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13.4k · Apr 2014
Cass Apr 2014
last week i told you that the inevitability of the end was near
you couldn't stop it
i am a patch of black ice and you are a semi
but we refuse to let go,
refuse to throw out what we have
just because we're young and stupid
and you can't fall in love until you have a college diploma on the office wall
and a mortgage to pay
a hundred thousand regrets
and a lost love who you gave up on
simply because you didn't believe in the resilience of young love
we fell in love in spring,
and there's something to say about the innocence of that first love
unparalleled spontaneity and discovery
that will never be duplicated
so why would you throw it away?
your forever is shorter than mine,
so i'll never promise forever
all i can promise you
is now
3.4k · Jan 2015
Insult to your memory
Cass Jan 2015
And I love you,
So much more than I love myself

That to say I lost myself
When you left
Is an insult 

To you
3.4k · Jan 2014
Cass Jan 2014
I think back to when everything was simple, when he was alive and we were all whole but then he broke us and we never fit back together.
Life used to be carefree tentative smiles and excitement over coffee shops and we all had so much potential and drugs were the plastic bottles in our bathrooms, taken with caution.
I think of how many friends i used to have, and how everything has been superficial since we all put ourselves in plastic boxes on unreachable shelves
These days I have no motivation and I want to see the sun. Happiness is as fleeting as the snow on the ground before the wind sweeps it up high above he trees.
I used to be the snow, and I didn't care where I landed. That's why I wasn't very surprised when he took advantage of my innocence and unstable hold on reality. But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't still shudder when people come near me, or wonder if I look broken to them.
I see him in school and I remember his eyes, innocent, as they ask for forgiveness, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he had taken the last thing that meant anything to me, or that he was the last straw when I made that fateful decision last year, or that I STILL wake up gasping from having nightmares starring him, or that he causes me to stay up late into the night feeling completely alone. That he stole my already feeble ability to say "no." But I'm wiser now, so I forgave him even though his arms felt like needle ****** when he hugged me.
Recovery is long, and some might say I'm not recovered at all. It's been a year but I still think about death every day. I'm in love, but I hate myself every second I'm not with him. But none of that matters, because now I know that I will always choose pain over oblivion.
I've found a delicate balance that can be destroyed by one gust of wind, but I'm trying to be better, and that's more than I've ever been able to say.
I don't want to say that a song saved my life but the song is his voice when he tells me he loves me, and the screams in my head when I don't want to continue, because at least I know I'm alive.
Sometimes I miss the people who have left me and the girl I used to be, but it's over now, and it's best not to dwell on things that I can never change. Because recovery isn't the number of days passed, but allowing time to heal you.
It's allowing yourself to feel better, because only you can give yourself that permission. It's learning to love yourself, and to accept everything in stride. But most of all, recovery is forgiveness.
Forgiving others for what they've done to you, but more importantly yourself, in any condition, the way the shore forgives the tide which leaves but always comes back for more, because the ocean loves the sand more than we can comprehend, and that's how we should all love ourselves: unconditionally and during all weather.
Cass Nov 2013
staring at the wall
across the room
for ten minutes
after hanging up with you
and knowing that
i might have ****** it up
but i asked two questions
and came to a realization
that if i didn't tell you
what was on my mind
it would have ended anyways
or was the realization
that i can't live without you?
1.9k · Apr 2013
Cass Apr 2013
oh dear, oh dear
i knew that you don't really know me
which was just how i wanted it
but it really does seem
that you
don't know me
1.5k · Dec 2013
Cass Dec 2013
i was so distracted
by everything in front of me
that i didn't notice
you sneaking behind me
and engraving yourself
into my bones
i don't have a choice
you are in my
1.5k · Feb 2013
i worry about me
Cass Feb 2013
i worry about a lot of things
things happening too fast
and time passing too slow
about everything i've done
and about everything
i haven't gotten to yet
i worry about you
that i don't know
what any of this means
and if you're planning
on doing the same thing
that he did to me
i worry, because i'm not sure
that i can handle it again.
1.4k · Nov 2013
coincidence & fate
Cass Nov 2013
how can you dread
when life itself is a surprise
you can't decide when a baby is born
or when you will breathe your last breath
and you can't pick
where each snowflake will fall
or when or where or with whom
you will fall in (and out) of love
i guess what i'm trying to say is
don't blame me
for coincidences
1.3k · Feb 2013
Cass Feb 2013
One button down,
Shoulders back,
"Your shirt's too low."
Too low for what?

