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Chelsea Rae Aug 2020
Sometimes there is planks and trinkets
Of her that wash up on the shores of my mind.

A collection from the deep sea.

From an abandoned shipwreck
I rowed away from long ago
To be spared the sight of her ghost.
Chelsea Rae Aug 2020
It's like every creative bone
In my body has cracked and dried.

Artist's osteoporosis.

Turning into hollowed shells
And even typing this now
Feels dead and empty.
As if pointless
Because there is no heart.

I crash all too often
With no idea how to get back up.

I'm tired.
So soul tired that nothing ******* matters.
Yet it's funny to me the way my anxiety reminds me constantly
Of everything I'm terrified to lose.

It's like I can never win with you

It's always a lose-lose
And the positive affirmations always feels
Like drinking medicine.

Sickly sweet and a fake *** remedy.
Temporary fix. Where the ***** my ****?
  Aug 2020 Chelsea Rae
Robert Andrews
You're finer than an artists brushstroke
No master could improve
If I were to paint such perfect lines
I would be painting You.
  Aug 2020 Chelsea Rae
Robert Andrews
A little bit of crazy
Is alright with me
It keeps our conversation
On it's toes

The dandelions have all gone to seed
Did you see the moon?
Something soft
Just touched against my nose

And maybe in the afternoon
The wind will plant some seeds
To grow at night
Beneath the light
Of the yellow moon

And I will get back to you
Another space and time
When all the dimensions
In the end collide

Everything is intertwined
You know each word
Is true
When we reach
The crazy end
I'll see you
Aster Blue

Roosty ❤
  Jul 2020 Chelsea Rae
Robert Andrews
Laughing leaves swim the sky
They delight in an autumn dance
When the wind sweeps by
Her broom lets fly
Colors bright
To swirl and prance
  Jul 2020 Chelsea Rae
Robert Andrews
The colors of my heart are true
I remember Aster Blue  
This raindrop life
one day will end
While there are flowers yet to tend.

As you and yours are growing free.
There shall be blossoms I won't see
When rainbows cross the Autumn sky
Think of me but do not cry

I've lived my life with an open heart
And Loved you from the very start.
This poet's muse my Aster Blue.
My poems are flowers meant for You.

If only one should move your heart
I'll know it wasn't wasted art.

So when the asters bloom my friend
And my life has met it's end
Recall my words from time to time
My children are my words of rhyme
Chelsea Rae Jul 2020
My soul cried in agony.
In pure confusion she cried.

"Why can't you just love me?"
"Why can't you feel with me?"
"Why am I alone in this?"
"Why can't you find me?"
"Why can't you see me when I'm right here?"

There she was, laying on her lover yet
Drenched in despair and pure heartbreak, bitter at her lack of understanding;
With the constant why's finally raining down on her in a flash flood downpour,
reaching with her entire being while being soaked in sorrow, hoping to God she can keep her head above the water and not get swept away by the tide,
  he whispered,

"I'm trying."

That's when the storm immediately stopped,
. . .
Muffled silence filled the air with peace in heart
As the sun finally peaked
Through the clouds.
Hope. Opening. Forgiveness. Healing.
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