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279 · May 2015
A Night In Paris
Sabrina May 2015
I've had some of my clearest thoughts
out upon that balcony
I found the answers which I sought
I was happy, I was free
I remember lying there
without a worry on my mind
into the starry night I'd stare
and slowly let my thoughts unwind
the stars would shine
and so would the city
that moment was mine
it was so pretty.
Reminiscing of my previous summer in France
278 · Dec 2015
The Life of a Writer
Sabrina Dec 2015
Oh how much I yearn to write
my struggle must be such a site
I sit and wait while time goes by
but my words are just too shy
I guess I just need some time
in order to find the perfect rhyme
We all go through periods of strife
but that's okay; it' just part of life
We lose hope and we get sad
but that shouldn't prevent us from being glad
I found my words and I pulled through
I knew I could do it and you can too.
277 · Aug 2016
Sabrina Aug 2016
From all the oceans
and all the moons
and all the stars

When I'm floating
when I'm drowning

When I'm breathing
when I'm suffocating

A small part of me
has always loved you
And you've
been there
the whole
Why am
I just noticing?
276 · Apr 2017
Sabrina Apr 2017
The thoughts of your lips on
Stir some feelings deep in my head
I can't  wait, I'm losing my
I need to take you to

Come on baby, hurry let's
I need you to be here with
I'll get on top and I'll go real
And in that moment we can simply be.
275 · Dec 2016
Tidal Waves
Sabrina Dec 2016
Love hits you hard and it hits you fast.

Love is a hurricane that leaves no survivors.
274 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
Caring kills
just sayin
268 · Jul 2016
1 AM Thought
Sabrina Jul 2016
the truth cannot save you
267 · Aug 2015
Drowning in a Sea of Love
Sabrina Aug 2015
We were swimming in an ocean of love
You made me feel so weightless
but then I got caught in the current
You did nothing; you just watched me struggle
That's when I realized the current had no effect
and that you had been the one drowning me
from the beginning.
266 · Jul 2016
Distraction Prelude
Sabrina Jul 2016
I'm so tired
of thinking of you
don't get me wrong
I love you
but being so far
constant thoughts of you
make my head hurt
I'm in need
of a distraction
someone new
to occupy  my mind
In search
Spoiler alert: I found my distraction.
259 · Dec 2015
Sabrina Dec 2015
You broke my heart
You cheated on me
Now you've lost me
I am free.
257 · Sep 2015
To Purple:
Sabrina Sep 2015
things didn't work out like I thought they would
if you had tried harder, maybe they could
but for once in this world, it wasn't on me
you could have had me but you didn't see
how special I am and how I could love
every little thing about you and place you above
all the things that I imagined and deserve
but it's your loss, now my heart's on reserve
for the special guy who makes me smile
unlike someone like you who wouldn't go the extra mile
I'm really sorry that you  missed out
I hope this was worth all your doubt.
*Update: I liked a guy. I thought he liked me. Oops. I was wrong. ***** for him.
255 · May 2015
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall
Sabrina May 2015
Dear Reflection,

Why must you taunt me?
I'm tired of seeing who I am.
For once, just this once, will you
show me who I want to be?
253 · May 2015
A Poem About Nature
Sabrina May 2015
The trees sway left and right
it is such a beautiful sight
I lie in the grass and chill out
I look at the flowers that start to sprout
I allow my mind to roam free
as I watch a little buzzing bee
It is such a beautiful day
I am so joyous that here I lay
Come outside and stay with me
It is fun! there is no need to flee.
An okay poem.
252 · Mar 2017
Sabrina Mar 2017
Don't be ashamed
to put yourself first
Rule #3 in my list of
elements for a happy life
That's what you did
I guess I should do the same.
250 · Jun 2018
Sabrina Jun 2018
La vida
es un acto
de viajar
de aquí
para allá.
249 · Jun 2015
Sabrina Jun 2015
You're a memory from my past
trying to invade my future
246 · May 2015
never alone
Sabrina May 2015
I'll never be alone
I have so many apps on my phone
245 · Jun 2015
Our Piece of Infinity
Sabrina Jun 2015
I may be living in this world

but my mind is a galaxy away
245 · Dec 2015
He Came Around
Sabrina Dec 2015
I fell for you
a long time ago
I wasn't thinking
what did I know
you were the new guy
the hottest one here
so I would talk to you
and push aside my fear
it didn't work out
but that's okay
maybe you'd notice me
some other day
and after much waiting
that day has come
it is me
to whom you have run.
245 · May 2015
You + Me = disaster
Sabrina May 2015
Never get too attached
to something that isn't

-I found this on tumblr
245 · Apr 2015
Sabrina Apr 2015
My heart breaks
when I see you
look at her
245 · Jun 2017
In Flames
Sabrina Jun 2017
I forget how it feels to lose control
between the burning house and the burning soul.
243 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
Here are some ideas for poems.

