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Feb 2015 · 370
Brittney Feb 2015
when my lungs fill with air
i am satisfied
but with you
i can never catch my breath
Jan 2015 · 311
Writer's Block
Brittney Jan 2015
Staring at a blank space
I start to feel my muscles tense
minutes go by
still, there is nothing written
My knuckles crack
my eyes roll
fingers curl under my paper
anger towards my empty thoughts
towards my hollow mind
tightened muscles
quickened breath
stretched legs
I fumble and twirl my hair
curl it around my fingers
pull it up to a high pony tail
no, a low pony tail
forget it, just leave it down
I let procrastination win me over
the blank space has filled with nothing more
than marks from an eraser
My pencil kisses the paper
embraces it
but pulls away
as if to tease it
Everything is a distraction
The clock laughs as it ticks by slowly
it is making seconds
an extra minute longer
My mind is blocked
writer's block
I can't break through
I have many thoughts
but none appear on the paper
I look at my pencil
stare and beg for it to work
do its job
I have writer's block

Jan 2015 · 717
Demons In My Head
Brittney Jan 2015
We say our demons are bad
We are told not to side with them
The rules are in place
To keep us from straying away
These demons that sit on my shoulder
That wander in my head
Tell me to go the other way
Say to take a walk down the other road
Make me question
Make me rebel
I feel a fiery pit in my stomach
as I look down the road
All the others are there
But should I stay here?
I am not to side with the demon on my shoulder
For it will do me no good
Except I can't help but feel a sense of wonder
A curiosity that pulls me the other way
An overwhelming of desire
Making me crumble onto the other side
You say not to listen to the demon in my head
But it has a way of drawing me in
With a crisp language that will never fail to entice me


— The End —