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 May 2017
K Balachandran
Calamari float,
changing tack,dive inwards quick,
life's contrary turns!
 May 2017
Sometimes dreams
Actually come true
The world at your feet
Fresh and brand new

Sometimes you win
Just before you lose
The process of love
The first time through

Sometimes you take
More than they got
Nobody warned you
And now you have not

Sometimes you need
To give it away
Just think of all
The love you could save
Traveler Tim
The birds raise a cacophony for food
hovering over the river of summer home
washing off flakes of winter memory
in the duck-warm joy of another renewal
bobbing up and down with the waves
like I hold her in my dancing visions
gazing waywardly her way
gauging if somewhere in the ether
hers meets mine
guessing when they do
sparks of fire
will burn the logs
keeping another winter at bay.
On a vessel on the river with her, in the company of migratory birds, March 20, 2017, 5pm.
 May 2017
Where others beat--
you touch...
a beautiful order.
Put in motion
when neither you,
nor I were looking.
We accused one other
of being godlike at the
same time.
As all is well remained
in the present tense, till
further notice went
Some call it peace.
 May 2017
K Balachandran
Beauty arrested my eyes,
made my heart beat faster,
realizing beauty as the truth
ultimate, I wooed it every minute.

I sought beauty avidly
all through every experience,
came to understand,
it took forms one can
never imagine.
Ignorance makes one fall
in to the bottom of the pit
of doubt,though one wants
to be a brave heart

Love I sought all round,
with love in abundance
kept ready to give in return!
But love has quicksilver ways
transforms and becomes
different things,in
many realms of being
in  many fascinating colors
The only hope for me to grasp it,
is to become love itself.

I sought peace always
in beauty and love,
when beauty touched me
with such deep, pure love,
I never would have imagined,
or when love displayed,
beauty beyond the borders
of body, soul and spirit,
I was touched by enlightenment.

I did bid goodbye to transience,
and became one with the
sky of limitlessness,
eternity without non duality,
where beauty and love
harmoniously transform in to truth
the one and only essence
effulgent, unchanging, eternal.
truth  beauty  harmony   peace  eternity.
 May 2017
In the subtlety of change
Slowly evolving beyond
Those Old Wives Fables
And Big Bangs of god's

In a constant deception
Bringing on the clowns
Clad in white washed
Tie died hippy gowns

Feeding us in withering
Free fall through space

Bound to our legacy
   To be erased...

There shall still
Be you and me
Within the ashes
Of entropy
Traveler Tim
Hope needs no prompting
As the end grows near
Open your mind
Beyond your fears!
 May 2017
Star BG
Did you know,
life is a gift meant to be unwrapped
every morning with gratitude?

Did you know,
that the veil of forgetting who we are
is now being lifted to enjoy life.

Did you know,
that every breath is an opportunity to connect
to the wisdom of the universe?

Did you know,
you are sacred like everyone else
which means one needs to honored self and all?

Did you know,
that trees carry wisdom and are willing to share
if you ask?

Did you know,
that earth is alive and our ally
along with the other creatures that inhabit her?

Did you know,
miracles are here right now
if you believe and open to receive?

Did you know
birds sing an original masterpiece
every day and time they sing?

Did you know,
that life is eternal
and our thoughts shape this lifetime?

Did you know,
that it is time to do what we came for
to align with love and live in peace, harmony, and abundance?

Did you know,
it is our birthright to live in
peace, harmony, and abundance?
Your turn to add your own.
Come on Hello Poetry people,  join the bandwagon. :)
 May 2017
Valsa George
How my mind as that of a child
Frivolous and foolish seeks solace
In a fictitious world of make believe
While reality, like a fiend stares right on my face!

Waiting for none, the globe continues to spin
And seasons arrive and depart without default
Yet how I wish to think,
With my exit, the world will come to an abrupt halt

When I am gone and lie cold under the sod
And  my memory no more lingers
How I wish to feel
My absence continually injures

Gains and losses when added up
Weighs equal on life’s dispassionate balance
Yet how I wish to boast
With success alone, I ever had my alliance

Though I never reached the peak I sought
And faltered on my way distraught
How I wish to console
I got everything for which I had fought

Future awaits me with gloom and gaiety
And victory is certain to follow defeat
Yet how I wish to proclaim
Here is one for whom life shall ever be a treat!
A bee here
another there
the bee catchers busily chase

enjoy every bit
hit and miss
miss and hit

the urge to live is the sugar
sweetens the grind
keeps death out of mind.

If you keep death in mind
high is the cost
in the momentary dying
life is lost.
 May 2017
I'm not as it seems
This DNA is not mine
I'm just a sentient being
The traveling kind

I am hardly a "white man"
Or any title you fly
I'm merely a lover
Of the human kind

I don't follow the ways
That were laid down before me
I don't believe out of faith
Logic set my soul free

I'm not as I seem
Yet you have nothing to fear
It was more than just living
That brought us here
Traveler Tim
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