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 May 30
Arlo Disarray
each new day
is an opportunity
to do better
than the day before

challenge accepted

growth happens slowly
but i will cherish
each and every
new piece of myself
that i may
finally take the time
to know
 Jun 2022
You ever picture insanity?
Barefoot wineglass catastrophe
God I just picture kicking a wineglass into someone’s face
 Apr 2022
I knew he wasn’t a poet, a writer, a prophet or lover in the way he never came back.
 Jan 2021
Did you become an alcoholic because of a girl or because of the world?
Whatever your answer is, same.
 Oct 2020
Today I made love to myself with the windows open
The breeze blew my legs ajar
The wind whistled and tickled me all the way to my core
Today I made love to myself with the windows open
Mother Nature called me a *****
 Jul 2020
Living on the edge with so many stipulations, suffocating
 Jul 2020
Nothing mattered, other than the desperation of needing each other.
Just that consummated closeness.
A craving.
 Jul 2020
Speechless like an undertow,
Barreling towards the sandy coffin you always expected but never wanted to admit.

Breathless like tongue tied gills,
The light ebbing from your eyes, the water is cooler inside.

Lifeless like when he tells you he doesn’t have the capacity to love you but he has fallen for another.

We’re all speechless in this undertow, barreling unexpectedly expecting to be hurt but not quite ready for that sting. I am breathless from tying my tongue with yours every night for months and never being kissed back. I am calm, I am collected, I am collecting myself from you. My life is less without you but I am more.
 Jul 2020
I wanna have enough friends that two people can carry the cake out when they sing happy birthday
 Jul 2020
Your face fell between my thighs, cradled, rock-a-bye, never eat more than you can handle. Always use your forks and knives.
 Jul 2020
What is it
That noise you make
That soft hum so distinct
So full of distain

 Jul 2020
How much of me do you not need?

Because when I offered you accepted everything willingly.

You stuffed your face with frivolity.

Selfishly gulped down my heart and with it my insecurities.

When you were finished, you gave your compliments to the chef and told me you never wanted any of it.
 Jul 2020
You put your head on my leg, weighing it down. But weight doesn’t make you stay. Weight doesn’t anchor you to the bay. Weight can keep you afloat, lighter than the water. Heavier than the waves. It can keep you warm during a winters storm. Safe from frigid contrasts. You put your head on my leg, weighing it down.

I cut it off and crawled away
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