One big burp,
Lots of people around
"That wasn't ladylike."
Why do I have to be?

Doing my classwork,
Wondering why I bother,
"So you can get somewhere."

Word *****,
It's exactly what I think.
"Don't be rude."
What if it's the truth?

Hot, passionate lips,
Hands in my shirt,
"Be conservative, reserved."
What way is that to live?

My shirt is gone,
My hand in his pants,
"Don't be a ****."
What exactly is that?

One more cigarette,
Sparking lighter.
"Each one kills you more."
Is that meant to be bad?
1.2k · Nov 2013
Cass Nov 2013
you are the light
only present in dark
where secrets and
loving conspire
under the comfort
of your darkness
where you can't see
their eyes
and where bravery
is the only option

you control
the tides
of me
as i push
you away
and pull you
but i admit
it took a lot of
to trust your
and walk into the
1.2k · Feb 2013
Cass Feb 2013
I am the impulsive tattoo you get late at night
That stings you in the morning.
I am the third ear piercing
Which you get without a thought.
I am the crisp wind on a cold day
Biting your cheeks as you smile at the winter sun.
I am my mother's cigarette butts,
Extinguished, one by one.
I am in the laughter of my friends,
Slightly bitter, stained with adolescence.
I am the music that kills my eardrums
But keeps my heart beating.
I am alive in the wonder of every experience I've had
And for the wonder of those to come.
I am the words that everyone forgets to say,
Becoming less important with time.
I am the thoughts you never want to share,
Shameless and uncensored.
I am the never ending nights,
A cup of coffee for the empty spaces.
I am between the lines of this poem,
If I'm lost, you'll find me there
For I am simply an afterthought.
this is my favorite poem i've ever written; i mean every word of it.
1.2k · Jun 2014
the other side of self harm
Cass Jun 2014
considering i daydream
about putting a bullet
through my skull
every day
i'm lucky to have escaped
with only these few scratches
1.2k · Apr 2013
as the pendulum swings
Cass Apr 2013
you are a heavy trinket
on a gold chain
deciding my fate
with the steady swing
of your insecurity
right, left,
here, gone
never quite feeling
but coming close enough
to fool me into thinking
that you're intentions are as gold
as your metaphorical heart
you are a pendulum;
just as unreliable.
1.1k · Feb 2014
Cass Feb 2014
i'm an unstable girl
who fell for an unstable boy
so what?
maybe together
we can create someone new
but becoming someone
depends on who you've met
and what you've seen
you've altered me so completely
the warped image in the mirror
is not who i wanted to be
you made a home inside my veins
tore my ******* rib cage open
and i know that
i can only get rid of you
if i rip myself apart
limb from limb
and put myself back together
unrecognizable, again

