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 Mar 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
For a moment
Climb out of that noose and come with me
Cast the razor blade away
And come
You'll see
That the eyes of youth can only imagine
A future in a week
Or two
But not a millennium
For with the gun in your teeth you cannot believe
That you are meant
For more
Than what you can already breathe
Every thud in your chest
Was made for life
A life
Well lived
Be a husband or a wife
Be an author
An artist
A creature of your own invention
A lover
A fighter
For you are needed for higher intentions
Than the tears you shed
Every night
And song
That reminds you of a time long gone
That will come again
If you just put down those meds
And come with me
Because like I said
The fumes from the car
Which you learnt to drive
For so much more you are meant to be alive

— The End —