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 Apr 2013 Cam E
Victoria Jennings
I smiled
I won
A **** away
And keeping
My true love near
I've finally won
And I know
It's because I love you.
 Mar 2013 Cam E
Organ theft
 Mar 2013 Cam E
You stole my little heart.
I know you did;
I saw you take it.
I watched as you cut me open
And removed the pulsating muscle.
You thought I was asleep,
But I let you take it.
I thought that if anyone should have it,
That person should be you.
So do with it as you please...
But I hope that you keep it near you.
It's served me well over the years,
And it's also proven to be a real ***** at times.
But it will keep you warm.
That I can guarantee.
Now moored in the dark bays
My ship in the dark days
Sailed light in the wild seas.

The fresh winds that blew in
off the keys
paid no fees nor no duties
those beauties were wild.

In the child that is time
got drunk on cheap whiskey
and drank even more wine.
And sailed on.

were the gone in 'begone with you'
a Devils brew of a troupe
on a sloop with no flag.

Dragging my heels a bit
in a suit of the age
that cannot fit.
It's not cut for this jib
Which is even more of a fib
that is scratched in the journal with ink and with nib.

Here I tie up and stay in the bay of my birth
My final berth and it's fitting
that in this bay where I sit on the sloop
that the loop of my life keeps on playing,
relaying those wild crazy times in 'the Carolines'
or on the 'Main'
Standing, 'man on the wheel'
life is just one big reel
Always one more destination
Just one more salutation
then I go.
 Mar 2013 Cam E
sleep walking
 Mar 2013 Cam E
i would do anything for you,
even if that means
waking up at three in the morning
just to hold your hand
so you don't have to chase your
nightmares away alone.
for my sister <3

i stopped listening to the pop stations after he stopped riding in my car.  back to the alternative radio again.  this song caught me by surprise though, and i almost cried because i think maybe it's one of the most beautiful and out of character things i've ever heard the station play.  
this is a love song.  and it's perfect.
 Mar 2013 Cam E
Michael S Davis
God made us appreciative of beautiful things.
For most of us, all those things look the same;
golden sunsets, ruby roses, emerald rings,
enthrall our eyes and bestow beauty it’s name.

But we each give beauty our own special spin,
a color, a shape, a smell that quickens our heart,
something that tells us it’s music, not just a din;
and makes beauty our own, a whole not a part.

The saying declares “Beauty is as Beauty does.”
It is what is done that sings beauty to me;
does it tickle my fancy and speed up my pulse,
and does it go to the essence of who I should be?

So, I look at you and my heart skips a beat,
and tries to keep pace with what I see there,
overwhelmed by a vision as alluring as sweet;
I’m awed to be touched by a beauty so rare.

The beauty that we each in this world hope to find,
the scarcest of wonders, the gem for which we long;
that calms restless hearts, and settles our mind,
Beauty that proclaims, “This is where you belong!”

“You’re beautiful!” I say with marveling eyes,
as I ponder world of beauty I've known,
that declaration of love and awe implies;
Your beauty beckons me and now I'm home.

©2007 Michael S. Davis
 Mar 2013 Cam E
I saw you in Tim Hortons for the first time in three years.
You told me I had grown and
I congratulated on you on your weight loss.

She is my best friend.
You didn't raise a child,
You raised an ironwork frame.
You threw a girl into reality before she could even spell the word.

And I would love to look at the other side, but I can't—
it always loops back around like that little girl
doing circles around on her ten-speed as she pulls up
to the convenience store to buy you cigarettes.

Hey, at least you called her an ambulance—
On Thanksgiving Day when she passed out
from lack of nutrition because you spent your last welfare check
on something I don't even want to hear your excuse for.

I remember my mother, coming into my room at eleven pm on a Wednesday, telling me to put some shoes on because you snapped a pool cue and placed it to a guy's neck.

My pajama pants ripped as I broke into your apartment to wake my best friend up and tell her that my mom was parked outside and she had to spend the night at my house.

You spent the night in the drunk tank hitting on officers.
She spent the night beside me crying and asking for any other mother but you.

We were in grade 6.

When she was 13, she had to live with me for 3 months because social services deemed you, "unstable."
When she was 14, she moved away to the city because she couldn't handle you anymore.

I went to visit her last weekend and she didn't say a single word about you.
I think this is the most unrefined thing I have ever posted online. I just kinda wanted to get it off my chest because honestly it's been seething inside me for a long time, and I just recently saw the mother sooooooo..
 Mar 2013 Cam E
Waiting for you
 Mar 2013 Cam E
I saw your face
Through the window for
A split second.
Walking to your car
You strutted down
All the way.
I sighed as you
Turned the corner
And you never
Came back.
I waited---
For what?
For who?

I still am
Waiting for you.
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