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 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
Absence of real things
Makes all dust float more freely
Extract of abstract.
Haiku, I choose you!
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
Haiku 14
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
The beauty of eyes
When examined too closely
Is a disaster
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
Haiku 26
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
Falling into love
Like being tenderly punched
Does not make much sense
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
My love for you is
Just like hypomania
Pure, sleepless, happy
"do you believe in God?"
I asked her.
"No. I am not religious."

"I believe in the universe."
I said.

"I believe
in believing."
she replied.

and when she
said this she
looked up to
the sky

but we were inside-
so this would be
the ceiling..

..and waved her
arms about
so beautifully
like a thousand
pieces of fluttering
paper in the air.

"whatever makes you
look up."
"I guess."
"or believe- in your case."
I managed to utter back.

"you have to believe."
she said to me.
"whether it's God, or the universe,
or yourself; believe in something."

"what if you believe
in nothing?"
I asked.

"well that's simple."
"nothing is still

"so that's something
to believe in."
If I could,
I would write
the greatest love poem
of all time

then crumple it up,
crush the crisp paper

       b  u  r  n

watch the fire consume
and swallow it

then let the wind
pick up the new

in hopes they
will deliver
my message
what does love
feel like?

-like swimming with
eyes open.

visions a blur
but he's right
there, in the

clarity of my
treacherous waters
the pressure on my lungs//
steals my breath// away//

so I come up for air
inhale// exhale
and he's still there

still treading similar
waves// saves me the
trouble of worrying
and wondering if

I'll be out in this ocean forever,
****** in by
the riptides
of emotion

but he's still there
wading in the
fluidity of this abyss,
with me.

the currents pull
and part the seas
so much motion

yet he is there// too//
swimming with eyes
However it begins, start off quiet
Then; it's gonna get louder
And louder.

This is how you write with power.

mix drinks, mix soul with attitude//
with empowerment
wrap it up in rhyme or rhyme it up
in rap
until it all becomes, sounds, and lives to be true.

Create persona's; flashy personalities
Political philosophies
like as if communism were the opposite of

Stop at some point in the poem-
Stop while they're jivin and movin to your words.
herd the unheard
jack lines. jack verbs.

This will give your poem
hesitation, a sense of urgency
and pause

Then of course a poem with power
contains anger

I have seen the disintegration
of dilapidated streets

an educationally starved
third world nation

and make sure to speak with mastery of articulation
see, it's even spelt out in the constellations

making // placing sound waves upon deaf ears

Now, all you have to do
is lower your voice,
open your head
and say listen-

"This is the sound of the world changing,"

I said.
A government of rules.
Religion in private schools.
A society with a few fools.
Morals & opinions are your tools.
Values & decisions prioritize with prestigion.
Hypocrites & contradiction.
Rage & confliction.
A manifested construction.
A massive destruction.
Measure your logic.
I don't follow the politics.
Translate & cultivate.
Don't waste & wait.
What is really at stake?
Resources we make.
Solve the equation.
Protect the nation.
Understand what you see.
Recite the recipe.
Prevent devastation.

Author Notes :

How people should matter when world's shatter.

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