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Anmol Chandak Aug 2020
I decided to walk out one fine day,
To search for the 'happiness' of which people say,
I searched on the roads, I searched in the sky,
When I couldn't find any, I asked each passer-by.

Nobody had an answer that could feed my mind,
But then, I heard someone say what I'd endeavored to find,
He asked me, "Can you see those kites, flying free,
And that happy cuckoo bird, singing joyfully?"

"Have you heard the laughter of a child,
Or spent a noon chasing butterflies in the wild;
Sat with a cup of coffee on a rainy day,
Or enjoyed an ice stick one fine May?"

"It's hidden in the extra roti that your mother makes for you,
Or the smiles that you leave through the good you do,
Happiness is when you get to read a book after long,
And when you get to hear your beloved's song."

I listened and listened, and returned a smile,
How beautifully it's scattered, I wondered for a while.
In the unseen pockets of life, joy clings,
And happiness - it lies in the littlest things :)
Hello all! This is my first poem on Hello Poetry. I hope you all like it! Thank you ♥️

— The End —