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Apr 2019 · 254
death of a salesman
cameran Apr 2019
hello friend,

i haven't seen you in a while and i was wondering how you were?
do you still think about me the way i think about you?
hopefully i'll see you soon old friend.

Mar 2019 · 366
seven pounds
cameran Mar 2019
sometimes i wonder if there will ever be a day where i can eat a slice of cake and not want to die after.
"I am suffering."
Feb 2019 · 204
public transit
cameran Feb 2019
i always have this fleeting feeling deep down, it comes in quiet hours, when i should be sleeping. i’m supposed to be somewhere else than where i am, i just don’t know the name of that place or why the universe wants me there so bad. it’s like i’m constantly running late for the bus or that i’ve been invited to a party but i get none of the details. it’s this nameless phantom that haunts me and pulls me deeper, but i’ll never have a mean of escape. when will i be free of this feeling?
“sorry sir, i don’t have a ticket.”
Jan 2019 · 192
cameran Jan 2019
sometimes, the easiest
thing to destroy
is yourself
“i’ve already ****** up 2019”
Dec 2018 · 240
cameran Dec 2018
it's nighttime and i am laying back in bed.

my pillows are cotton and they rub against my neck as i try to get comfortable. i never really do. i play with the loose thread of my comforter, and wrap it around my finger until the tip turns purple, i wonder for a moment, what would happen if i let the feeling spread until the top of my pointer is useless? suddenly, i hear your favorite song play in my head. it is soft. soft and rolling and it gives me the same feeling as my thread wrapped finger. i feel weightless and useless just like the crimson, shaded pad of my pointer. your song grows louder while everything else grows more quiet. i didn't know it was possible for this amount of silence to exist, it felt as if my skull grew transparent and all my thoughts began floating around the room like tiny lulling clouds. your song is drifting into the ceiling, i hope it floats through and up and up all the way to the moon. then it will settle there amongst the rubble and it will play it's rolling melody for all the stars. maybe they'll all fall asleep and it will be completely dark and completely quiet. the song just grows louder instead, so loud it begins to ring in my ears like a symphony of tiny, little bells. it rises and rises and i wrap the thread tighter and tighter and i squeeze my eyes closed and i beg. i beg for the song to stop, but it just grows louder. the bells reach their crescendo and it's then that i realize that the thread was not wrapped around my finger but my heart, and i was painfully, irrefutably, regrettably in love.

the song finally stopped.
"stuck on the puzzle by alex turner"
Nov 2018 · 205
game night
cameran Nov 2018
i’ve learned that some
people try to find as
many pieces of themselves
in others as possible.

even if the pieces are
a bit chipped and
they don’t fit exactly right,
they need them to feel whole.

and then there are the
people that seek out
the unattainable pieces,
the ones they know will
never fit, the pieces to a
very different puzzle.

because it gives them
an excuse to remain
alone, pieceless.
not sure which i am
Nov 2018 · 209
bob dylan
cameran Nov 2018
one of the hardest things
i've ever had
to learn is
that you can want
someone so deeply,
and they may not
share the same feeling.
you can believe in them
like a form of religion,
you could wish for them
on every birthday candle
and every eyelash,
you could close your eyes
and imagine their voice
and how their hand
would feel in yours,
you could cry for them
or shout
or fall apart in front of them,
and still,
they wouldn't want you back.
"for you pigeon toes."
Aug 2018 · 189
cameran Aug 2018
i liked to take the highway home when the weather was warm.

i would roll down all the windows and blast some obscure song by some nameless artist, but i liked it, it made me feel good. i would sing at the top of my lungs and brush the hair that stuck to my face back into my messy ponytail. i would smile as the last licks of the sun cast shadows on my dashboard, and blow past the exit i was supposed to get off at. i felt free on these long stretches of roads, like i could go anywhere and be anybody. nothing felt permanent on the road, nothing was waiting for me, no time was ticking by. i loved it, and i've never loved anything that much.

