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I loved you with every breath
A time I didn't know fear
My existence ached for your touch
While holes burnt in my heart

Your sad eyes told the story
A truth I didn't want to hear
My believe for us to be perfect
Was the only mistake
What really is the definition of insanity? Is it confusing dreams with reality? Or having imaginary friends when you are too old for them. Is it listening to your thoughts when engaging in a conversation with people? Or is it having different people replying for you. Am I sane or am I crazy ??
My head hurts
Hearts beating like it wants out
From my ribs
It's cages
Even the pills can't stop
The incessant chatter
In my overcrowded mind
I want to scream
To claw at my face
Rip my disfigured body apart
I feel caged up
Just like my heart
I'm a prisoner
Of my mind mine no more
Our life
Is a dance
Spinning into Winter
Breaking into Summer
Running through Autumn
Rolling towards Spring
It is all about us
Our stories
How we choreograph
Our dance
Our life
How do you tell people?
    How do you tell them that you’re exhausted  
          even though you slept for 12 hours?
    How do you tell them that you need a break  
     from talking and smiling and simply being?
The stars aligned
I teared for their presence
In this hateful world
This never ending nightmare

The silence ranged
In my choking windpipe
I tried to scream
That tumultuous hurricane

The darkness reigned
I embraced their sarcasm
Insults rained down
This is my downfall

My demise
They say there is really nothing wrong
But then why do I feel this way
If it is all just a matter of willpower
Why can't I overcome
Why can't I just snap out of it
Maybe they are wrong
But maybe I am

People deny my memories
I don't remember anything they said
The confusion is getting to me
I don't know who to believe
I forgot where reality ends and lies began
The agony of being buried in your own grave
The terror of losing those you've not lost
The melancholy of being different the odd
We lost our direction and our compass
Leaving our minds to wander the darkness
Trembling alone in this turmoil of anguish
The pain the fear the endless disasters
My eyes were coal laced stones
Your stare cold and harsh
We thought fate could change us
We believed in true love
Till true colors were revealed
Then was when we saw it all
We realized love was a facade
We had an epiphany of life
The distraught wishes we made
Nothing but empty shells
Souls not in their original home
At first it seems
Like a pretty dream
Till truth surfaces
Realization dawns
How heavy was the dream
What was its cost
That dream was as pretty
As it was expensive
The daily turmoil
Was what I had to bear
The way I paid
For that incandescent dream
The angels have fallen to sing
A solemn prose within
We hull our bloated carcass
Back into the sea
I'm too slow too silent
Too, silently admitting to this
Things I never agreed to
Things I never knew to see
Things I never learnt to put away
There are so many beautiful things in the world
Yet we only have two hands and one heart
How do I hold onto you without losing others
I looked for answers everywhere you went
I looked to see if you hid the answers from me
So you could have me as none other than your own
Naively forgetting how much you hurt me
With your beating heart you held me too tightly
Even when I couldn't catch my breath I loved you
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