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 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
You know
who would like
to suffer with me?

I have no clue why I would write this... Maybe to show the best proverb wrong??!?
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
'Tis me
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
A child holds his father's hand
His little hands holding on to bigger ones
He is scared..
So young
Yet having to face such stuff..
As natural disaster

Having to go to school
And being as innocent as possible
Loving everything
But things change..
And so do people

Everyone I know
Has turned
Finding every possible chance
To take his/her revenge
Murdering in cold blood

But being innocent isn't the way to live
So I changed
And now..
I am *different
No-one from my family was hurt.. Fortunately.

Fictional, of course.  =)
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
Remember the time.
When we walked home?
It was so mucho fun
We just had talks
About love
Being in the air
All the time

I sincerely miss
Talking to you
Though you ignore me
More than often
You did help me through
And many others
So when you do have hard times
Don't shy
You listened to me.
I will listen to you.

That's something
I want to do
As payment for your help.

Written to a friend of mine.. Who isn't here as of right now.. Hope she does see it when she can... And yes. She is on Hellopoetry.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
What can we do?
For the souls
lost in eternity?

We can't do anything for anyone anymore.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Bruised Orange
Once, I loved a man, who never once loved me.
I pined for him both day and night,
But he never once loved me.

He played his song for anyone,
For anyone but me,
And I pined for him both day and night
But he never once loved me.
His lips were moist, like ripened peach
And his arms were meant for me,

But he played his song both day and night
For anyone,

Anyone, but me.
She measures self worth in numbers -
Numbers like the seven he gave her last night,
Scribbled on a coffee shop napkin.
She's like a butterfly, you see;
Wondrous on the outside
But blank within
Fluid, without shape or body or mind -
No spine.
She is whatever words are thrown her way.
She is numbers,
A simple code, a formula,
To which the answer will always be
"I'll see you at eight," or
"Call me," or sometimes just "Yes."
She's shapeless conformity,
And when she wakes up someplace new,
She counts the numbers down:
Five, Four, Three, Two -
One time she had her own edges,
But that's neither here nor there, really.
Yesterday, she was seven digits,
But today, for now,
She's zero.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Come with me, oh, dear! Let me take you there,
This world isn’t good for you, it’s greedy and unfair,
Come with me to the place, where sun rises up high,
Enlightening the buried hopes in hearts of you and I,
Where greed has no place,
Where anger has no face,
Where clouds shower happiness, high up from the sky..

Come with me oh!dear, where nights are not dark,
Where moons shines up so bright that even dawn blush to embark,

Come with me to the place where there will be no more pain,
Just close your eyes and dream and don’t wake up again.
A sweet lullaby.
A sweet denunciation.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
There will always be things I never did that I should have.
Words I never said, smiles I never gave,
Thanks I never uttered.
There will always be love I never made you feel
That I should have, everyday of your life.
There will always be lessons I never learned,
Forgiveness I never asked for, truth I never showed.
There will always be time I wish I could take back,
Days I wish I could live again,
Moments I hope no one else has to go through.
There will always be hurt I never wanted to feel,
Pain I regretted having experienced,
Sorrow I never even had to go through
If only I was smart enough,
Brave enough.
If only fate was fair enough.

Life is cruel.
Life is a sadistic jester.
That it’s only now that I begin to realize
The things I should have done,
The words I should have said,
The emotions I should have made you feel,
When you’re no longer here.
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