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Jan 2016 · 259
cg Jan 2016
How much the wind endures.
It is the source
Of ones last breath.
It is the soft blow,
Whispering a confession of love.
It is the last goodbye,
And the first hello.
It is always there drying
Our tears.
Its what pushes our balloon
After we let go
Letting it float unto oblivion.
It listens to our every word
And takes it to another place
Where nobody can hear it.

Jan 2016 · 233
cg Jan 2016
I feel as though
I am floating
In a sea of chaos.
Although I am calm
Everyone around me
Is suffocating in stress.
And I am affected
Because of them.
They are forcing me
Into their unstable paths.

Dec 2015 · 828
The Narrator of Sin
cg Dec 2015
I hear his voice
It follows me everywhere.
I look around
And he's no where to be seen.
His voice is unclear
And echoes with every word.
It is a voice of temptation.
It whispers
Forcing me to listen closer
Until it screams
A deafening screech
Repeating again and again
Until I obey its command.
The voice of sin
Once again
Has a grasp on me.
Nov 2015 · 231
cg Nov 2015
So many words
In so many languages;
Yet I still cannot
Explain the way
I feel about you.
Nov 2015 · 298
cg Nov 2015
I see a forlorn figure.
Eyes pensive and absorbed
Yet lost.
A smile sruggling
To deem positive.
A body lifeless,
Surrounded in an island
Of melancholy and woe.

Looking into a mirror
Was never good for me.
Nov 2015 · 628
A Comforting Death
cg Nov 2015
Comfort in the
Thought of death.
Not death upon myself,
Or commiting a ******
But solely the thought
Of death.

We live an entire
life of wrongdoing
And good.
A life of obscurity
And abrupt openness.
We venture to abide
To the social norm.
We try so hard
In everything we do
And suddenly none
Of it mattered
And our entire worldly
Existence was worthless.
Nov 2015 · 276
cg Nov 2015
You are all I want
And all I would ever need.
It is a risk worth taking.

I could lose you
in a split second,
And be left in an
eternity of dwelling,
But I choose you,
I constantly choose you.
I have set aside
The whispers of judgement
I continually hear
And I brought forth
What I have always desired,
Nov 2015 · 304
cg Nov 2015
He was like a cigiratte
Dangerous to himself
But fatal and
Toxic to others.
Nov 2015 · 323
cg Nov 2015
He forced him self upon me
And his lips were shoved into mine.
I pushed and kicked
But for the 3rd time
I was sexually assaulted.
I was only 13
And the taste of his mouth
Still lingers on mine.

— The End —