maybe i should
after all,
it's the only way i'll be whole
for you
1.1k · Nov 2014
Apathy Kills
Cass Nov 2014
Laws of physics state that all bonds will eventually be broken
Worn down, ripped apart,
Converted to something new
But if you're determined,
Maybe you'll be able to salvage what's left
You didn't hold on tight enough
To what was left of us
And yet you're so surprised
That I, too, faded into the gentle folds
Of your memories,
1.0k · Apr 2013
disregard this poem.
Cass Apr 2013
tongues flailing
i fall back softly on the couch
our lips entangled
hands wandering
hickeys hickeys mmm
my hands scratched your back
as you move to take off my shirt
what a different sensation
direct contact with that skin
forbidden, shouldn't be happening
it feels so right
your lips get less sweet
your touches less gentle
and in less welcome places
my pants come off
i ward you off for now
no, no, i can't
no, don't
but you do
my fault
my fault
for hooking up
and being such a ***** ****
good thing it didn't go farther
because i am already disgusting.
oh darling, don't worry about me.
Cass Feb 2013
She tripped over her feet, and over her words twice as much.
Graceful only in combat boots, and most comfortable
With her hair down, face naked.
She dreamed of flying, so fiercely and so often
That hardly anyone expected her to come down.
She had nothing, but wanted everything
But there was no one by her side; she was alone.
For people tried to escape when they thought she was far gone,
But she always remembered those who left.
She needed someone to stay, to help her, for she was trapped.
Eyes that had so easily and so often been lost to wonder and passion
Faded, hard and cold.
And the voices, the voices of both people she knew and those she did not,
Screamed, "Just one more hit, just one more cigarette,
Just a little blood, just to feel a little bit."
"You are nothing to us," they said. "You are just a loss."
And so, I am her protector. I keep the voices in check.
When she goes in for another hit, another drink,
I stop her, for hopes of tomorrow.
I lay her down as she holds her head and screams, "I can't do this."
I whisper, "You will be free again someday, I promise."
And she believes me, for I will not lie to her.
I am the only one she trusts.
Because she is trapped, and I can free her.
998 · Apr 2013
A Questioning Year
Cass Apr 2013
I learned a lot about myself
In the past few months
I learned that I prefer to spend
My Friday nights with a cup of tea
(Lemon green, a spoon of honey)
My emotions are perpetually out of control
So I've learned to ride the hurricanes
Instead of build a dam to keep them inside
They pass, they always pass
Few words are worth my trouble
I prefer hearing others scars and stories
And my life is just beginning
I'm stumbling in the dark
To where I'm supposed to go next
I don't know who I am
And I don't know what's important
They say that some years question
And some years answer
So I guess you could say
That I've learned a lot of things
During these months of self-assessment
But they've raised more questions
Than answers.
988 · Feb 2013
liar, liar
Cass Feb 2013
you told me you're a liar
or rather, you're good at lying
but you also told me that you're transparent,
an open book, so straight forward.
logically, one of those statements is a lie
but you can lie with your words
and you can lie about your feelings
but you can't lie about your brown eyes
or your smile that reaches me at my lowest
you can't lie about those; they just are
so what are you lying about?
i'm dying to know
981 · Dec 2014
Cass Dec 2014
I know something's changed
because when I look into my eyes
They're finally clear
889 · Feb 2013
Drunken Love Letter
Cass Feb 2013
you broke me with your kisses
you broke me with your eyes
you broke me with your touches
and you broke me with your lies

you told me that, with patience,
i could have your heart
and i responded that, with patience,
we could wait for love to start.

but you said you had no patience,
you said real love was "lame"
so it really shouldn't surprise me that
to you, all of this was a game.

i realized that all you craved
was what my hands could do
sadly, i was okay with that,
as long as i was with you.

you didn't ensnare my mind,
*** was all you wanted
and i sometimes still wonder
what it is that made you so haunted

but that's not the point of this poem,
your "****** feels" should stay out of it
this is about how you've hurt me,
so i'll go in for another hit.

you told me i was special
and that you wanted me
but really i was just one girl
along with a million i didn't see

it's funny how much i wanted you
i would have pleased you every day
i offered that and all i asked
was to be the only one you asked to stay

i guess you did nothing wrong
since i was nothing to you
my silly, arrogant, girly mind
thought that you wanted me too

i don't know if i miss you
or the way you kissed my neck
your sweet tongue in my mouth,
it was never just a peck.

i don't really want to see you
i also heard you eat glass
that's super ******* weird
but i hate you, so shove it up your ***.
i mean, it gets humorous towards the end.
850 · Feb 2013
Cass Feb 2013
the difference between
being *****
and wanting to be close to someone
is an important distinction
for someone who knows
that feelings never end well
especially for me.
821 · Apr 2013
no writing past 2 AM
Cass Apr 2013
"Beautiful," you sigh, "You are beautiful."
Muffled against my collarbone
But suddenly, you are not the one I trust
A different house, a different night
A very different boy
Who expected very different things of me
He used the same words
But when he called me beautiful
He was not talking about
My glowing personality
And I said no
I swear I said no
So when I got afraid
You thought it was you
But it's not your fault
It's mine.
It's mine.
(I said no, I swear.)
770 · Mar 2013
Cass Mar 2013
I don't know who this girl is
She showed up a few days ago
In her too-short skirts and push-up bras
Pretty in black, black, black
A secretive smirk on her lollipop lips
And candy flavored tongue
But she's definitely not that sweet
Slightly deranged
Obsessed with freedom
And destruction
She'll look upon you with hunger
As wind whips her hair into her dead eyes
But you'll never see her again
I don't know who this girl is.
738 · Jan 2015
Cass Jan 2015
Time heals all wounds
But I don't ever want to be
Healed from you

