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u dont even know me
or make the effort
 Feb 2019 Meredith Ann
I remember
Your laugh as we played on the
Monkey bars with the rising sun.
Your smile as we nibbled at
Melting ice cream.
Your sigh as the
Summer winds ruffled your hair.
We were only children,
We’re still only children.
So why are these memories
So far away?
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
I am not a poet but the thoughts about you are poetry.
my heart wasn’t intact when I met you
but you took my pieces
and arranged them into a puzzle I didn’t know could complete me.
you held them close,
cherishing the small details they entailed,
and warmed them when they were bitter.
one day,
you decided my puzzle wasn’t yours anymore,
and you threw away those tiny, curvy fragments.
a few there and a few here,
I will find them.
I’ll piece them back together,
and find my heart again.
looking up at the stars,
I wonder why my heart feels this way,
the same way it did before I met you.
october 1, 2018 (10:57 PM)
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
I feel most comfortable in my skin when it’s pressed against yours
In small rooms guarded by locked doors

Where all we hear is your steady breathing
And my anxious heart hurriedly beating

As we melt into one another
And all we know is this moment, trapped within each other

Not love, not lust
Just a physical wanderlust
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
Your skin is warm vanilla cake
For all the things you couldn't make.

Your eyes are sharp white mint,
For all the sights that came and went.

Your mouth is twisted red licorice
For all the times you've spouted gibberish.

Your nose is a cold cube of gum
For all the kisses that made me numb.

Your tongue is rich caramel toffee
For all the times we've shared a cup of coffee.

Your taste like is candy of cotton,
For all the times I've forgotten
How much I love you.
Starving for you <3
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
there are some kisses that I could have sworn
it would never end.
there are some hugs that I wish could stop time
if only I just squeeze the person tight enough.
there are some goodbyes I hope I'll never have to say,
there are eulogies that I don't want to hear
and there are songs that I don't ever want to end.

I'm agnostic but sometimes I pray
for the moon not to go down when I'm with you.
I beg for it to hold on for at least a few more hours
before dawn takes over but it never does.

if there's one thing I've learned it's:
no matter how much you beg, plead or promise
happiness is always fleeting from our fingertips.
happiness is never truly "yours",
it is simply just your turn to smile.

Ted made it rain for Robin,
but here I am trying to stop time for you.
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