting you back to my reality
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
— for Seamus Heaney*

Forging scaffold and wells of tongue,
Whose every word— rung to the stars,
One sprite, born a new heart to Ulster,
Tanged in sounds of the beating sparkle,
Now the leftover sun, a light in absence,
Falls with leaves of the turning autumn,
Tears, sloping, in a feathered arc, so fair,
Splitting to the shores of a western isle.
The Celtic Otherworld (orbis alius, so named after Lucan's account of the druidical doctrine of metempsychosis) is a concept in Celtic mythology, referring to an Otherworld such as a realm of the dead and a home of the deities or spirits.

Tales and folklore describe it as Fortunate Isles in the western sea, or at other times underground (such as in the Sídhe mounds) or right alongside the world of the living, but invisible to most humans.
Doth lead to dark doom,
when it is given room.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
O to be burning—
Completely, live at the stake,
  .  .  .  What a way to go.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Outside is temple—
Soft chanting snow fall, pure white,
Crystal mandalas.
 Mar 2014
Then there are days
When with a sulking face
I go through everyone's poems
Including my own
And wonder with bitter scorn
What kick do these people get
From all this rhyme-rhyme business
Just say it all in one line, no
Why coat it with metaphorical prettiness

Don't worry friends,
I hope to self-heal out of this strange daze
Probably just going through
A grumpy phase.
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
A Picture Perfect Time Of Year

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

We watch as flowers blossom
See new colors on the trees
We hear the birds now singing
And it brings an inner peace

Cold and snow just a memory
Of the season that has passed
Looking forward to the days to come
Taking time to love and laugh

The true beauty of this season
Is the new love we feel within
Each day a fresh reminder
Of a time when life begins

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Dawn of mind, riding spirited dragon,

Broken claw of falling moon, still in sky,

Flash and roar of blinding Eastern sun,

Hiking the crest, on chains of mountain.
 Mar 2014
I admit
My initial fixation
Was with the idea of love,
All the clichés, the to-do's of love
But now,
You are the idea
You are the clichéd routine of
Chocolates and roses,
Love is no longer a mere emotion
You, now are its purest personification
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Lines of feather etched,
Petrified on the sea shores,
Our driftwood bird wings.
 Mar 2014
Hey! Did I just put on my best makeup
And my prettiest dress
Only to have you stare endlessly at
That one loose tress
Of mine and describe it as
"Exquisitely enchanting"?

*The blessed misfortunes of having
A True Blue Romantic darling
 Mar 2014
I don't know why I
Have this constant itch to express myself
When actually I'm unaware of
What exactly it is that
I want to *say
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