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208 · Nov 2018
reminiscing again
Sabrina Nov 2018
I think of all the things
we could have done with our time
and all the days and months
when I was yours and you were mine.
207 · Apr 2015
See what I did there
Sabrina Apr 2015
The best poems
are the shortest ones
205 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
Please don't leave
They all left
I don't want to be alone again
205 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
I have the tendency to love things that will only hurt me.
my bad. srry.
199 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
199 · May 2015
I Wonder
Sabrina May 2015
I can only hope
there is a parallel universe
where it is you
who is irrevocably
in love with me
and not the other
way around
187 · May 2015
Thinking Again
Sabrina May 2015
You can't break what's already b
186 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
It is what I left behind
that breaks me
all the images of what
we could have built
had the love remained.
186 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
I wonder how dangerously
my thoughts would roam
If I didn’t tie them down
to a piece of paper.
Sabrina May 2018
Feelings don’t die easily
because we keep feeding them
with memories.
174 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
173 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
Loneliness is a sign
you are in desperate
need of yourself.
173 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
Sabrina May 2018
Love isn't always enough.
172 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
You were once the love
who energized me
but like a dying battery
you began to drain me
and I had to let go.
It sure as hell doesn’t feel so right anymore
169 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
167 · May 2018
Embracing Dark Realities
Sabrina May 2018
Night is such a dangerous time
Darkness is when the truth emerges
No longer distracted by the superficial joys
that grace us during the daylight hours
We are forced to face our demons and
delve into self reflection
Night is when I miss you most
Surrendering to the loneliness and
realization of my mistakes
Night is such a dangerous time.
166 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
Sabrina May 2018
Moral compass, error 404.
162 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
157 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
Everything I touch
has a subtle taste of you
within it.
How I miss him so
144 · May 2018
Sabrina May 2018
I need him
to see my worth
why is that
so hard?
135 · May 2018
Get it and Go
Sabrina May 2018
“Yeah I’m very sorry,” he said
after he spread my legs and ****** me.

— The End —