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 Mar 2015
Aaron Blair
I only ever wanted someone to draw blood
when they kissed me on the mouth,
to leave fingerprints on my skin like tattoos,
the bruises forming a map to the place
where they had pried my body open
and pulled all of its secrets out.
I let you sink your teeth into my heart,
press your tongue against it,
and when I put my lips to yours,
I could taste it, the ghost of the ocean
that hid inside my veins, and yours.
You wanted to drown yourself inside me,
so I wrapped my legs around you
and let you slip beneath the waves.
 Mar 2015
Michael Bauer
falling in love with a siren is not as foolish as it sounds
when you've been at sea awhile and having frantic dreams
of the ground opening below or drowning in a tidal wave
hurrying ever quicker to the grave

she will sing you anything to pull you under
she will sing with such vibrato that you'll bet
that you are the one who's meant to sail with her
you'll believe that you can love her without ever getting wet

she will wrap you in a song of sweet confusion
her voice will echo out for miles across the waves
but you'll swear it's only for the love of music
as you jump off into the water in a daze

falling in love with a siren is not as foolish as it seems
when you look deep within and realize you're never free
and say it's worth the joy and pain if you die trying
to get closer to the sound than to remain

she will sing you anything to pull you under her spell
she'll hum and croon the harmonies of the stars
as the sun ticks a quicker meter to reverse the ringing bell
as a curse becomes a blessing and a beauty now is recognized from afar
 Mar 2015
Omnis Atrum
Her brilliant ocular orbs persist beyond the occasional glance
averting my focus just after her curious stare brings a gentle smile,
beckoning for our distance in the room's expanse to diminish perchance
as her heartening gestures attempt to avert my stance from sessile.
The magnetic pull of this inspiring scenery tugs me from my position
each forced step resisted as I cross the floor towards this distraction,
every warm, reassuring nod has filled my arsenal's ammunition
and causes a craving to quell the disturbance that has forced my reaction.
As her fingers delicately caress her soft lips I swiftly turn away
she knows not the consequence that her simple mistakes would bring,
I gather all my strength to fight the magnetic force enticing me to stay
leaving this alluring siren with nothing but her song she sings.

Though drained of will I flee with a vivid memory of what will never be
a siren so pure should stay near the shore and never reach the depths of sea.
 Mar 2015
love is my burden, my curse, my devil
the voice that whispers dark ***** spells
into my ear that's been bitten by many
who's compliments have started to sound like drones

and i ensnare them with enchantment, and wonder, and excitement
and they see me in a way that just isn't real
because i'm a creature of persuasion born
to float like a gas, sure, you can see me
but you can't hold me or feel
what's below the surface, so lovely,
a demon that burns from the inside out

a siren, i sing a song of beauty and bounty
as they steer for the rocks, i wear a smile
and i almost sink with them, but i'm still laughing
because i know they're the only ones
that are going to drown
 Mar 2015
I hear the Siren sing her song,

As I sail these stormy seas.

I've been stranded way to long,

Her voice puts me at ease.

The seas, they seem so endless

There is no land in sight.

But the song of my enchantress,

Helps get me through the night.

I know I must ignore Her call,

These seas will be calm soon.

But as the waves, they rise and fall,

Again, I hear her Tune.

Her angelic voice, it beckons me,

By now, I'm much too weak.

No longer can I fight this Sea,

My boat has sprung a leak.

Should I stay, aboard this boat,

Where I'd surely drown,

Or hope that I can stay afloat,

and swim towards that lovely sound?
 Mar 2015
Vid Taylor
the savage siren sings -
and another kiss is stolen
from the timid beast
a victim of apathy
brought forth by her song
paralyzed by her utterance
still statue under her caress
she tames the monster
and satisfies the demon
soothing them into submission
to sleep - to death
she leaves me free to dance in her mist
seduced by her wind
bewitched by her kiss
 Mar 2015
the ebb and tide of diamond waves slosh in the most serene celerity.
it is then that i know i am safe.

i lie in the ocean's arms,
and become a grain of sand,
until your song is sent my way
and i crystallize.

oh i am a pearl, born from pain.

your timbre plays melodies on my heartstrings, siren.
your beauty shadowboxes with my soul, siren.
i am not yours to keep, siren.
i am the tidecaller and i have a place.

but oh siren, why must you sing when i want to sleep?
why must you sing when i want to weep?
oh, siren, take my soul to keep.

no longer my sea.
sea of sirens, sea of song.
your song always lets me know that i mustn't tag along.
I liked someone a lot when I was in a really safe place in life. Whenever I decide to like someone, I remind myself to give up.
 Mar 2015
Sweet Siren Song
Superhuman in this skin
Red-lipped smile sweetly
(but beware teeth beneath)

I'm Sweet Siren Song
And I won't be long left
within this mediocre maniverse

Pretty ****-portrait perfect
(But there's no staples lacerating this muffin top)
Withstand this cosmetic culture curse

Bedspread silky sodden sheets
Writhing within nightmare glare
silicon butterfly spiked beauty ages anyway
Go away,
I'm finished.


(I guess Fucknuts isn't an advertiseable commodity. What's with the cheap advertising links in my poetry!)

— The End —