eventually, i would have to turn around and get off and at each stop light and left turn i felt that freedom diminish. by the time i pulled into my driveway it was gone all together. real life was waiting.
"i don't want to grow up."
cameran Nov 2017
i've listened to your dial tone
over and over again,
so much so,
that it's starting to sound
like i love you
"i must have really bad service."
Nov 2017 · 235
one time too many
cameran Nov 2017
one time we sat in the car for six hours and went back and forth playing our favorite songs and told eachother things that would be shameful to say to anyone else. i liked talking to you and looking you in the eyes because they were dark brown, almost black, and i could see myself in the reflection of them every time i looked. i think you developed a nicotine habit that night, i think that was the only development either of us made. the windows fogged up and i started sweating but i didn’t tell you to turn the heat down because you liked it warm and i would do anything for you. you told me i broke your heart three times but i told you that you broke mine hundreds of times so i win, but the truth was, that wasn’t much of a victory at all. you asked what it would be like if we dated. if we broke up. if we ******. if we never saw eachother again. if we fell in love. i said all of that would be easy for us and you agreed. that one time i loved you. i loved you with your tired eyes and unwashed hair and same outfit worn three days straight. i loved you for six hours and you loved me. but not actually. you dropped me off at midnight. you got back together with your girlfriend by eight at night the next day.
one time i pathetically sat in a car for six hours and got my heart broken (again) the next day.


one time i realized i needed to move on.
Jul 2017 · 277
dragon disorder
cameran Jul 2017
it starts with a burn,
a deep-set fire in the
pit of my stomach,
then comes the rising,
up, up, up, the flames
lick the soft tissue of my throat,
my fingers twitch
and my chest heaves,
i roar each time the
flames leave my mouth,
i cry out for peace,
i cry out for the guilt
to leave my body with each flame,
i cry because i wish
i had control of the fire,
but each time i give in to the twitch,
i cry because the fire has control of me
"do you know how many calories that has?"
in which it is not fire i am talking about, but something much worse
Jun 2017 · 265
a true story; part two
cameran Jun 2017
i told you i loved you
and you told me you loved her more
and i got up and knocked over
a pile of solo cups
and went into the shed
in that random backyard
and cried so hard i couldn't breathe
and you didn't leave the party
so i got wasted and high
and i pretended like you didn't exist
and left every twenty minutes
to cry in that ******* shed
and gone was the boy who would answer my calls at two in the morning,
and along went the
dreams of being an astronaut
and feeling like the sun was close enough to melt the ice settled on my skin
because you were my sun
and i got too close
and i got burned
i wish i could go back to part one
Jun 2017 · 249
a goodbye to a friend
cameran Jun 2017
we used to sit in my basement
and listen to the wild youth,
while smoking cigarettes
i stole from my mom
we talked about dying our hair
and moving in together after college
and ******* girls
and making breakfast
and our dreams
and you were my best friend
and now you're just a
person in a story i love to tell
for my friend.
Jun 2017 · 281
wrong number
cameran Jun 2017
you blocked my number,
so i deleted yours, and by deleted,
i meant that i copied it onto a sticky note and stuck it behind my bed,
because i know one day i'll call you,
you won't answer,
but i'll still call.
"the number you reached is out of service."
Mar 2017 · 699
pointe shoes
cameran Mar 2017
when i was little
i wanted to be a ballerina,
now i just want to be able
to get up in the morning
ding. ****. dead.
Jan 2017 · 321
hot metal
cameran Jan 2017
i can not beat you,
so i will break you
Jan 2017 · 401
sunshine boy
cameran Jan 2017
warm hands,
warm heart
"i love you more and more."
Dec 2016 · 256
revolving doors
cameran Dec 2016
i'll only have you
when she doesn't.
Dec 2016 · 569
a true story
cameran Dec 2016
i sit on my porch
after stumbling home
from nights of drinking
and smoking and nameless
faces all contributing to the
reckless reputation of today's
teens. it's cold, i'm cold,
everything is humming and  
buzzing and now i'm cold and
scared. my fingers are twitching
and i can feel the bubbling in
my stomach, i'm anxious to call
you because you're warm and
that's all i want right now.
you are the boy i tell about
my fascination with clouds
and my dream of being an
astronaut if i was smart enough,
and then you say i am smart enough.
i pretend not to hear it.
you are the boy who laughs
when i stumble over my
words and waits patiently
while i ramble on about what
i see while walking home.
you are the only boy i've cried
both to and about.
and while i hiccup and tell
you how sorry i am to wake
you up at one in the morning,
you just "it's fine, i was awake anyway."
we both know you weren't.
and when i hang up and
stare out at the ocean,
all the cold has melted away
and i don't feel so small anymore.
my warmth.
my own personal sun.
i've never loved anyone like you.
Dec 2016 · 280
secret garden
cameran Dec 2016
without you,
i am a flower denied of it's sun
"rain, rain go away."
cameran Oct 2016
if i had known that
that was the only time
i'd ever get to hold your hand,
i would have held on longer
"i wouldn't have been drunk either."
Sep 2016 · 200
the wind knows
cameran Sep 2016
i like your smile
and how you smell
and how soft your voice is
and maybe no one knows
how i feel about you,
but the wind knows
and the late drives on
stretches of highways
and smiles up at the sky
"i don't like this feeling."
Aug 2016 · 378
the boozy blues
cameran Aug 2016
you'll see me at the bottom of the liquor bottle,
you'll hear my voice in the last sip,
and you'll cry out for me as you stumble,
because just like alcohol,
i'll bleed in your veins for awhile
"i'll be an addiction."
Aug 2016 · 688
drinking problem
cameran Aug 2016
one day you'll ask me why
i hate the smell of beer,
and i'll have to tell you
it filled the air when he hit her,
then you'll notice
how i avoid red wine,
and i'll look away to say that
she reeked of it when she screamed at me,
you'll pick up on
how much ***** makes me gag,
and i'll be ashamed to tell you
i washed it out of my hair at 3 am while sobbing,
i'll push away jack
and you'll be sure to ask why,
and i'll cry and tell you
i can't remember why i hate it,
that i can't remember much at all

