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Only you can translate
where you are
on your voyage through
this varied farce
called “life”.

No one else can dictate
to you…
or should even dare…
how to phrase
your feelings,
your thoughts,
your personal moments.

Who is anyone to
cause another to feel
inept or inferior
for wording their
experiences as they will?

We are all both
audience and poet,
consumed by the
powerful spell of words
and meaning
we are bonded
in ink.

It takes gumption
and courage
to give voice to
your vision of
the world.

It often requires
resilience and nerve
to open your heart
and peel back the
layers of skin,
and let others take
a long look at the
inner workings of YOU.

Be brave,
take courage,
let your soul speak
in its very own

People will read
your words and
listen to the sweet
and thunderous shouts
that flow from pens
and keys
to release the
inner demons and angels
and the lyrical
vines that bloom and live
in our individual

fluidly coursing from
our own rabbit holes
with fortitude and grace
and our neverlands,
where we need never
grow up,

to share with those
that need to see
and hear and feel
and wonder.

-by Mercurychyld
Touch, does it feel?
Tears, does it heal?
Being and why?
Living, to die.
Born as one or linked to muse?
To who then God, to you, are you alive?
Is that why I can't see you
Is that why you are all oh mighty, superior one?  
Thoughts, these are
And no you're not for that isn't vivid?
Touch, I feel.
Tears, are mine.
Being, I am.
Living as vivid, to you almighty one!
Nothing is ever broken,
It is how it is.
Even words have the ability to seem as ruin but even words can be painted over.
It is not even safe to say everything is beautiful, because it is more then that you see...
I am a ghost. It's epic as I am not ignored nor seen.
These eyes of mine can see like that fallen leaf, perfect in time.
A two-dimensional figure I'll give it because it feels good to see.
To be continued
I had a sense of clarity
It is moving past the stagnant things because I understand now that those things are not of importance
They are kind of like this darkness that you should rather look through and out of because expansion of this is more of what you don't need.
It's just there to shout. It's nagging and wants to sleep. It's upset because it gets too depth in wrong times in its own; In its own existence.
When that happens, your body has no life because you are stuck in your mind- but when you still seek creativity within your mind with this you can call it hell or its complete opposite.
You are either sad and in pain or find beauty in this pain and that could define beauty in darkness and maybe that is why black and white is so signifying together.

© Clarissa van Vreden
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