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Blu3moth Jul 2015
Why am I hated?
I am here in my crowd
Their faces turn when I make a sound
I speak and wave but now I see
They want nothing to do with me
They cry I rush to their comfort
I cry they don't make an effort
I haven't seen so much neglect so far in this time
Why is being me such a crime?

Why am I hated?
I haven't done no wrong
Is it the way I talk?
I haven't had a friend in so long
My mind just like a rock
Trusting nobody in my solo flock
Gonna run and hide until someone decides
I can see the loneliness in your eyes

Why am I hated?
I am just like you
Just a little bit different
Blu3moth Apr 2015
You're just a picture
Whenever I close my eyes I see your ugly face

When I hear our, now my, song
I hear your ghastly voice

I look through my notebook
Just to see what ugly sketches for you I drew

I watch a cover of a song
Remembering the ugly sound you make when my cover made you laugh

I never want to see you again
Missing you will be a sin

I still hate you
Forget about me

I'm done putting this act
What I mean is...
Blu3moth Apr 2015
Hello my "friend"
I see you have been molded out
By the needs of our modern society
You are a copy of what you see
As original
As normal
As smart
As plastic
Out of the two of us
I say you're the freak
You no longer have a mind
Of your own
Your once beautiful mind
Now belongs to the person whom
Had known the most popular girl at the time
Since when was it cool to not think for yourself?
You will ruin your future
For what?
A few hundred likes?
A few highs?
A few drinks?
What happened to the people I grew up with?
Are we so rare that we are labeled as hostile?
Now you may think going against the mainstream is mainstream
It may be
It may not
But it is the correct stream
You are the plastic that pollutes our rivers, oceans, and lakes
You are the type of people that ask what's wrong with society
Look in the mirror
Don't follow someone who you think is superior to you
Listen to yourself for once
Listen to the people you don't want to listen to
Maybe you'll learn something from them
You fill your plastic bottle with bias opinions
From others bottles
Empty it out
Dip your bottle into a fresh water river
And see just how much greater it is
Blu3moth Apr 2015
My mind is constantly
Tearing itself apart
Comforts that make me happy
Seem so far

The nightmare of having
Nobody caring for you
Or having the pleasure of dancing
With someone hurts all through

She was the catalyst
Starting disruptions in my mind
Taking away my bliss
Making the world unkind

No one can see my pain
I cover it with a fake smile
Laughing to seem sane
I can't go on many more miles

Someone save me
Help me recover
I want to be happy
Someone be my savior
Blu3moth Apr 2015
I remember when you told me you weren't going to live
Pass fourteen

I remember us laughing like it was nothing and I said
"You'll be fine, man"

I remember you letting use your longboard
Then ending up on the floor

The doctors were wrong
You almost turned seventeen
Before you became dirt and memories

I may sound sour
But tough love is all I have to offer

You've done all you can
Now rest up, man
For one of the best friends I ever had
Blu3moth Apr 2015
Even though I stand beside them

My friends do not acknowledge me

Do not listen to me

Do not help me

I have done nothing but good and they still treat me hostile

I have known them for decades and they still treat me like a stranger

They will not see me

Only when I am dead and gone

Will they notice I was there all along
Blu3moth Mar 2015
One day we will look at the same sun
The same cloud

One night we will look at the same moon
The same star

And when we do
We'll think of each other
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