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Cass Nov 2013
they raised me
to be
god fearing
but the only thing
i fear
is ignorance
Cass Nov 2013
i stumble through
this frozen time
to find you
in the moonlight
you're all i need
i love you so ******* much
it hurts my head
but i don't know how
to tell you
Cass Nov 2013
what hurts the most
isn't the fact that
you didn't say
"it's okay"
for the first time
when i apologized
or that you thought
i was ending it
it was
that i know you still
go to sleep
not knowing
how much i love you
Cass Oct 2014
you don't know why
but i'm sorry
Cass Apr 2013
i know no greater melancholy
than when my room smells of summer
and sunlight paints my walls gold
but all i have to associate the season
is the bitter stained memories
of summers past
Cass Jun 2013
they say poetry is borne of pain
but i swear to god
paranoia does the job just as well
and god ******,
i just want to not think about it
and not dare to think
of the possible consequences
but you've got into my head
with your freak show mind games
Cass Mar 2015
You stopped wanting me
Because I didn't do drugs
So I just didn't understand
Now I do drugs
And you still don't want me
But at least I'm too high to care
Cass Apr 2015
People who glorify sadness
Aren't drowning
They just tie bricks to their feet
Cass Dec 2013
your aggression
pins me against the wall
and quiets my thoughts
as it raises my heartbeat
i don't have to give you
Cass Oct 2014
he is nothing compared to what you are to me
and you are nothing compared to him
Cass Dec 2013
your personality is pure
and your every action enables
but somehow you're still
i could read
your encyclopedia of philosophies
Cass Dec 2013
your anger churns your eyes
i distract myself
by thinking of your breath
on my neck
and as you apologize
i imagine you whispering
"i love you"
into the dark
and i realize
that all that has happened
has taught me only one thing:
forgive, always forgive.
Cass Aug 2014
i can't show you my poems
because that's like cutting my wrists
and having to show you
through the pain
how the blood flows
in my veins
Cass Apr 2013
dramatic and apathetic
you are so intent
on becoming something big
you've lost yourself
Cass Dec 2014
I don't know if we'll last forever
But I want to make sure
That you will never be able
To look at another girl
Without thinking of me
Cass Nov 2013
generally all i think about
is running away
and you
but even though
are the only reason
i can think of
to keep me here
when i look happy
it's usually because i'm imagining
someplace else
Cass Aug 2014
you've seen my naked body
now imagine
peeling back my skin
layer by layer
when you can see my heart
raw and beating and full of life
that is how i write
Cass Jun 2014
you asked me why
i stopped telling you i love you
but the girl who loved you
is busy screaming out the window
in the city in the middle of the night

i don't love you
and i'm not sure if i ever did
Cass Apr 2013
Excuse my absence
I've been short on words lately
And sometimes I like to fade
Into the background
And let others talk
Actually, most of the time, I do.
And that's okay.
Because I never really have much to say
Do I?
I must not,
Since no one ever listens to me speak.
Cass Oct 2013
i've never been much for physical appearances
why smooth your hair
when it will only tangle
or do your make up
when your tears send streaks of black
down your face
or paint your nails
which will only chip
you are a different person each day of your life
so if you don't try, i suppose you won't know
but you can't break a promise you never made
Cass Apr 2013
Forgive me if I fade away
Even though
You've been begging me to stay
I just don't see the use
It's better this way.
Cass Feb 2014
i'm an unstable girl
who fell for an unstable boy
so what?
maybe together
we can create someone new
but becoming someone
depends on who you've met
and what you've seen
you've altered me so completely
the warped image in the mirror
is not who i wanted to be
you made a home inside my veins
tore my ******* rib cage open
and i know that
i can only get rid of you
if i rip myself apart
limb from limb
and put myself back together
unrecognizable, again

maybe i should
after all,
it's the only way i'll be whole
for you
Cass Jan 2015
Time heals all wounds
But I don't ever want to be
Healed from you

I want your wounds
Deep in my flesh
Your name on my breath
Your hands in my dreams
And your face in my nightmares
I'd rather be haunted by you
Than forget you
Rather live in sweet agony
Remembering trembling
And shallow breathing
Yearning and hopelessness
Home in your arms
I'd rather die a thousand times
Than forget this
Cass May 2013
you are my first sip of tea
on a cool summer morning
scalding my lips
but promising to cool
and calm
Cass May 2013
When I first met you
I called you
Because you were new
And interesting

When I fell apart
I called you
Because you were in love with me
And you listened

When we fought
For all that time
I called you
Because I missed you

And now
I miss you
And you love me
But I didn't call you
Because I helped
To tear you apart
Cass Dec 2013
when you're in love with a poet
be wary
you will become either the
or a
Cass Jul 2013
night has such a bad reputation
because of murderers
and teenagers
people seem to have forgotten
the stillness
and simplicity
that has been in the nighttime
since the beginning
or maybe
they fear the pseudo darkness
that always fades with the coming morning
Cass Apr 2015
You can't get sad
Over what it was
Rather ask yourself
What is it now?
Cass May 2017
I reach down to the earth and know
That everything that has
Ever mattered to me has rested on it
I reach for any star
As close as I can get to touching it
Knowing that everything
I've ever thought was impossible
Is just beyond my fingertips