I want your wounds
Deep in my flesh
Your name on my breath
Your hands in my dreams
And your face in my nightmares
I'd rather be haunted by you
Than forget you
Rather live in sweet agony
Remembering trembling
And shallow breathing
Yearning and hopelessness
Home in your arms
I'd rather die a thousand times
Than forget this
733 · Dec 2013
Cass Dec 2013
your personality is pure
and your every action enables
but somehow you're still
i could read
your encyclopedia of philosophies
720 · Jul 2013
lovely little vices
Cass Jul 2013
someone else once told me
that everyone has vices,
things they can't resist
my vices are *** and drugs,
a gateway from my so-called 'brilliance'
because i am not filled
with life and promise
i am bursting with lust and self-destruction,
addicted to passion
710 · Mar 2013
will a brush fix this?
Cass Mar 2013
my hair is tangled
too tangled for any brush
my thoughts are tangled
tangled over you, just you
and my words get tangled
over my thoughts
and now my tangled past
is mixing with my tangled present

everything keeps getting tangled
over the tangled mess
that is my life
what am i to do?
703 · Mar 2013
Cass Mar 2013
I can solve problems
Can find the tangent of any angle
I can hablo en espanol
And identify the elements of a compound

But I don't know how to talk
Don't know how to touch
How to laugh, how to feel
Or know how to do anything that matters
699 · Nov 2014
Not Sorry
Cass Nov 2014
I thought I couldn't look at you
Because I was guilty
But not as guilty as I was
When I realized I could
699 · Mar 2013
Cass Mar 2013
maybe if I scrub my mouth hard enough
I will get the taste of your tongue
out of my mouth
and the taste of our whispered words
off of my lips
but it won't matter
because your touch will still be ironed
into my bones
and your words branded white hot
into my skull
teasing me
696 · Dec 2013
holding flame
Cass Dec 2013
we are pure flame,
adrenaline and
our passion is a match
and we are destined to
689 · May 2013
Cass May 2013
i am a mess
my words come out backwards
my hair is out of control
around 97% of the time
and i am caught in all the books
i've ever read
and can't seem to leave
out of touch with reality
but i will try my best
if you'll let me
i will kiss your scarred hands
and make you tea when
you're angry and worked up
i'll follow every cliche that's ever been written
and all i want in return
is for you to gently reach and pull me back
when i start to drift
and not just run away
680 · Feb 2013
not quite yet.
Cass Feb 2013
i've learned
that sometimes it hurts
a thousand times more
when you're aching
for something that hasn't happened

and sometimes,
the things you haven't (yet) done
cause you more guilt
than the things you have
674 · Mar 2013
Cass Mar 2013
You left a girl
Who spoke of being together
And of experiences
She was too afraid to have
Who kept her tongue in cheek
And was afraid to be looked at
With a thousand cookie-cutter friends
She smiled at everything,
But she hated her life

You came back to a girl
Who is comfortable in her own skin
And has had experiences
That make her laugh and tingle and blush
Who speaks her mind,
Her bitter mouth open in defiance
And has a thousand rude, ******* friends
Who she loves every single day.
She is one of them, and loving every minute of it.
656 · Jan 2014
six word story #1
Cass Jan 2014
he'll get tired of me
649 · Jan 2014
six word story #2
Cass Jan 2014
you shouldn't want to
635 · Feb 2013
as it was
Cass Feb 2013
i kiss my teacup
just as your lips
would touch mine

