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 Dec 2014 lotus lord
DC raw love
You have blocked my heart
From an eclipse of another

She has taken my world
As we shared our love

When your body was in mine
You told me you loved me
I then gave you my heart

Now you squeeze it and laugh
Then spit in my face

This world around me
Has now collapsed in space
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
DC raw love




 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Sharing is not always caring;
     You don't want to share STDs with anyone.
XD my comeback lol I'm a selfish greedy lil bish ;) cx

I made a decision
I decided to stand up
To show the world my name
Ariel motherfuckinh Taverner *******
I no longer wish that I could cry
I now cry when I need to while lifting my ******* to the world
**** all the people who pushed me down
December 2012. A year ago I joined this site. I was astounded that such an equilibrium of writing existed. Such an insane place. So disproportionate a place yet an asylum to me. There were one or two ******* along the way. But you had to get to know them before you judged. It was an fantastic journey. I started as a timid writer that never thought he'd get more than one like ever. Now 44 followers, hundreds of poems, and 275 likes later here I am. And I would like to say one thing: thank you for giving me the ability to truly say *******.

A special thank you to :The Darkness,  Sorrow and Joe Adomavicia

And thank you Classified.

Thank you Hello Poetry
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
you might think that everyone hates you,
but that's not true.

There will always be someone who needs you.
(and if you don't think there is anyone, there's always me.)
bonfire heart
by james blunt

<3 love you guys all ^^ I'm always here, remember that (even if i don't know you, i need you, trust me on that.)
If I should have a daughter,

Then this is my vow to her:

Any boy who leaves your soul in pieces

Will be found with his body in multiple pieces

When I am finished with him. :)
I will be a terrifying mother...
I am not pregnant or anything btw, this was just a thought for the future if I ever have a daughter.
Okay, so she and I are not the same religion
Okay, so we are of different cultures
Okay, so we have different beliefs
Okay, her ****** orientation is different than mine
Okay, so she looks different than me
Okay, so she is a different race than me
Okay, so she doesn't believe in the same things as me
Okay, she has different values than me
Okay, so she says unkind things to me
She is still a human though.
And I owe her respect, basic human love, and kindness.
I don't care if we are polar opposites.
I don't care if she spits on my religion
I don't care if she loathes me and is cruel to me
I don't care if we have nothing in common whatsoever
We are both human
And that should be enough
For me to show her
Even if they are a different religion, race, culture, or anything than you, even if you disagree with them on many things, even if they are cruel, you still owe them respect and kindness. Remember, we are all human.

Black, White, Asian, etc.

Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered, etc.

Elderly, young, middle aged, immortal etc.

Kind, unkind, strict, crazy, diseased, healthy, wild, careless, cruel, disrespectful, narrow-minded, broad minded, axe murderer, pacifist etc.

Atheist, Christian, Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Muslim, Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Pagan, Wiccan, Protestant, Presbyterian, Hindu, etc. Regardless what they believe in, all humans deserve love, respect, and kindness. Everyone. No exceptions. Let everyone be who they are, believe what they wish and love them for themselves. Show EVERYONE kindness, because in the end, humans struggle with that. It's time to let go of prejudice and just show respect. :)
 Dec 2014 lotus lord
Kate Irons
I miss you.

These words would be the last breath that I allowed my empty soul to take in.
They tell me I'm crazy but I think that's a bit of an overstatment I mean it's not my fault there isn't enough air in this room to breathe.
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