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 Apr 2014 Casey
Alexandra M
I drew a line in the sand
Hoping it would stay
But I watched the tide take it away

The water reclaimed its land
As I saw my boundaries come crashing down
While my pride began to drown

A fragile mark made by my hand
I lost control of my actions
Only to be fueled by passion

My mind is lost at sea trying to find its way back
But it's hard to stand on solid ground
When the lines are being washed away and drowned
 Jan 2014 Casey
Ian Beckett
I am certain now that I am me and he and she
So I try to hide hoping you will not notice but
They say things                           They do things
To make you think              That make you ask
That he is crazy                      Is she really mad?
That they are not                    Then they are too
  But he is she too                             And they say
So when I take the                   I should take the
Pills, so they and he and she will all go away,
I will just be me again and you will not be as

Frightened of us.
 Jan 2014 Casey
Aaron Reisinger
She awakes from twisted dreams,
To find love nestled,
Between crossing streams.

— The End —