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Dec 2014 · 412
Colin Kozol Dec 2014
If I wake up and you aren't there
Who else will show me that they care
I would feel alone or trapped inside
I would be  unable to roll with the tide
All great pairs travel in two
I  am nothing if I'm not with you
Dec 2014 · 441
Three seconds
Colin Kozol Dec 2014
Three seconds could be rough
Three seconds might feel tough
And When the time comes that our seconds are up,
Will three seconds ever be enough?
Here I stand before you and say,
Life is short so live your own way
When the sun comes out and you see the light,
Do u feel joy or shield your eyes in fright?
I have seen deaths bitter end
I sometimes feel it closing in
Then I look up
i see gods hand
I suddenly feel tall where I stand
Your three seconds will come and pass
So Be proud of your life and know it won't last
Your three seconds draw near with every tick
So be careful with who u pick
to spend those last three seconds with
Nov 2014 · 367
One moment
Colin Kozol Nov 2014
As each second passes
The day turns to dawn
Our time could be over
Before we even know it's gone

It's time to start again
The turning of a page
Something big just happened
Now everything has changed

People pass it by
They have somewhere to be
Others crowd around
Shocked by what they see

One man tries to help
He starts to call the cops
It is of course all pointless
At this stupid four way stop

There alone Is the child
The one who has survived
She screams for her daddy
Be he can't be revived

He is gone today
The light has found him there
It seems to be all over
But still hundreds stare

They can't believe this man
The one the child adored
Had his life end so quickly
At the age of thirty four

So what exactly happened?
We will never know
When hit and runs occur
The facts dont always show

And what of the little girl?
The one whose daddy died
The one who screamed in fear
The one with terror filled eyes

She was by herself
And frightened as can be
When someone came to stop her
From crying endlessly

Although she was just as scared
And didnt know what to do
Her mother stood by her side
Thinking news was due

But as the sun went down
Nothing  important was said
This was just another case
Of a father shown an early bed

When the day was finally over
And the body taken away
The crowd all left slowly
For their was no reason to stay

years went by without him
And only sadness came
Yet as many lost all hope
The child did not do the same

Most felt pity towards her
But she didnt want it to be so
Her sadness was all over
When happiness should be low

Reporters used to ask her
How do u manage to get through
All the heart ache you were caused
By a man you never even knew

She would always smile
Because they did not know
Her fathers greatest teaching
Was given to her ages ago

Although she was little then
His words will always stick
She didnt understand it at first
But the accident made it click

As soon as she could talk
She always remembered him say
You can't live in one moment
You have to seize the day
Sep 2014 · 505
Colin Kozol Sep 2014
I fear the fright of every man,
One that can't be helped or canned,
The feelings inside me start to bubble,
Again and again I feel nothing but troubled,
It hurts to say and I hate to show,
But sad as it is, my weakness grows,
It's hard to act or find the words,
The fear inside can't be cured,
Everyone has  insecurities,
Some get choked up or even freeze,
The Lord tells us "be happy and do not fear",
But thats not easy when he isnt standing here,
So what is the fright of every man?
Is it a lack of love from his clan?
Is it a fear of flying high,
Only to fall and eventually die?
Some are frightened at the sight of spiders,
But real fear is known by those spun like tires,
Round and round there lives have gone,
But what will it be like at the final dawn?
As the old turn and start to go dreary,
We can only feel bad that they are so weary
When they breathe the final breath of life,
Will all they worked for be cut up with a knife?
The biggest fear of every man
Is what will be left when he can no longer stand,
Will years be wasted and spent in the dark,
Or can you do something and be a spark?
Life needs to be spent with kindness and class,
But do what u can to make your memory last

— The End —