my jacket hugs me
just as your arms would
if they could

my dreams console me
to make up
for the distance between us
615 · Nov 2013
i'm fucked
Cass Nov 2013
one ring
you are the boy
who drives me crazy
and makes me scream
with rage
two, and you are
the boy who hides
behind a mile-high wall
three, and i'm so *******
done with your *******
"hello?" you say
and you didn't know
that things had gone so wrong
you are lost and sad,
the boy i first fell for
as the phone clicks
after a soft goodbye
you are the boy
who drives me crazy
in love
613 · Feb 2013
Liquor's Quicker
Cass Feb 2013
Oh, you don't remember? Too bad for you, I do.
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.
Except, it wasn't tequila,
And fate wasn't merciful enough to let you pass out.
You screamed and cried for me and for your boyfriend
As your words slurred and everything in your stomach
Decorated his basement floor, pupils dilated while you screamed in terror,
Your mind somewhere in the stars as your body wasted away.
You kissed him, you filthy hypocrite.
And as I went to the bedroom, just wanting one good thing to happen,
Our lips about to touch, when you yelled for me, again, to take care of you.
And all my friends (not yours) hugged me (not you) and apologized
When the only person who needed to apologize was you.
608 · Dec 2014
The Weather
Cass Dec 2014
I wish I could communicate
Like the weather today
Cold and clear
Leaving a bone chilling
600 · Oct 2013
Cass Oct 2013
i am so clumsy
and reckless
with everything
from my keys
to my heart
i will accidentally crush yours
under my feet
and then look at you
with wide, damaged eyes
begging you to be gentle with
595 · Mar 2013
miles gone, miles to go
Cass Mar 2013
perfect harmony
of days blending together
monday, tuesday, wednesday
early morning tea,
mouth guard smiles,
half-attempts at socializing
thursday, friday,
miles ran, miles to go
before i rest
saturday, sunday
my lips, your neck,
pretending we don't have to go back

there will always be another monday
another sunday and wednesday,
but they will never hold so much nostalgia.
585 · Feb 2013
Cass Feb 2013
my stomach is constantly in knots
because of you
i haven't eaten in two days
but i feel lovely
as my hands shake
and water hits my stomach
with a heavy thud,
aching for sustenance
being with you doesn't scare me
and neither does my hunger
what scares me
is how i like the hollowness
556 · Jun 2013
Cass Jun 2013
they say poetry is borne of pain
but i swear to god
paranoia does the job just as well
and god ******,
i just want to not think about it
and not dare to think
of the possible consequences
but you've got into my head
with your freak show mind games
552 · Dec 2013
i love you
Cass Dec 2013
you tore my ******* rib cage open
filled my head with electricity
it took us seven months
to confess our love
we are a hurricane
violently clashing
from the pain
of nearly losing what we've created
innocent kisses leave me
as if i am 13 years old again
the only words uttered are to whisper
"say it again"
i won't forgive myself
for forgetting even for one single second
that we are pure fire
adrenaline and
our passion is a match
and we are destined to
545 · May 2013
You Won't Admit It
Cass May 2013
I haven't written a poem about you
Not even allowed myself to think the words
For fear of retribution
I have kept you a secret
But I am tired
And I have been beaten down
Into a raw, ****** pulp inside
Over something that should mean nothing
To anyone else
So forgive me for believing
That people's opinions don't really matter
And I'll forgive her
For not being able to get over herself
(Because, darling, she's always had that problem)
538 · Nov 2014
Where is my mind
Cass Nov 2014
Don't know where my mind is
I only hope I'll find it soon
A simple wish that I may ask
To smile, and come back to you
535 · Jan 2014
It Began
Cass Jan 2014
january 11th, 2013
one year ago, today
i was unable to put
my feet on solid ground
for awhile
i used the bodies of those
i called lovers
to hold me up
but that day
late that friday night
my last hold slipped away,
and i realized
that there was never anything solid
to begin with
so i drank
indulged on ***** and blood
laid down for eternal sleep
but instead was awoken,
minutes from oblivion

you asked me
why you should believe
that i won't do it again;
i said that i learned something
about myself that night:
i will take the pain over oblivion
any day
529 · Feb 2013
hold down your drinks
Cass Feb 2013
Through being nice, done writing my passive poetry
As I sigh thoughtfully about my life.
Not going to be there for people who don't give a **** for me
Done holding back hair for girls as they ***** their fancy *****
Calling me a **** with their spare breath.
I pushed you? Consider yourself lucky.
I should have let you choke.
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