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 Oct 2015
Mike Hauser
She picks sunflower blooms, humming a tune
While dodging drops of rain
Hoping the move will heighten the mood
And bring about a perpetual change

She spreads the petals in the morning meadows
In hopes the rumors are true
With the yellows and greens, mixed in between
She'll release the color of blue
 Oct 2014
I woke up extra early
To pick wildflowers from the meadow
I gathered goldenrods and roses
And picked some baby's breath
I watched the dewdrops scattered
Across the blades of grass
I watched the colors of gold
And lavender infuse the morning sky
I took a piece of baby blue ribbon
And tied it around my flowers
To hold your special bouquet in place
For this is your last bouquet here
And this is your special day

Sad day today....I feel sorry because
My mom is trying to help our sick cat, Fluffy
Who hasn't been feeling well for a while!!!! ~~~~~<3
We fear he may be slipping away (dying)....
I don't know, though...
So I wrote this for him and my mom...
Especially to comfort my mom!!! ~~~~~<3
I hope y'all enjoy this!!! ~~~~<3
 Jun 2014
Summer Is The Time For Heat
And For Wildflower Blossoms

It's Been A While, HP!!! :) ~~~~<3
So Here's A Random 10w Poem!!! :) ~~~~<3
I Sure Hope You All Enjoy It!! :) ~~~~<3
 Apr 2014
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway
In sweet summertime's blowing breeze
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway
In the warmth of the tender day
Sunrays are slanting through the trees
While the sweet tiny bluebells sway

Probably Not One Of My Best
But I Hope You All Enjoy It Anyway!!! :) ~~~~<3
 Jun 2013
Sir B
Care for them
They are alive!!
They yearn for love
They yearn for your love

Give them water
Give them air
fresh air is considered best

And finally give them land
Loads of it
A little different from the usual poems
 May 2013
CA Guilfoyle
I was a cherry tree - I dreamed
with evening birds, their words, singing home to me
The light of moon did come, and cool the sun went sleeping
trees and blades of grass, so green the Spring
void of willows weeping
Beyond the hills, fragrance fills
night's sultry air
awakes me
 May 2013
Beautiful swirls,
'Round the flowers that twirl,
Flowers in such a pretty shade;
Flowers that will never fade.
Such a pretty symphony,
Of flowers and swirls pretty to see,
Flowers with petals sweet;
Flowers that bloom about my feet.*

 May 2013
The sweet perfume of lilacs
Drift across the air
Filled with the song of birds
Singing in the branches
Of tall strong trees
A little hollow of lilacs
Is where we held
Those beautiful tea parties
On the fresh spring ground
Petals dancing in the breeze
Little dainty tea cups
Little delicate sweets
Put upon beautiful plates
As we sat in the hollow of lilacs

This was partly in my imagination. The rest was because I was remembering the tea parties me and my Mom used to have outside together. ~<3
 May 2013
Paul Hardwick
Woke up this morning
and went out on the street
sniff a few flowers
and went back to sleep
yes my head was cloudy
but the sky was blue
and I did'nt feel lonely til i thought of you.
 May 2013
Emily Dickinson

Upon a Lilac Sea
To toss incessantly
His Plush Alarm
Who fleeing from the Spring
The Spring avenging fling
To Dooms of Balm
 May 2013
Heli Colmenares
A flower,
     colorful and open,
Grows and spreads
parts of speech
He emptied the glass
and ran back into the kitchen for more,
but he couldn’t save her.
 May 2013
White ponies grazing on a green hill
Dancing in the flowers that waltz there
The beautiful mother horse nuzzles her little pony
White ponies grazing on a green hill
Taking me and my sis for rides
Upon their furry backs
Racing through the wind
And faster than the rain
Quicker than the lightening
We continue to race
Upon white ponies
Which love and trust
Me and my big sister

Again, I was inspired by my sweetest big sister to write this poem!!! This time I included you in my poem!! :) I too, simply adore white ponies!! :) Enjoy, Love!! :) ~<3
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