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 May 2021
Dennis Willis
I keep wanting to describe a sound
its this big and this wide and it
makes me go oh drawn out
does this convey that to you

Look my way, yes that's right
how did you know to look here
you think you can't see me
its as if your eyes are knives

When were you here before
was i here too did we talk
i can never remember almost
I can hear you whisper to come

solipsist popsicle in time
cool as james bond stirred
not shaken by this revelation
oh do turn that volume down
 May 2021
i can still hear the sound of your voice and smell the scent of your skin....i can tell you more of what i remember but where do i begin...
even though i am not right beside you..i am always with you believe it because it is true
forever you will be in my heart and make it beat.....for the rest of my life the love i have for you will never take a back seat.
# this you must Believe
 May 2021
sandra wyllie
as a wedding band.
But it doesn’t shine
in my hand.

You can paint it
as blood.
But it won’t flow.
It makes a thud.

You can paint it
as clover.
But it only sits.
It won’t come over.

You can paint it
wearing a smile.
But it’ll not be happy –

It doesn’t have eyes
to look into mine.
It doesn’t have a mouth
to sing a note.
It doesn’t have arms
to hold me close.
It doesn’t have feet
to climb the mountain.

I lost a man from this planet.
He lives now under
a slab of granite.
Hard and gray as a stone.
All that's left of him are bones.
I don’t want to be your scapegoat
Your reason to quit or fail
Don’t sabotage your future
Or stop from setting sail
Go off on adventures
Travel; see the world
Don’t hold life close to the vest
Rather, let it all unfurl
 May 2021
Mario Benedetti
Dijo el fulano presuntuoso /
hoy en el consulado
obtuve el habitual
certificado de existencia

consta aquí que estoy vivo
de manera que basta de calumnias

este papel soberbio / irrefutable
atestigua que existo

si me enfrento al espejo
y mi rostro no está
aguantaré sereno

¿no llevo acaso en la cartera
mi recién adquirido
mi flamante
certificado de existencia?

vivir / después de todo
no es tan fundamental
lo importante es que alguien
debidamente autorizado
certifique que uno
probadamente existe

cuando abro el diario y leo
mi propia necrológica
me apena que no sepan
qu estoy en condiciones
de mostrar dondequiera
y a quien sea
un vigente prolijo y minucioso
certificado de existencia

luego pienso

¿cuántos zutanos andan por la calle
creyendo que están vivos
cuando en rigor carecen del genuino
certificado de existencia?
 May 2021
David R
i climb the scaffolding
look down below
spirit faltering
will i die in the blow?

caffeine swirling,
dizziness whirling,
truth obscured

dry darkness,
unfeeling eyes,
dropping, heartless
out of the skies

failing, falling,
faster than water,
missed my calling,
embracing slaughter

but i'm still here,
didn't dare,
risk the fear
of devil's snare
This was a memory. At the moment I do not have suicidal wishes.
 May 2021
The sky here
Is so blue
That when I look
It feels like falling
Upward into the sea
The planes and their wakes
Look like boats on the waves
It’s hard not to be happy
With the sun kissing my skin
And you name on my tongue
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