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I dont want to be the one that completes you
I want  to be the one that feeds your mind
with the questions to my answers

you don't need a second opinion of yourself
when your first opinion will do just fine
don't allow the insecure ones, tarnish you

for their eyes are hollow, their heart, souless
the jealous rage inside them, holds contempt
of such perfection
love is like pressing into you skin and leaving a mark
love is like riding a hundred roller coasters  in one day and remembering the feeling as you lay in the bed at night
love is like sitting in the ocean and letting the waves push and tugs you and remembering the way they fought over you on your way back home after watching the sunset
love is engraved in your skin and sketched in your brain
love can not be unfelt only forgotten with in time and more time and even more time and maybe not even then
It does not cancel
But laughter
Slightly eases
All the pain

It does not negate
But ***
Softens hard horrors

It does not stop
But there are moments
That make it better
Despite the nightmares of life
Stolen seconds can be restoring
Traveling in the last hours of darkness
Down this long and dusty road
Looking up I see the moon so full
On her journey through the night

I want to leave my earth bound life
And on her take a ride
For she is traveling westward
And would take me to your side

I continue on my lonely way
The sound of road noise in my ears
But if I could ride upon that golden orb
It would wipe away the years

To ride the road of the milky way
To your side where I belong
No radio or CD playing
Just the sound of angels songs

Is it just a dream I'm dreaming
Or could it become reality
To be with you my own sweet love
Just us, just you, just me

— The End —