and then you'll know who i was
when i wasn't me
"i'm better now."
Jul 2016 · 696
xanax cereal
cameran Jul 2016
you act like i've chosen to be the way i am.
i can't control anything.
"i feel useless."
Jun 2016 · 230
cameran Jun 2016
love is knowing the exact sound of your voice,
even after not hearing it for a while
"for you, my love."
Jun 2016 · 352
great expectations
cameran Jun 2016
i have waited three long years to kiss you,
and now that i have,
i'm disappointed to say,
it wasn't even that good.
"i have to stop watching romance movies."
Apr 2016 · 260
cameran Apr 2016
sirens are
a lullaby,
yelling is
a constant,
lying is
a habit
for: kids with broken homes
Mar 2016 · 257
heart burn
cameran Mar 2016
i've watched from afar
as you've broken her
heart so many times
it doesn't even resemble
one anymore.
"good riddance"
Mar 2016 · 211
beauty won't stay
cameran Mar 2016
i'm in love
with the idea
of you missing me
you don't
Feb 2016 · 229
ever changing faces
cameran Feb 2016
if you asked me who i thought i
was this morning,

i might have answered with my name
and my favorite color and a few hobbies
i enjoy.

i might have shared childhood memories
and talked about what i hate in this world or
explained how i like my coffee and why
my mother doesn't talk to me anymore.

if you asked me who i thought i was this morning,
i might have told you these things.

but it's no longer this morning
and that is no longer me.
"don't forget to breath."
Jan 2016 · 307
sing me to sleep
cameran Jan 2016
i loved you in my dreams
and i'll love you when they're over
"never wanna wake."
Dec 2015 · 254
paint by numbers
cameran Dec 2015
i see you in all the best parts of me
"make me better just to let me die."

