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The birds have returned
And peace emerges
In the form of a dove.
Life on the rise again
Children living normal
Lives once more
Playing in fields
Like they did before.
The deadly dark cloud
Replaced by bright sunny skies
Erasing memories of the past
Painting the world with new colours
The rising tide of hope
Washes away the fear of war.
 May 2017 carissa
Anderson M
Tongues of flame ravenously lick
Every inch of her and everything in contact
With her is lit aflame and maybe that’s quite impolitic
As it’s inconveniencing with a tendency to distract.
Well, as beings fidget and squirm in impassioned
Ecstasy she nonchalantly goes about her business
In slow haste completely indifferent to the ‘fashioned’
Whirlpool of raging emotion she’s stirred in acute finesse
Qualities that constitute an ensemble of a femme fatale
Most of her actions defy most established forms of rationale
And presumably, she could have gone through the rigmarole
Of dressing up she’s certain she’ll slay heart and soul
A splash of color and valor
And discretion’s sidelined, she glows with glamour.
With all this in mind wonder why grandma distastes red ‘clothing’.
 May 2017 carissa
Anderson M
I’ve long since stopped articulating your beauty
In flashy luxuriant and tongue twisting superlatives
As my imagination’s been worn thin whilst your body’s symmetry
Is a stark constant mired in substantives.
There’s one thing though
That melts my hard line stance to desist
From understating your beauty, furrows
Fashioned as dimples on your cheeks that I can’t resist.
They’re screamingly distinctive
Demanding attention and reverence
No wonder they’re so addictive
Can’t keep my eyes off them and I’ve settled on humble acceptance
Of their hypnotic effect on me
Methinks I should just let them be.
Eccentric lily of the valley*
 May 2017 carissa
Anderson M
I like the twists and turns of phrases
And how they cause smudges of fuzziness
In my mind and anything that
Stirs this obsession is an instant fascination.
I levitate through the time and space of imagination
I flip and flop on phrases and hard sounding words
With mild reckless abandon
And it’s the one instance I throw caution to the wind.
Before a duck’s done shaking its tail
These words coalesce
Into ideas of grandeur and almost immediately
Like quicksand disappear beneath my mind’s feet
Shortest “lease” conceivable.
Soon “after-words” a state of normalcy’s restored.
Words when thrown hither and thither into an "enclosed" space like one's mind "somehow" rearrange to beautiful mouth-watering pieces of artistic expression.
 May 2017 carissa
Anderson M
Aesthetically speaking music’s a salve to the soul
Capturing and lulling someone into a wakeful stupor
Releasing and recapturing one’s attention almost intrinsically
Owing to its eclectic nature.
Sound’s itself a marvel on its own
Tastefully quaint
Intimate even when it’s absent
Cold and warm when it sees fit.
 May 2017 carissa
Anderson M
Ego when bruised
Walks with a limp
Its eyes watery
Shamefaced, gait wobbly
It can easily be knocked of
It’s feet, as its legs suddenly
Appear spindly, malnourished
I guess starved of necessary fiber
And nutrition. I wonder if it’s got a spine
No wonder all it does is whine
When splashed with hot water.
Methinks, for one’s step not to falter
One ought to on the altar
Of one’s well-being slaughter
In cold blood the monstrosity that’s the ego.
 May 2017 carissa
They ascended
Left me
Earth bound
The world
I'm still

I sleep
Still I own
Traveler Tim
Life is awesome
In any state of mind.
Creator creates men
Then men creates problem
Did you notice that all of our problems begin with men?
Men-tal Anxiety
Men-tal   Breakdown
Men-strual cramps
Where the is a men the is a problem
The is a problem where the is man!!!
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