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 May 2016 Wanderer
Chris Thomas
Sanguine and butterscotch
Wildflower and sanctuary
Beyond the iris there is a tempest
Subtle, but, in no way ordinary

Starshot and malignant
Orphan and kaleidoscope
Nimbus clouds blanket hazel skies
Fingernails catch on slippery slopes

Luminous and forthright
Emerald and venerable
Tiptoeing through the shards of life
She is shadow, but, never invisible
 May 2016 Wanderer
Daniel Ospina
Some take cover from the rain,
But I know better.
I let it cleanse my
Grime-encrusted skin,
Layers upon layers of sin.  
I’ve tried to occult my faults,
But the rain knows better,
For it penetrates my guise with
Surprising ease, disarming me.
Bare skin exposed and I quiver
As eyes examine every sliver
Of who I am.
Soaked body with nature’s balm
Glistens when a ray of sunlight
Splits the gray clouds, as if
Assuring me redemption.
Some retreat when gray clouds approach,
But I know better.
My character, tempest-tossed,
Scintillates when the sun comes out.
 May 2016 Wanderer
Daniel Ospina
Seldom am I struck with terror, as the
Day I sojourned at the Village of Care.
Welcome, they said, we are defenders
Of truth. Here all evil must beware.
You look famished. Come join us  
For our monthly community feast,
A time of fellowship and celebration,
A time for a blessing from the High Priest.
I took my seat at one of their long tables
And was instructed to bow my head
As the High Priest blessed the food
And to my horror slit his wrist and bled  
On a silver cup passed for everyone to sip.
I refused of course when the cup came to me.
Excuse me sir, but this is a hallowed tradition,
To descent is an offense of high degree.
Now, now said the village chief, he is our guest.
Slaves, send out the newborn brain, let us eat!
I winced when I saw the platters of gray mush
Brought in by branded men, scarred and beat.
I turned to the woman beside me and asked how
Are there still slaves and absurd rituals like these.
She pretended to ignore me and looked the other
Way, but her eyes screamed… just obey… please.
The High Priest heard me and sternly declared,
Women are forbidden to speak among us men.
All that you see is in the Book of Care.
Doctrine from the most High is law, my friend.
With that the villagers ravaged on newborn brain,
Desperately consuming what they lack.
I took a bite of the gray mush and swallowed,
Yet my stomach revolted and sent the mush back.
Regurgitated brain plopped on my plate,
Heads turned and silence with full force invaded.
What sacrilege is this? exclaimed the High Priest,
It seems that this man’s soul is rot and degraded.
Utter disgust plastered on everyone’s faces.
Some men stood up and took hold of my body.
They marched to the village gates and hurled
Me out and spat on me for being ungodly.
And to this day the thought I cannot bear
That there exists the horror that is the Village of Care.
 May 2016 Wanderer
 May 2016 Wanderer
Cast a line into the sea to fish for best intentions, yet caught a snag adjusting drag in a perceived divine intervention.  

To the singularity as we strive to meet the source, infinite prosperity as we ride the ripples of atomic force.

You cannot catch a moment if you never caught the wave, how can you exist in unison if you genetically forgot the way.

Dip into the chasm where inertia lost its motion, gliding on the gravity of a million raw emotions.
 May 2016 Wanderer
2 years
 May 2016 Wanderer
These words have bled through my mind for two years
I love you I love you I love you
The constant thumping rhythmic sounds of your heart beat
Filling the jagged corners between you and me
We became two in one
A Formation of unconditional
There will be no boundaries between today and tomorrow
Lets create our eternity
Fill it will elation
Become everything we were meant to be... like whole
From present to future
We will live without restriction
For this love we share
Is without limits
Been long time since I have written anything here, feels delightful to be back
 May 2016 Wanderer
The Ripper
We yield for funeral processions;
not for the living,
skulls and bones;
sells just as much as *** these days.
Our shiny teeth;
buried in the fruit to our gums,
vve glorify this dovvnfall:
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