Why do I find you there
Under and beyond my fingertips?
Are you the earth I grow on?
Are you those stars I long to live in?
Cass Apr 2015
Sometimes I have nightmares
Where everyone I've ever cared about
Leaves me
When I wake up,
I realize
Nightmares can be real
Cass Oct 2014
i don't make art anymore
all i make is mistakes
i'm sorry
Cass Nov 2014
How selfish of me
To tell you I love you
Cass Nov 2014
when hearts speak softly,
Cass Mar 2015
I'm losing myself
And I'm happy about it
Cass Sep 2014
is what i am
(and what you gave to me)
Cass Feb 2013
I am the impulsive tattoo you get late at night
That stings you in the morning.
I am the third ear piercing
Which you get without a thought.
I am the crisp wind on a cold day
Biting your cheeks as you smile at the winter sun.
I am my mother's cigarette butts,
Extinguished, one by one.
I am in the laughter of my friends,
Slightly bitter, stained with adolescence.
I am the music that kills my eardrums
But keeps my heart beating.
I am alive in the wonder of every experience I've had
And for the wonder of those to come.
I am the words that everyone forgets to say,
Becoming less important with time.
I am the thoughts you never want to share,
Shameless and uncensored.
I am the never ending nights,
A cup of coffee for the empty spaces.
I am between the lines of this poem,
If I'm lost, you'll find me there
For I am simply an afterthought.
this is my favorite poem i've ever written; i mean every word of it.
Cass Mar 2015
Stop looking for God
In the bottom of a bottle
Or somewhere in a dime bag
Do you see angels
When you pop pill after pill?
Do they sing
As you fill your lungs?
When you sleep at night
Do they send you celestial messages?
No, they don't
And now you're more than alone
Because you've lost yourself, too
Cass Nov 2013
when it gets cold
i start to remember
when you made me touch you
on my grandparents couch
and when she talks to me
she reminds me of you and
all i can think of
is when you touched me too
and i thought it was
but it was only a

i'm so glad they threw out
that **** couch
Cass Mar 2013
No matter how hard I try
I cannot remember
What it was like to feel those things
For you, for everyone.
It has been too long.
They lied
Time seals all outflow of emotion
And makes it impossible to go back.
Cass Nov 2014
Laws of physics state that all bonds will eventually be broken
Worn down, ripped apart,
Converted to something new
But if you're determined,
Maybe you'll be able to salvage what's left
You didn't hold on tight enough
To what was left of us
And yet you're so surprised
That I, too, faded into the gentle folds
Of your memories,
Cass Apr 2013
I learned a lot about myself
In the past few months
I learned that I prefer to spend
My Friday nights with a cup of tea
(Lemon green, a spoon of honey)
My emotions are perpetually out of control
So I've learned to ride the hurricanes
Instead of build a dam to keep them inside
They pass, they always pass
Few words are worth my trouble
I prefer hearing others scars and stories
And my life is just beginning
I'm stumbling in the dark
To where I'm supposed to go next
I don't know who I am
And I don't know what's important
They say that some years question
And some years answer
So I guess you could say
That I've learned a lot of things
During these months of self-assessment
But they've raised more questions
Than answers.
Cass Apr 2013
it's humorous
that i aspire to be
someone who builds
and creates
where people will live their lives
and make memories
because every thing i've tried to build
has crashed to the ground
with me dancing through the rubble
stating simply, "i didn't know."
Cass Jan 2015
I'm no stranger to grief
And as days get blacker
And I begin to forget how it feels
To smile
My hands are still shaking
Stomach complaining
At the lack of attention
I know that it's all a process
And one day there will be
No more tears to cry
And I will begin my ascent
I won't remember you
Just that it didn't even look like you
When you left me
(You left me. You ******* left me.)
I will remember that I gave you everything
And you threw me out in return
Cass Feb 2013
i kiss my teacup
just as your lips
would touch mine

my jacket hugs me
just as your arms would
if they could

my dreams console me
to make up
for the distance between us
Cass Apr 2013
you are a heavy trinket
on a gold chain
deciding my fate
with the steady swing
of your insecurity
right, left,
here, gone
never quite feeling
but coming close enough
to fool me into thinking
that you're intentions are as gold
as your metaphorical heart
you are a pendulum;
just as unreliable.
Cass Mar 2013
When I'm really tired
Sometimes I see shadows
And they laugh and dance
In front of my faded eyes.

At first I didn't know
Whether they were good or bad
But as they whispered sweetly,
I realized that not all darkness
Makes you hollow.
Cass Aug 2015
Mid July nights
You roll over
And we're in a new city
I taste the adrenaline on your fingertips
As we taste each other in a new city

It is home just for one night
I wish I could call your eyes home again
But lately you're in another galaxy
Somewhere far away from here
If I ever found you,
Would you let me stay?
Cass Dec 2014
I meditated on the idea
Of us seeing other people
A boy who will touch me
With fingers like barbed wire
A girl with a shy smile
Who is a thousand times easier to love
And I hate her with a passionate rage
Why can't I be like her
That *****
Cass Aug 2014
when waves of guilt
hit me like a tsunami
and i am the break wall
i realize
i threw it all out for chance
but i've never taken a chance
a careless leap
all my life
so i'm sorry
that your suffering
is necessary
to my big adventure
Cass Jun 2014
i am a wild spirit
living on chaos and disarray

you are premeditated
concise and practical

you've never stopped
trying to tame me
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