1. Write a poem about ideas for poems.
243 · Mar 2017
Just Breathe
Sabrina Mar 2017
It's scary to know
I've met you, the love of my life,
the best of the best
I had you and I lost you
and now you're out there
at arm's length for anyone
to grab and take away forever.
Were you really the
best of the best if
you hurt me so
243 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
I want you so bad it hurts
240 · May 2015
Dreaming Always
Sabrina May 2015
I smile so much
when I think
of waking up
beside you

                          then I get so angry
                          because I know
                          it will never
In one of those moods.
239 · Aug 2015
Sabrina Aug 2015
Isn't it funny how a word or two
could make me fall in love with you
You're all I ever think about
I am no longer filled with doubt
I think you are the one for me
I hope this is meant to be
I hope this lasts for quite a while
I couldn't go without your smile.
throwback to when we
named our crushes
inanimate objects
and adjectives.
239 · Jun 2017
The Perpetual Race
Sabrina Jun 2017
There a warmth that radiates within
every time my eyes see him
his inviting eyes and beautiful smile
makes me think I'll stay a while
I'm so used to being on the run
from all those who think I'm the one
Trust me, I'm not; I'm just passing some time
You should see me as a mountain not worthy to climb
I'll get out, go, and find someone like me
this is my dream, my eternal plea
But what if I get there and I waited too long
and it turns out all this time I've been wrong
Just start where you are and use what you've got
maybe then you'll see some change in thought
You're not the prize won at the end
by some long term, faithful friend
You're just a girl who's always running away
afraid of what you might find if you decide to stay
Step back, observe, and look at what you've become
an illusion to most, and a hero to none.
239 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
236 · Nov 2018
Prod. Erik$
Sabrina Nov 2018
but love is passion
something you can't live without
I say,
fall head over heels
find someone you can love like crazy
and who will love you the same way back.
236 · Apr 2015
Sabrina Apr 2015
I hate how I hate you
235 · May 2015
Goodnight Moon
Sabrina May 2015
You are there when I need you most
Even when things are in your way, I know you are there
You are the light that guides me when I'm lost
You are the one who is there for my final thoughts
Thank you, moon.
The moon is my best friend.
235 · Jul 2016
Sabrina Jul 2016
I always tear up
when you come
across my mind

Because nothing makes me
nothing makes me
than you.
235 · Apr 2017
The Lingering
Sabrina Apr 2017
Walking towards the flame
to become forever changed
woven into this world
I can be free.
233 · May 2015
Tidal Wave
Sabrina May 2015
There is nothing
  that is more beautiful
    than the relationship
       of the ocean and the shore

                          the ocean will never stop
                            kissing the shore
                              no matter how many
                                 times it is sent away

                                                                       You were the shore
                                                                         and I was the ocean.
233 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
I just want someone to
come and tell me
I'm not invisible
232 · Sep 2015
Sabrina Sep 2015
I wrote you poetry
that you didn't deserve.
227 · Aug 2015
Sabrina Aug 2015
How do we know if a poem is untitled or if its title is "untitled" ?
226 · Apr 2015
Writer's Block
Sabrina Apr 2015
Writer's block is a lot like life

You get frustrated and it gets hard

But in the end, things just seem to work out
226 · May 2015
My Little Rose
Sabrina May 2015
Poetry is like a rose
Such elegance can it pose
You can read it any time
And it doesn't even have to rhyme
Poetry is like a rose
224 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
Sabrina May 2018
Rise from the ashes.
221 · Mar 2017
Sabrina Mar 2017
Maybe this time
we can take it slow
learn to love
and just let go

Maybe this time
we will have a chance
grab some coffee
or have a dance

Maybe this time
we can do it right
make it work
and not lose sight

Maybe this time
you will learn to love me back.
221 · Nov 2018
drops of gold
Sabrina Nov 2018
cry, they told me
it is okay to cry
but I did not
listen to their lies

for I will not
waste my time
on those who
wasted mine

my heart is precious
and my tears are rare
only when it is true
are my tears to share
do not waste your drops of gold
219 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
219 · May 2015
Your Voice
Sabrina May 2015
Have you ever yearned for something or someone so fervently
that is physically pained you?
218 · Mar 2017
The Task
Sabrina Mar 2017
My heart feels constricted
and what I once found joy in
I find no longer
I need to spend some time apart
from people and start becoming
someone I can depend on.
215 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
Sabrina May 2018
Keep your circle small.
214 · May 2015
The Number 7
Sabrina May 2015
What does the number 7 stand for in life?

7 chances?
7 missed calls?
7 slow songs?
7 heartbreaks?
7 tears?
7 forgotten memories?
7 words never said?
My friends say I like the number 7.
213 · Apr 2015
I'm not in love
Sabrina Apr 2015
I loved you
and you loved me
it wasn't perfect
but that was the key
little exerpt from one of the songs I wrote
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