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Nov 2016 · 480
To Love
Christa tomasulo Nov 2016
Remember me? I used to laugh at the high i felt From your buzzing chatter, always giving me a Reason to sing and dance.
Can you picture my face? You kept it smiling And bright but even so i was cruel
To you love.
You poured me a cup of my favorite tea and I Supped it too casually.
Its fervor wets my tongue more today than it Ever did while in my company.  
With your arrival, i remember the sun looked Different.
Clearer and with a stronger glow,
I was afraid if i looked at it too long, it would
Wherever you were, the trees swayed and
Sagged with the weight of their leaf-lush Bounties, and the thrushes sang down their
Loudest to me.
But i had washed out their cries with the
  Endless banter of rousing and starting anew.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Eating marshmallows
Christa tomasulo Sep 2016
Your name fits in my mouth like an extra
large marshmallow;
It fills it entirely. All the while combatting the sliminess of my gums with its pillowy chalk,
trying to escape any chance it can.
Jul 2016 · 913
Christa tomasulo Jul 2016
In the early sun, a dew soaked swing set basks in rust as we play
I find your eyes at the window watching.
I am safe. I know this.
Concrete paints my knees red.
And you totter over with peroxide and a hug.
I am safe. I know this.
You'd find a path to the sun if only it stretched my popsicle lips into a smile.
I stalk home past midnight; a stomach gurgling with liquors I can't pronounce.
I find you on the couch flipping channels as your eyelids turn weak.
You approach me with a slap I was expecting.
Then a hug
Then a slap
Then a hug.
I am safe. I know this.
I'm panting with worry. My mind racing. Each thought like a poorly aimed bullet.
But you somehow find a way to extinguish them in your fists.
Until my smeary wet mascara stained cheeks swell into a laugh.
I am safe. I know this.

It is winter and you sense my eyes so flameless, fragile.
I am restrained by the presumptions of my fate.
My arms have been ripped from my sides so naturally you tear off your own limbs for my use.
Your appendage helps me to climb.
I'm out of the ditch. Because I am loved.
I am safe. I know this.  
It is industrial where the stringent work. I cower at the mass of its stolidity. But even then I find you, the earths drippy clay molding to my quirky nervous and dissatisfied self.
Everywhere else.
I am safe. I know this.
And my dear mother.
You are loved. I hope you know this.
Jul 2016 · 406
In a month's Time
Christa tomasulo Jul 2016
And there you are again
Oozing from the street signs and making my stomach quiver with all the bumps on
our favorite road
I watch you in the leaves that dance around tree trunks only to sink to cold grass today.
In a months time
Ill look at the leaves and they'll be just that
The hole in the wall diner in town won't remind me of our first date anymore
It'll just be a diner
And you'd think a thought like that could comfort me
You'd think I'd be happy that I'm slowly disentangling you from my days.
But one day
One somber day
I'll listen to 'come and get your love' and I'll ride a skateboard or chew that minty gum you like so much
And I won't see you anywhere
And although I lost you physically today  
The day Ive forgotten every misplaced hair on your head
And the wind doesn't bring your scent to my face
When my friends haven't asked about you in a while
And when your name doesn't flicker in my mind
Then I'll have really lost you
And you'll be so far from me and
there will be nothing left of who
we used to be

— The End —