cameran Nov 2015
imagine the feeling
that crying in your
younger brother's
arms gives you,
and then try to
forget it like i'm
doing right now
"momma can't buy you a mocking bird."
Nov 2015 · 229
cameran Nov 2015
he hit her again today,
and i was hoping that
i could find all the
courage in my heart,
to hit him back.
"brave face, toxic waste"
Nov 2015 · 694
fuck buddies
cameran Nov 2015
i'm stuck in my delusions
that you want me,
but you're eyes are on hers,
not mine
"never mine."
Sep 2015 · 351
dead dreams and dancing
cameran Sep 2015
i was twirling,
stumbling over my little toes
and giggling in glee,
i was going places; far places,
i was dreaming; big dreams,
i was a child,
with pure white thoughts
and intentions,
but i twirled too much,
and fell over the edge,
and my twirls were broken
and instead of places;
i was going down,
and my thoughts so pure white;
were blackened,
and my intentions;
were shredded
and then i stopped twirling,
and i stood still.
"dad called me a tiny dancer."
Sep 2015 · 273
cameran Sep 2015
it hurt to look at him
because sometimes
he was too beautiful,
and other times
he was too flawed.
"i keep trying to fight it."
Jun 2015 · 320
simpleton shuffle
cameran Jun 2015
get up,
get ready,
go to classes,
go to work,
go home,
go to bed,

terribly mundane;
it hurts to know i live
such an unextraordinary life
"i could've done greater things than this."
May 2015 · 340
future forecasts
cameran May 2015
you were my sunshine,
but then you were
blocked by the clouds
of feelings and self doubt,
and now you're my rain.
"weather is an anomaly."
May 2015 · 4.4k
stages of hand holding
cameran May 2015
you let me hold your hand,
and play with your fingers,
then you left to **** another girl,

and maybe you thought
i'd be fine with that
"i'm not."
May 2015 · 366
the indifferent generation
cameran May 2015
i see these news clips,
the stories that go around
and it rips me apart inside

i spend hours thinking about it,
the struggles those people go through

the attacks,
the murders,
the rapists,
the brutality,
the war,
the innocent people
paying in blood,

i see it all and i want to speak up,
shout "it's not okay" from the roof tops,

i'll bring it up at lunch
but my friends don't care,
they don't think they have to,
because "we're just kids"
and "we're too young to understand"

we are the indifferent generation,
because our voices were taken away,
and our opinions were silenced,
before we even had a chance to express them
"it disgusts me! disgusts me!"
May 2015 · 433
torrential downpours
cameran May 2015
at first it's grey,
that's the only way i can describe it,
it's like you can't hear anything but white noise
or see anything but fog,
and then the clouds form,
and it rains,
sometimes for hours,
and sometimes for years,
and you're just sitting there in the downpour,
looking at nothing,
because your eyes can't focus,
and it feels like your heart isn't beating,
and your lungs aren't breathing,
and it's just you,
all alone,
in the rain,
staring at nothing.
"what does it feel like to feel nothing?"
cameran May 2015
what i have:

he is a familiar body and warmth,
a movie i've watched to many times,
he's a book i know the ending too,
he's boring; he's too familiar,
i don't want brown eyes and warm smiles.

what i want:

he is a piece of the sun,
golden haired, with eyes like the sky,
and a smile filled with light,
his voice is laughter and his body is uncharted,
he is innocent from all of
the sin filled people around him.

what i can't have:

he is a smirk and a dark place,
with acid eyes and smoky breath,
he is my dreams and my nightmares,
my greatest desires and fears,
he'll break me, i know it, but i can't help it.
"this is what makes me feel like a bad person."
May 2015 · 378
deserving change
cameran May 2015
we are
who we think
we deserve to be,

if you think
you deserve nothing,
you'll be nothing,

you are the
only one who
can make a change
"i am me."
May 2015 · 312
dial tone lullabies
cameran May 2015
i don't answer your calls
because it hurts less
when i don't hear your voice
"i know it's wrong, but it's the only way."
May 2015 · 257
glass hearts;frail minds
cameran May 2015
and each tiny fragment was
only held together by the
thinnest of strings,
until one day they
slowly tore apart
piece by agonizing piece;
my heart is no longer whole
"if you love me at all, you'll make it stop."
May 2015 · 276
love is love
cameran May 2015
love has no limitations
or rules to abide by,
no age limit,
no gender specifics,
no culture restrictions,
and no expiration date,
love is simply love
"love is all around."
cameran May 2015
at first you care way too much,
then you care way too little,
until eventually, you don't care at all
"i'm dead inside and it feels good."
May 2015 · 206
cameran May 2015
i'm holding my breath
it hurts to breathe
"i wish more than anything to be strong."
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